Topic: The Purpose of Religion is to save you from yourself | |
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Tue 01/27/09 09:36 PM
The purpose of Religion (was) at its time to save you from yourself!
of course for others to control the masses, but let us continue to work on the term "to save you from yourself." In each person there are vast potentialities which remain untapped because of being caught up in automatic and culturally imposed modes of behaviour. Religion, ideally, should provide a guide to unleashing our creative potentials and enable us to break free from 'consensus reality' belief systems. Unfortunately, religion has become one of the cultural impositions that is keeping people unconscious. Religion has not kept pace with the exponential³ scientific growth of the past 2 millennia. People today are literate, informed and educated and can no longer be controlled by holding up 'totems' (an object serving as the distinctive mark of the clan or group). We are unlike the people who lived during the times when contemporary religions were first established. How in the world can a religion proclaim that "God is love" and then hold up a graven image of 'the son of God' brutally impaled upon a cross (to prove it)? Followed then by 2000 years of silence while the West brought its own brand of hell to people and races throughout the world. History demonstrates that Christianity is surely not working in the way that they would like it to work. For the most part, 'missionaries' are the first wave of an invasion that will ultimately destroy a culture and introduce them to the concepts of guilt, shame, the Western 'real estate agent' and consumerism (salvation by consumption). Historically, immediately after (one generation) a people has been taught to 'turn the other cheek' somebody is showing up to take their ancestral lands. Christianity, over time, has been betrayed by Judas. 'Judas', according to the decoded 'star data', represents the mind that has been captivated by '$tuff'. Practically everyone in the West has become a full-time shopping bag-lady while everyone competes to get better 'widgets' to put into their bag... a seeming repeat of Moses descending from the mountain and finding the cult of the Golden Calf. Christianity has never found its enlightenment for it has been misinterpeted in what Jesus was actually trying to teach at the time. The first mistake was to crucify Jesus and have this image in every church across the nation. It is a psychological and metaphysical fact of life that if you continually show a child images of the crucified Christ, and present those images as 'important', then that child is likely to 'reproduce the subconscious message of those images and, over time, become metaphorically crucified in one's life, in one's marriage, in one's job and in the world, generally. In brief, you wind up with a crucified world that has gradually become dysfunctional. Why? Because of an utter mis-representation (misdirection) of the Synoptic gospels that are the heart and soul of the New Testament. For over 2000 years the Earth has been in labor trying to give birth to Christ, and failing miserably. The Christian cosmology, as presented to the faithful, is incomplete and sends you off in the wrong direction (outer rather than inner) and with incomplete information. So, are there 'secret teachings' that are not being shared with us? Well, yes... and an additional problem is that the teaching-focus of Christianity has been placed exclusively upon portions of the dogma that are unworkable without other 'key information' that is ignored. I have discovered a new way to see what Jesus may have studied with other knowledgeable men at the time. In one consideration philosophers often look into the stars and did calculations to get answers that make sense to create stories that would be worthy to tell 2000 years later. But what was he truly trying to teach besides being peaceful amongst your neighbors and don't do that what you don't want done to you. I think we have to seek deeper into astronomy perhaps. This may sound absurd, but I am sure that there lies alot of answers we seek and don't have answered. Here is what I gathered so far: Here are some of the keys that the star data revealed: The New Testament (Synoptic Gospels) is about the 'inner journey' and it presents, in symbol, many of the complications that one is likely to find within his or her own psyche as they go 'within' ("The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and within you" – Christ) to find and resurrect the indwelling Christ (divine spark). The spiritual teachings contained in the Synoptic gospels are a road map for navigating the inner landscape because true spiritual growth requires a renewal of your mind. . A dichotomy exists between Jesus / a representation of humanity and Christ / the divine spark. Jesus, according to the star data was 'the cross' (matter / physicality) upon which the indwelling Christ was crucified; as such, the New Testament's Jesus represents Everyman. Jesus 'glory' is in having transcended his human biological context (free of lower emotion/passions) and bringing forth the Christ, or the divine spark (regardless of nomenclature) that is at the root of all life. The word Ecstasy is derived from the Greek word ekstasis and meaning "standing outside oneself". As such, the goal of religion is to assist you (provide you with the necessary tools) in self-transcendence and the attainment of everlasting bliss that is the result of 'standing outside of yourself'. A 'key' is: The Christ that "died for your sins" is your indwelling Christ (divine spark). The uncomfortable result that is produced by this conundrum (ego masking the divine spark) is to put one into a temporal 'box' (space and time) in the underworld of inversion that is ruled by the fear of the eventual extinguishment of your life. This conundrum exists until action is taken to turn the inversion around. To make sense of all of this requires mentioning some additional information from the Seal of Solomon or Star of Bethlehem data. The decoded ancient symbolism suggests that: 1) The Christ is a spark of the creative intelligence that creates and evolves the universe. Without the recognition of the existence of an inner-divine-component, no genuine spiritual evolution is likely. 