Community > Posts By > KAY KAY

KAY KAY 's photo
Thu 01/31/08 10:27 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

KAY KAY 's photo
Wed 01/30/08 05:42 PM
drinker drinker

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:28 PM
There is always the choice to read or keep it movin'.......

What is up with people not liking to read!!!!!

Do I need to take it back to preschool and make everything with pictures????

Or did the joke hit home for a few people????'s the "jokes and funny STORIES" forum!!!!

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:21 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:20 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:28 PM
drinker drinker

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:23 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

I thought the one that said....."Got herpes? Date someone with herpes" and gives a addy for it!!!


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:18 PM
GO FOR IT!!!!!

And....GOOD LUCK!!!

flowerforyou drinker

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:14 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:09 PM

The Boondocks

Family Guy

American Dad

Japanese Anime

Afro Samurai

bigsmile bigsmile

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 04:58 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 04:32 PM
drinker drinker

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 04:24 PM
huh So.......Keep on browsin.........

noway yawn

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:54 PM
flowerforyou HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! flowerforyou

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:52 PM
Bob and his wife Laura are having marital problems and decide to see a sex therapist for help. The first thing the therapist says is, "Drop your pants. Let's have a look."
The couple does as they're told and therapist looks them up and down.
After a careful examination of them both he says, "OK. I can help get that spark back in your marriage. Here's what you do: On
your way home, stop at the grocery store and buy a bag of grapes and a box of donuts. When you get home, take off all of your clothes and sit on the floor across the room from each other and facing each other."
"Now, Bob, you take the grapes, roll them across the floor one by one and try to get one in your wife's vagina. When you get one in,
crawl along the floor to her and retrieve the grape with your tongue.
Laura, you take the donuts and play "ring-toss" with Bob. When you get one over his penis, crawl along the floor and slowly eat the donut. When you've done that, you'll have that spark you thought you'd lost."
Bob and Laura go home and try this therapy. To their surprise they have the best sex they've had in years!
The next day Bob's friend Tom confides in him that he and his wife are having marital problems. Immediately Bob speaks up and
says, "Tom, you have to go to this therapist. Guaranteed, he can help you!
He helped Laura and me."
So Tom takes his wife and goes to see the therapist. The first thing the therapist says is "Ok. Drop your pants. Let's have a look
at you both."
Tom and his wife do as they're told and the therapist looks them up and down. The therapist frowns and says "I'm sorry, but there's
nothing I can do for you."
"What?!" yells Tom. "But my friend said that you could help us, guaranteed! Isn't there anything you can do for us?"
"Well," says the therapist, "Ok. Here's what you do. On your way home, stop at the grocery store and pick up a bag of grapefruit
and a box of Cheerios..."

bigsmile bigsmile

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:28 PM
sick laugh laugh laugh

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:22 PM
laugh laugh laugh

KAY KAY 's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:17 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

KAY KAY 's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:38 PM
drinker drinker

KAY KAY 's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:16 PM
flowerforyou Welcome Newbies flowerforyou