Community > Posts By > Gator76

Gator76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:58 PM
An update...First of all, she was overwhelmed at the caring of others. So, a huge thank you to the wonderful Minglers who took the time to comment. Secondly, she is taking the appropriate legal actions...even as you read this. Finally...You made a difference, folks. God bless each and every one of you flowers

Gator76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:37 PM

Not from Iowa... but a friendly suggestion, you might attract more online attention without a picture of you with a women.
whts wrong with my sister

Ah, people don't know it's your sister..except for those relatively few here...right now! Good a different one...and mention in your profile it's your sister. No one wants someone carrying a torch for someone else...they might think its the ex or old girlfriend. Good'll do fine! :wink:

Gator76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:33 PM
Willie the Shake said it in 1588 in Love's Labours Lost"

Good Lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean,
Needs not the painted flourish of your praise:
Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye,
Not utter'd by base sale of chapmen's tongues

It's old English...but still, translated loosely: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Gator76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:10 PM

transvestite Elvis picks me up in a pink Caddy and we cruise the boulevard picking up more transvestite Elvis's until the car is full of flaming gold lame and sideburns

I always wake up right before we get to Graceland

Similar thing...only it's Roy Orbison...and a car full of Roy Orbison look-alikes, Julia Roberts and Richard Gere. I always wake up just as we're pulling onto Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills!

Gator76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 03:33 PM
Hey, it's like anything else...know your marketplace. Maybe you're just looking at the wrong girls, dude.
You don't expect a penguins to sound like a canary, do you? Why think a "bad boy" girl is going to like Mr. Nice Guy? Nothing right or wrong with "bad boy" girls or "nice guy" girls. Not a problem...hang out with a different demographic and you'll likely have more dates..more fun. Good luck! :wink:

Gator76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:22 AM

CAN someone love a stranger? i mean, don't you have to know them in order TO love them?

Love when someone saves me words.happy

Gator76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:18 AM
Thanks, everyone, for advice that makes infinite sense...and is consistent with what I have said to her. I met this woman a year a half of 200 women I interviewed for the book on separation, divorce and property settlement. While not about abuse, per se, nearly 40% mentioned abuse in their marriages and relationships. I will share these thoughts were her today. Again, thanks so very much. She has the strength...and let's hope and pray she has the take this critical step in her life and her children's lives. To each and every one of flowers flowers flowers flowers

Gator76's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:09 AM
GET WELL SOON! Take two bananas and call me in the morning. No, I'm not a doctor...but I once played one in a movie.:smile:

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 09:24 PM
You need something to hold on to, don't you?laugh

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 09:00 PM
I know this woman who is divorcing her husband. She has three kids...6, 9 and 11. He’s a loser. Can’t hold a job. Hot head. Abuser...physically and mentally. She’s separated. But he’s always around. Doesn’t contribute anything in the way of money for her or kids. She works and is a good mother. She called the police on him last night. He showed up at her house...demanded to be fed. She asked him to leave after he berated the kids. He apparently threw garbage all over the kitchen...choked her, and pushed her down, twice. His dog, a pit bull, got excited and bite her on the leg. He left his vehicle and went away on foot. She took her kids and went next door...another young woman who recently divorced is letting her stay there for safety. She has contacted an attorney today. And filed a report with the police. She has integrity, character...independent. But she is stubborn. A Brooklyn gal...and I’m afraid she is at risk from this guy. He has a long history of this kind of behavior...and this is the first time she has called the police. I’ve come to know men like him through my writing...he’s dangerous...and I’m afraid - even though she called the police this time - that she will try to handle this guy on her own. I’m trying to convince her that seeking help isn’t a weakness. Anyone feel free to comment here...I’ll print them and give them to her as something to consider. Thanks.

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 08:33 PM

guys that can't find their shirts

I know can you help me look for it? tongue2 slaphead

OK, Jill....laugh

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 08:22 PM
noway Mustache noway

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 08:16 PM

OMG you're dating my ex!scared best of luck to you

OK, that's twice you've made me laugh this week!!laugh One more and you can join my team!
laugh I'm not kidding! she described him to a T

awww sorry you had to go through this too..It's almost like he got ticked off somewhere in the middle of texting me and just stopped..I don't like all the texting and I tried to call but he ignored me..I can understand if he doesn't feel like talking cause he just got off from work, but he could at least texted me back and said okay well talk tomorrow or something
lol what's his name? I swear it's him. It was brutal. Still taking it's toll.

Well, still like your wit...but sorry you or anyone plagued by such a boorish, classless guy. flowers

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 08:11 PM

flowerforyou Ive taking the advice from people on here to heart. I have met a guy who is really sweet, and maybe he might be the one. Do you call it love if you've known them for 2 days or am I just being stupid?frustrated

You're walking in a mine field with snow shoes...careful. If he's the real thing...he'll be there.flowerforyou

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 08:05 PM

OMG you're dating my ex!scared best of luck to you

OK, that's twice you've made me laugh this week!!laugh One more and you can join my team!

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 08:04 PM
A lot of wisdom here...simplicity is an art form. happy

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 07:56 PM

I'm in a relationship and having a lot of trouble with communication with this man. He lives a couple hours from me so I only see him once a week..we talk by texting mainly. We may go a couple days without talking and then he will text me out of the blue..I have came to understand he wants space and give him plenty.We have been getting along pretty well up until tonight..he texts and says he is off 3 days and wants to see me at the beginning of the week. So I text back and say that would be great I am off too..what day would be good..he says I text back Mon or Tues would work for me..He never texts me back. After an hour i text and say where would be a good place to meet..he says nothing and I can see he is online on IM so I ask on there and he just logs off..I call an hour later and no answer..I mean I have seen that he is online so I know he is not asleep...At this point I am through trying to get an answer..
I feel like he is avoiding me and he was the one who ask me..

Now..I have no idea how to plan..and don't understand why he does this sometimes..I guess I should just wait and see if he calls me or texts..but what would make him not answer and act like this?

FYI I usually don't pursue when he gets this way but it involves making a plan and I would just like to know what is going on..

Your first sentence says it all...communications. If your man isn't good at it..I'm thinking you're going to have problems sooner than later. Change your plans..and your relationship! Good luck...sound like you deserve better!flowerforyou

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 07:42 PM
Watched my Gators play and win at football late this afternoon happy ... IM with a few friends...two here on Mingle that I really like...listening to music...finishing a glass of very good Pinot Noir! Life is good.

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 07:30 PM
Statistics are funny...For example, a finding that Wyoming is one of the "kinkiest" states.

But, there are only 67 people there right?laugh And a lot of sheep!

Gator76's photo
Sat 11/14/09 06:33 PM

When you are really into personal of a question is too personal?? If someone asked you to write a resume of your personal relationships (and you really liked this person) would you? Do you think a credit and or a background check is too far out of line? Have fun with this one everyone:smile:

Timing is everything...I'm going to get to know someone over time...and almost any thing can be discussed. As for me...not too demanding...don't need to hear every gory detail of your past. If you're comfortable...I'll listen. Not much I won't talk about. Don't make issues out of things that aren't so...not much troubles or vexes me (love that word) laugh

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