2) The spark of 'God' can be found within the deepest recesses of the human 'psychological base' and animating (giving life to) the temporal fiction of 'self'. 3) There is a body of 'natural law' that permeates the universe, however, rather than being about the equal and opposite reactions of physics the body of Natural Law is about equal and similar reactions (Justice, an immutable law.) that return to us as a result of our earlier actions or omissions. Our earlier actions can even be from times beyond the veil of recollection. (Reincarnation is the missing ingredient of the Christian cosmology. Some biblical commentary reveals that many thought that Jesus was the reincarnation of the earlier prophets)just like how Egyptians Pharoahs thought they could be reincarnated to continue their rule, just like the Tibetan Buddhism believes in the reincarnation of the enlightened one such as the Dalai Lama to reenter Earth to provide knowledge to those who seek it. 4) The crucifixion, as related in the Synoptic gospels, is an allegorical depiction of the spirit (spark of God) impaled upon matter (contained in a physical body and unpleasant circumstances for an indeterminate period of time) as a result of an expression of Natural Law. The 'Crown of Thorns' represents the mindset that can maintain such crucifixions until the mindset is replaced by something more 'God friendly'. 5) Christ, like Adam, is 'the original person', and to resurrect the 'original and eternal person' the 'sin of Adam' must be erased. The 'sin of Adam' (decoded) was incorporating the knowledge of evil into the otherwise all good cosmology of paradise. The story of Able and Cain is an allegorical depiction of the 'inner condition' of natural goodness becoming destroyed by the introduction of duality and the knowledge of evil. Good and evil are the two faces of God and the face that God shows to you is a mirror of the face that you have shown to God. If one want things to evolve they must get free of the knowledge of evil and restore (in the mind) the 'all good' cosmology of Eden. 6) The definition of evil is activity that produces a dilemma which eventually smothers your inner light. 7) The indwelling light inscribes your sins (errors) into your clay (your body and circumstances). As we embrace the 'all good' we start the process of healing. 8) The return path to wholeness is all about removing our contaminations Here we would have to study the ancient arts of alchemy as a history reference on what people believed in then to remove contanimation. 9) The 'holy war' that is to be waged is to go within and conquer the animal-based ego that has replaced God as the Supreme Being. 10) The 'two thieves' between whom the Christ was crucified (according to the ancient symbolism embedded into the astroarchaeological Star of Bethlehem ) are the mind and the heart that have become more infatuated with 'self' (ego as 'king' produces the Crown of Thorns) than with God. The mind and heart can, and often do, operate in duality. It is wise to get them flowing, simultaneously and in the 'right' direction because, in tandem, they wield significant creative power. Creative power that is magnified when the mind and heart are focused upon 'goodness' (God ness). Otherwise, the presence of a perpetually chattering 'voice' in your head will be a constant reminder that something, within your psyche, needs to be brought into balance. It chatters continuously about the most ridiculous things. It is only a significant sense of the sacred that will silence that inner dialogue and restore your peace. In the long run the best methods of learning compassion, ego, humility, inner peace would be to start with Buddhism and understand that the attempts of Jesus trying to bring a peaceful solution to live amongst each other was most amirable and brave at its time. |
But but..... I don't need saving, my life is great
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But but..... I don't need saving, my life is great ![]() ![]() In my eyes every single living thing has a ticket to heaven or is saved regardless of what idealogy one thinks. That is if there is a ticket to heaven. If not "oh well" it surely was fun living this life on the planet we call Earth. The possibilities are endless just like our imagination is a open book of ideas |
But but..... I don't need saving, my life is great ![]() ![]() In my eyes every single living thing has a ticket to heaven or is saved regardless of what idealogy one thinks. That is if there is a ticket to heaven. If not "oh well" it surely was fun living this life on the planet we call Earth. The possibilities are endless just like our imagination is a open book of ideas I hate to disappoint the religious of this world but we all go to the same place when we die no matter what religion we practice. I know it is a hard fact to digest but it is the truth. How do I know this you ask? We are all human, that is how I know. Same cloth, same place. Now do I believe that we should be good to one another, hell yea, but not for an eternity in heaven, because it makes our life here more of a positive experience for all including ourselves. |
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Tue 01/27/09 09:48 PM
It makes one wonder if the Bible is misinterpeted because astronomical terms where used to create stories that didn't coexist with the teachings it was intended.
