Community > Posts By > Peter_Pan69
Cure for Cancer?
Annoyed by christians.
Jeremiah 31:33-34 New International Version (NIV) 33 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” |
Cure for Cancer?
Cure for Cancer?
You guys are pretty funny! At least someone gets me... |
Cure for Cancer?
Funny how you laughed at nutrition and then supported nutrition... No, I was laughing at Royal Rife, Hoxsey Therapy and Gerson Therapy. Quackery at it's finest. When either one of you devotes the time to perform "real science", then you're opinion might matter. Show your work, K??? *you're |
Cure for Cancer?
Funny how you laughed at nutrition and then supported nutrition... No, I was laughing at Royal Rife, Hoxsey Therapy and Gerson Therapy. Quackery at it's finest. When either one of you devotes the time to perform "real science", then you're opinion might matter. Show your work, K??? |
For moral turpitude... |
Edited by
Thu 05/10/12 12:09 PM
• And [the wicked] will go away into *eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. (Matthew 25:46 ESV)
Matthew 25:46 King James Version (KJV) 46 And these shall go away into *everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. *chastening eonian e·o·ni·an also ae·o·ni·an (-n-n) adj. Of, relating to, or constituting an eon. Hebrews 12:6 English Standard Version (ESV) 6 For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” Hebrews 12:6 King James Version (KJV) 6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Matthew 23:23 English Standard Version (ESV) 23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others. Pray for your enemies, have mercy on those who oppose you... When you no longer wish or pray for the wicked to suffer, you will understand the message. |
Proverbs 14:15 King James Version (KJV) 15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. |
Cure for Cancer?
Edited by
Thu 05/10/12 11:26 AM
Cancer is most likely caused by damaged DNA. A single cell that has had it's DNA damaged by a free radical or through some other event can't properly reproduce. Every time it tries to reproduce, it produces a flawed cell that quickly dies out. Eventually this "seed" cell produces a viable cell, which is cancer. Eliminating the cancer cells won't prevent the seed cell from producing more cancer cells in the future. Luckily, cancer has a weakness. Cancer cells can only live off of glucose for energy. Cancer cannot grow without enough glucose. So a low carb diet effectively starves the cancer cells, preventing them from growing. This is why anthropologists find no evidence of cancer before the advent of farming. Egyptians were riddled with cancer, but their ancestors were cancer free. It's the high carb, starchy diets that allow cancers to grow. Instead of worrying about finding a cure for cancer (which probably doesn't exist), just eat a low carb diet and starve the cancer into submission. Funny how you laughed at nutrition and then supported nutrition... |
Cure for Cancer?
I've heard it advertised lately that there's been new discoveries about cures for cancer that aren't being utilized because of the non-profitable nature of the cure. Any ideas on this and does anyone know anything about this issue? More importantly does anyone know what the cure is or might be? Volant touched on the subject of nutrition and toxins. If you look at world-wide statistics, then the proof of this being a primary cause of cancer should be evident. The Gerson Therapy and Hoxsey Therapy are nutritional and natural treatments that surfaced in the 20's and 30's. Royal Rife was an inventor in the early 1900's who developed a machine to bombard cells with RF. Recently there was a scientist who has discovered that a certain cannabanoid from marijuana caused tumors in mice to be eradicated in 70% of tests and greatly reduced in 30%. Some good documentaries: The Science and Politics of Cancer World Without Cancer The Gerson Miracle The Beautiful Truth Dying to Have Known The Royal Rife Story Hoxsey: How Healing Becomes a Crime The Rise and Fall of A Scientific Genius, The Forgotten Story of Royal Raymond Rife |
o wow, nvm... to get to do the shimmer effect I have to slice the gifs first to ge the two images out of those, THEN do the stitching, TWICE. I'm out... I mean it can be done, I just don't have the attention span to do it, sorry =/ but nothing shimmers on Facebook, and I hate it! They really need to fix that! It'll shimmer if you create it into a video. I've just tested animated GIFs and you are correct, facebook converted it to a JPG which does not animate the sparkles. |
Hell is not real. The word "hell" in the NT was translated from the Greek words "Hades" and "Tartaros", both of which are derived from Greek myth. 2 Timothy 4:3-5 New International Version (NIV) 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. |
Have a hdd question....
