Community > Posts By > sahil_231090

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 03/12/10 05:10 AM
ok then replace 'Bill' by 'evian' happy laugh

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 03/12/10 04:55 AM
thanks you both :D

sahil_231090's photo
Thu 03/11/10 08:41 PM
Edited by sahil_231090 on Thu 03/11/10 08:42 PM
I want my brain to be cryogenically frozen and kept till it can be connected to a cybernetic robot that i will use to live forever.....happy

sahil_231090's photo
Thu 03/11/10 08:37 PM
In this cosmological space
filled with despair and hate
comes the rise of the demon
who shall dominate this place

he shall need no weapons
he shall need no troops
the beast will be uncaged
and his fury will be loose

no one can face the evil one
you can try to hide or even run
it a futile attempt
he has already won !!

the grounds shall crack
the oceans burn
life was nice
now it's death's turn

we were all warned
with stories told
we said it was myth
felling proud and bold

half of the world
has seen the wrath
the other half
awaits the psychopath

and as we nearly lose hope
someone else appears
with even greater might
which eases the fears

as the two mammoths meet
face to face
a great battle appears
that's about to take place

however the darkest thoughts
turned out to be true
they both were brother's
untied as glue

they joined hands
and with greater pace
the last of the world
spoke there final grace

now there was hardly a place
that was left unstuck
suddenly came another
What the f***

as the darkness crept
and the sun seemed to flee
the demons came
all of the three

as they all came close
my fear escalates
just before i die
a violent i try

my final attempt
got me of my bed
as i realized
it was all in my head

sahil_231090's photo
Thu 03/11/10 08:32 PM
John gets a call from his Antartian friend, Bill.
"I've got a problem," says Bill.
"What's the matter?" asks John.
"Well, I've bought this jigsaw puzzle, but it's just too hard. None of
the pieces fit together and I can't find any edges."
"What's the picture of?" asks John.
"It's a picture of a big Rooster," replies Bill.
"All right," says John, " I'll come over and have a look."
He goes over to Bill's house. Bill leads John into his kitchen and
shows him the jigsaw puzzle on the kitchen table. John looks at the jigsaw,
frowns, then turns to Bill and says, "For Pete's sake, Bill, put the Cornflakes back in the Box!"

sahil_231090's photo
Thu 03/11/10 08:03 PM choice !! not by chance !! happy

sahil_231090's photo
Tue 03/02/10 04:54 AM

sahil_231090's photo
Mon 03/01/10 04:35 AM
I try to the limit !! 8 days a week

even when i lie on the bed, i just can't sleep

all this thought of being 2nd has made me quite weak

and i can't do nothing except grind my teeth

my stamina is running out, its falling quite steep

and the road is getting longer i don't know how much i can keep

this is the situation where fear starts to creep

the chances not looking good, things are quite bleak

as i try harder i keep getting further from the peak

but i will never give up, just dig down deep

into my soul where my hope starts to seep

always go out trying, never sit down and weep

difficulties are life's way of showing that it's not meek

so just go out there and give it while humming these words in a beat

please be easy on me.. it's my first attempt !!

sahil_231090's photo
Mon 02/22/10 05:52 PM
68 views and just 1 reply ??

sahil_231090's photo
Mon 02/22/10 03:53 AM
i got about 9 pics uploaded !! which one should i keep as the main one, as first impressions are quite important.

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 02/19/10 07:19 PM
Tiger earns a lot but spends a lot also !!

my view is that this was all economical..

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 02/19/10 06:11 PM
Hey everyone I know that this thread might not be 'correct' according to you all and i have no right whatsoever to tell you all what to do

but come on please be a bit less harsh on her after all she is also putting forward her point of view only.

This naturally doesn't apply to everyone and it's just a request flowerforyou

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 02/19/10 10:50 AM

is it "19 year olds from India giving relationship advice month"?

giving ??? i'm not telling anyone what to do in fact I'm asking for help
what what what
i was kidding dude because of the 19 yo woman that keeps giving advicedrinker

yeah i saw that, it's funny because she appears quite confident in what she has to say despite everyone disagreeing with her.

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 02/19/10 10:46 AM

is it "19 year olds from India giving relationship advice month"?

giving ??? i'm not telling anyone what to do in fact I'm asking for help
what what what

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:42 AM
Why india ??? i've been to over 25+ countries and never once did i want to come back !! it's not that i really hate this place but definitely not a place worth spending your hard earned money.

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:13 AM

ha ha beware politics and religion laugh

Definitely. Also avoid Star Wars or Star Trek and computer game characters.

Those topics has been proven a long time ago to be the definite way to turn off 99.9% of the women.

Only foolish women. LOL! Star Wars and Star Trek rock, IMO! :banana: I might personally give you the computer game characters, since I really don't play (but the HALO soundtracks sound great!)

Politics and religion if open-minded. It's a good way to find out if there's enough to hold your interest for a serious relationship.

wish more girls were like you ma'am

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:12 AM

Where are all the nice guys? I only seem to attract men that want my money or my boobs?

Nice guys please apply here.

Go to ebay and search "guys" then on the right hand side click on nice only...flowerforyou

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:10 AM
I think it's ok to be diplomatic for example she's a republican and i'm a democrat so if she says " all democrats are idiots" i would respond by saying "well it's a person's own point of view".

I have had to do this so many times over religion and all i can say is that if i were reckless in saying whatever came to my head, something or the other would come to my head at equal and opposite speed

To lie to seem 'cooler' or more 'likable' seems to work on idiot's only and lie's if interesting are usually interrogated to the core so no point making a whole network of lies for a date, if the opposite person doesn't ask questions then he/she isn't interested and the purpose of the lie would be pointless.

so finally my verdict is that lie'n might work if you make a perfect plan but it's just more easy to exaggerate.

My points according to me apply to all relationships not only the one i never had :wink:

sahil_231090's photo
Thu 02/18/10 07:52 PM
ohhh not Star Wars ............:cry: laugh

sahil_231090's photo
Thu 02/18/10 06:36 PM
Alright !! really getting some useful responses this time round.