It leads to think what would the actual bible look like if Jesus actually wrote it himself? Would it be half as big or bigger? Would it have similiar teachings that Buddhism teaches, but maybe in a different format that the opposing Jews of the torah can adapt to? In the long run such a book would have been very interesting to read and yes I know there are christians and catholics who will tell me that the Bible is the book that I am indicating. I am not convinced that this book would be approved if Jesus were to return back to Earth like so many claim. It is just an opinion of course. |
But but..... I don't need saving, my life is great ![]() ![]() In my eyes every single living thing has a ticket to heaven or is saved regardless of what idealogy one thinks. That is if there is a ticket to heaven. If not "oh well" it surely was fun living this life on the planet we call Earth. The possibilities are endless just like our imagination is a open book of ideas I hate to disappoint the religious of this world but we all go to the same place when we die no matter what religion we practice. I know it is a hard fact to digest but it is the truth. How do I know this you ask? We are all human, that is how I know. Same cloth, same place. Now do I believe that we should be good to one another, hell yea, but not for an eternity in heaven, because it makes our life here more of a positive experience for all including ourselves. I would like to see it this way also ![]() |
It makes one wonder if the Bible is misinterpeted because astronomical terms where used to create stories that didn't coexist with the teachings it was intended. It leads to think what would the actual bible look like if Jesus actually wrote it himself? Would it be half as big or bigger? Would it have similiar teachings that Buddhism teaches, but maybe in a different format that the opposing Jews of the torah can adapt to? In the long run such a book would have been very interesting to read and yes I know there are christians and catholics who will tell me that the Bible is the book that I am indicating. I am not convinced that this book would be approved if Jesus were to return back to Earth like so many claim. It is just an opinion of course. I agree from the point of the knowledge that is in the new testament of Jesus and his philosophies. But that is kind of a catch 22, if we did not know of him from the bible then how do we really know how he would write the bible if he could?? LOL |
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Tue 01/27/09 10:00 PM
It makes one wonder if the Bible is misinterpeted because astronomical terms where used to create stories that didn't coexist with the teachings it was intended. It leads to think what would the actual bible look like if Jesus actually wrote it himself? Would it be half as big or bigger? Would it have similiar teachings that Buddhism teaches, but maybe in a different format that the opposing Jews of the torah can adapt to? In the long run such a book would have been very interesting to read and yes I know there are christians and catholics who will tell me that the Bible is the book that I am indicating. I am not convinced that this book would be approved if Jesus were to return back to Earth like so many claim. It is just an opinion of course. I agree from the point of the knowledge that is in the new testament of Jesus and his philosophies. But that is kind of a catch 22, if we did not know of him from the bible then how do we really know how he would write the bible if he could?? LOL We don't know. It is all just assuming and speculations in the end. Some say he never existed and was made as a make believe story by a historian writer named Josephus Flavius. I mean I am just trying to figure out a different perspective of how we can interpet his existence and what perhaps his mind could have entailed at the time. If he was savy in astonomy, greek and egyptian religous studies, and even Buddhism to create a new movement at the time. Nothing is concrete of course. As a matter of fact I am just wasting time on this. I should just pop open a good book and read a great story from The Brother Grimms to fall asleep. ![]() |
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Tue 01/27/09 11:19 PM
Satan, every chance he gets....