This Iomega has always run pretty well, until I switched to a 64 bit machine. I also have an old maxtor, which is loud, but it works. Does PCLunix have the drivers to read it also? I liked seagate until I read reviews on their customer service. Anyway I've got some pretty important stuff on these drives. It just makes me wonder why both hdd's would stop working at exactly the same time. They both light up and you can really hear the maxtor spinning, but not the Iomega. But then again I have never heard the Iomega spin, it's that quiet. Anyjow, I'm dl PCLunix as I type. Thanks. What does the disk management util in Windows say? Your problem actually seems pretty simple. Check disk manager and hardware properties and post whatever u can about the affected drive(s). |
Dark Magick
Doubt is doubt. You get back 3-fold what you put out, correct? The use of "tools" is because one desires more power and isn't satisfied with their own abilities. It's a vicious, never-ending circle in my opinion. Ruth, you of all people should know what I mean, you have seen the effect it has on some people. If you are talking about who I think you are talking about....the desire for power did not bring him down. His own anger is his undoing. Using tools for magic is no different that using tools to build a home, operate on a person or cook dinner. Edit: I take that back. It wasn't anger. It was his burning hatred of Christianity. Hate will bring you down every time. Not just him, everyone who has let pride and greed befall them. Tools are not good or bad, it's the intention that perverts magic. I see the use of tools in at least two different aspects. In a positive (imo) sense, as training wheels or as an act of desperation... In a negative sense, as a crutch or a stumbling block which can, and often does, lead to a darker path... |
Dark Magick
Doubt is doubt. You get back 3-fold what you put out, correct? The use of "tools" is because one desires more power and isn't satisfied with their own abilities. It's a vicious, never-ending circle in my opinion. Ruth, you of all people should know what I mean, you have seen the effect it has on some people. |
Dark Magick
How was I vague? And how did I contradict myself? White magic = all humans have this ability. Black magic = the perversion of white for personal gain. How much more clear can he be? If you use magick to heal someone, that's good, unless you use rituals, then it might be dark based on your intention and the results. Black magic is when you use magic for personal gain, but using magic for personal gain isn't black magic. If you intentionally use magick to benefit yourself, it's black magick. If you unintentionally use magick, it's black magick. But you can use white magick, so long as you get written approval from peter pan beforehand. |
Dark Magick
Edited by
Mon 04/30/12 05:16 PM
So I can use a candle to do magic as long as I'm healing them with no intention of receiving money or fame? But using candle magic to get money for my daughters's college education would be wrong. What if I did a candle spell for protection against a rapist on the loose in my neighborhood? You're asking me to make personal judgements about your life. That's not for me to do. "candle magic" to feed your family = good "candle magic" for money for colledge = for me, not good... For you? who knows... where did the money come from? was deception involved? extortion? was it for greed? However, I don't think you understand what I'm saying ultimately... You don't need candle magic, just have faith... Oh you completely misunderstood me. I am not asking you to make personal judgements about me and my practices at all. I have been a practicing witch for going on 10 years and I have no doubts about what I do. You made a lot of statements about magic and I was trying to understand your answers. Your answers are vague and sometimes contradict each other. So, I was offering YOU examples to comment on to clear up your position. Not because I need to clear up my position. Thank you for taking the time to offer your opinion for my article. How was I vague? And how did I contradict myself? White magic = all humans have this ability. Black magic = the perversion of white for personal gain. |
Dark Magick
So I can use a candle to do magic as long as I'm healing them with no intention of receiving money or fame? But using candle magic to get money for my daughters's college education would be wrong. What if I did a candle spell for protection against a rapist on the loose in my neighborhood? You're asking me to make personal judgements about your life. That's not for me to do. "candle magic" to feed your family = good "candle magic" for money for colledge = for me, not good... For you? who knows... where did the money come from? was deception involved? extortion? was it for greed? However, I don't think you understand what I'm saying ultimately... You don't need candle magic, just have faith... |
Dark Magick
What is an "outside force"? Would burning a candle while praying be black magic in your opinion? Only if you think that the black candle helps... I see. So, it's the "tools" of magic that you feel are wrong, not the thoughts, visualizations or force of will that go along with it. Yeah, basically. I feel the use of "tools" is to doubt (or perhaps be dissatified), in one's own ability. I feel that the powers that one wishes to control actually control that person whether or not those powers are real or just perceived to be real... Also the intent... Any intention to harm, control or deceive for personal gain would be considered "dark" to me. Healing a person so that they would "owe" you something or even just for fame would be dark in my eyes, with or without the use of tools. Do I think that using tools to heal is "dark"? Maybe, but the outcome, if succesful, is the key, as well as the intent. Do I think that "tools" are needed for healing? Absolutely not! |