tries to DISTORT The GOSPEL MESSAGE OF SALVATION .... THAT POINTS US TO A SAVIOUR.... JESUS CHRIST.... which is what CHRISTIANITY is All About.... BUT then people come along... and Blame GOD for what Satan does. (Which is EXACTLY what Satan wants)...... Until FINALLY .... One Day Peoples Eyes are OPENED... ![]() and They at Long Last See. Simple. Yet MOST Miss it. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 01/27/09 11:40 PM
It makes one wonder if the Bible is misinterpeted because astronomical terms where used to create stories that didn't coexist with the teachings it was intended. It leads to think what would the actual bible look like if Jesus actually wrote it himself? Would it be half as big or bigger? Would it have similiar teachings that Buddhism teaches, but maybe in a different format that the opposing Jews of the torah can adapt to? In the long run such a book would have been very interesting to read and yes I know there are christians and catholics who will tell me that the Bible is the book that I am indicating. I am not convinced that this book would be approved if Jesus were to return back to Earth like so many claim. It is just an opinion of course. I agree from the point of the knowledge that is in the new testament of Jesus and his philosophies. But that is kind of a catch 22, if we did not know of him from the bible then how do we really know how he would write the bible if he could?? LOL We don't know. It is all just assuming and speculations in the end. Some say he never existed and was made as a make believe story by a historian writer named Josephus Flavius. I mean I am just trying to figure out a different perspective of how we can interpet his existence and what perhaps his mind could have entailed at the time. If he was savy in astonomy, greek and egyptian religous studies, and even Buddhism to create a new movement at the time. Nothing is concrete of course. As a matter of fact I am just wasting time on this. I should just pop open a good book and read a great story from The Brother Grimms to fall asleep. ![]() I actually think that a man who may have been a spiritualist, philathropist and positive person probably did exist but I believe he was just a man and not of a virgin birth and not the son of god. I think a lot of exaggeration is involved in this story which happened a lot with folk tales of old. |
I find it odd that you claim
The purpose of Religion (was) at its time to save you from yourself! and then proceed to write ad infinitum about Christainity. Aren't there like - a few other religions? |
| is ok for Smiless to question..and ask... and even doubt.
God wants real folk...not robots. We have to Remember.... at one time we beleivers , did not understand or believe either. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 01/28/09 07:45 AM
| is ok for Smiless to question..and ask... and even doubt. God wants real folk...not robots. That is not what you said in another topic MorningSong: Question: "Why did Jesus have to die?"
Answer: When we ask a question such as this, we must be careful that we are not calling God into question. To wonder why God couldn’t find “another way” to do something is to imply that the way He has chosen is not the best course of action and that some other method would be better. Usually what we perceive as a “better” method is one that seems right to us. Before we can come to grips with anything God does, we have to first acknowledge that His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts—they are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8). If he didn't want robots then why would you say be careful that you are not calling god into question. You really must make up your mind or people will think your not really sure about what your saying, no? Your god wants exactly that, he wants to you believe in the biblical message, despite the fact that it's filled with contradictions.. So your suggesting it's ok for smiless to question, just make sure that after your done that you accept the initial version as true? You can't see anything a bit strange about that? |
Edited by
Thu 01/29/09 03:45 AM
| is ok for Smiless to question..and ask... and even doubt. God wants real folk...not robots. That is not what you said in another topic MorningSong: Question: "Why did Jesus have to die?"
Answer: When we ask a question such as this, we must be careful that we are not calling God into question. To wonder why God couldn’t find “another way” to do something is to imply that the way He has chosen is not the best course of action and that some other method would be better. Usually what we perceive as a “better” method is one that seems right to us. Before we can come to grips with anything God does, we have to first acknowledge that His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts—they are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8). If he didn't want robots then why would you say be careful that you are not calling god into question. You really must make up your mind or people will think your not really sure about what your saying, no? Your god wants exactly that, he wants to you believe in the biblical message, despite the fact that it's filled with contradictions.. So your suggesting it's ok for smiless to question, just make sure that after your done that you accept the initial version as true? You can't see anything a bit strange about that? Boo..I said is ok to question.... I did NOT say above, it is ok to QUESTION GOD. But if one wants to QUESTION GOD also...well...that's fine too.... one just won't GET ANYWHERE with God that way....... or get ANY answers for that matter, by just QUESTIONING GOD!!! WILL get answers by ASKING GOD QUESTIONS!! Big difference. But , I do see where the "wording of words", can become easily misunderstood. Also Boo.. God ONLY wants us to believe and recieve BY FAITH , the Lord Jesus ,as Our Personal Saviour... NO OTHER WAY. THEN.... AFTER we Believe on and Recieve Jesus into our hearts by Faith, is WHEN our eyes become OPENED ... and we NOW SEE!!! And we begin to Grow more and more in the Word of God now, we also FIND , that there are NO contradictions in God's Word whatsoever. God's Word becomes CLEAR. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
How in the world can a religion proclaim that "God is love" and then hold up a graven image of 'the son of God' brutally impaled upon a cross (to prove it)? The first mistake was to crucify Jesus and have this image in every church across the nation. It is a psychological and metaphysical fact of life that if you continually show a child images of the crucified Christ, and present those images as 'important', then that child is likely to 'reproduce the subconscious message of those images and, over time, become metaphorically crucified in one's life, in one's marriage, in one's job and in the world, generally. imagine if everytime a love one died you would reproduce their exact moment of death into a graven image and displayed it in your living room and constantly told your children that it's their fault that these people died may seem a tad bit Norman Bate-ish ...but it is acceptable Christian behavior |