Community > Posts By > Peter_Pan69

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Fri 05/18/12 08:37 PM
Edited by Peter_Pan69 on Fri 05/18/12 08:47 PM
Here's a detailed break-down

If I find the original from 4-27-2011, I'll post a link.

I find it highly suspicious that the original from the gov site has disappeared in the past month...


found it.


Seems I missed the link the first time, it WAS there...

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Fri 05/18/12 08:24 PM

do you feel a forger would have been that spot on as to have the high resolution fit perfectly on top of the forgery,, but careless enough to leave evidence of all the 'layers'?

One way a forgery could be accomplished requires that the high-res version be the same as the obviously doctored version.

Step 1. Remove background and clean up all stray pixels on an original.
Step 2. Clean up text by coloring characters with pure black.
Step 3. Scan other documents to obtain characters needed to re-spell whatever you want. (including signatures)
Step 4. Clean up individual pieces.
Step 5. Rework a new document to appear as close to an original as possible.
Step 6. Overlay doctored copy over background of choice.

I've recreated numerous certificates for various businesses over the years. Regardless of what that guys says, it wouldn't takes weeks to accomplish the cleaning up of that document. 24 hours tops...

JPG's do not support transparency. That means that there has to be yet another image that was used to create that JPG (maybe from the PDF?) as a JPG image placed in the PDF would have entirely covered the background.

Look at the PDF. Pay close attention to that slit down the left side.

Do you still think that PDF is an accurate copy?

Deception breeds doubt and that doc is a breeding ground...

I have a degree in graphic design. While I haven't seen the image, I can assure you everything Peter says holds true. JPG's do not support transparency, so it could have been a GIF (only supports 256 colors so it is doubtful) Probably a PNG which supports millions. But I am slightly buzzed, so if someone could provide a link I might be able to tell you better.


The original posted in April 2011 is now gone?!?!? It was there in April of this year.

Anyways, here is what they have now...

So, now I've seen at least 4 "official" copies...

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Fri 05/18/12 06:19 PM
Edited by Peter_Pan69 on Fri 05/18/12 06:19 PM
do you feel a forger would have been that spot on as to have the high resolution fit perfectly on top of the forgery,, but careless enough to leave evidence of all the 'layers'?

One way a forgery could be accomplished requires that the high-res version be the same as the obviously doctored version.

Step 1. Remove background and clean up all stray pixels on an original.
Step 2. Clean up text by coloring characters with pure black.
Step 3. Scan other documents to obtain characters needed to re-spell whatever you want. (including signatures)
Step 4. Clean up individual pieces.
Step 5. Rework a new document to appear as close to an original as possible.
Step 6. Overlay doctored copy over background of choice.

I've recreated numerous certificates for various businesses over the years. Regardless of what that guys says, it wouldn't takes weeks to accomplish the cleaning up of that document. 24 hours tops...

JPG's do not support transparency. That means that there has to be yet another image that was used to create that JPG (maybe from the PDF?) as a JPG image placed in the PDF would have entirely covered the background.

Look at the PDF. Pay close attention to that slit down the left side.

Do you still think that PDF is an accurate copy?

Deception breeds doubt and that doc is a breeding ground...

no photo
Fri 05/18/12 05:12 PM

That birth certificate is most assuredly a fake.
A PDF with multiple layers is NOT how a scanned document would appear.

Find someone with Adobe Illustrator to open the PDF and show you.

look at that,, I Just did

Do you seriously believe that guy?

The PDF released as his birth certificate most certainly is NOT a true copy of the original. The green background's "slit" proves without a doubt, that the background was never part of the original.

Plus, the guy in the video shows you a "high resolution" JPG without the background.

True copy? Hades NO!
True "Abstract"? LOL, anything could be considered a "true abstract"...

no photo
Fri 05/18/12 03:25 PM

That birth certificate is most assuredly a fake.
A PDF with multiple layers is NOT how a scanned document would appear.

Find someone with Adobe Illustrator to open the PDF and show you.

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Fri 05/18/12 02:25 PM

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Fri 05/18/12 02:11 PM

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Thu 05/17/12 07:10 PM

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Thu 05/17/12 05:44 PM

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Thu 05/17/12 03:26 PM

Do your own research...
I trust the NIH, the AMA ect, not some quacks who couldn't cut it.


You would trust an organization that has been found guilty of slander, intimidation, petty grievances and the like...

Acording to the US goverment and thousands of cancer survivors, cancer was cured in the 50's.

Suppression is NOT scientific no matter how much you wish it were the case.

I see claims, lots of claims, so little evidence . . . as in none.

That's because you haven't looked.

Do your own research, you have google...

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 01:11 PM

Actually it's Joshua but hey Jesus is what he was labeled,it ain't my fault.

No, The letter J wasn't used until the 1600's.

Besides, what I meant was Jesus' real name has a litteral translation that contradicts the term "Jesus saves"...

Ok Peter i'll fix it "Yoshua",there you happy?tongue2

Now please go look up what that name means in Hebrew...

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 12:32 PM

Do your own research...
I trust the NIH, the AMA ect, not some quacks who couldn't cut it.


You would trust an organization that has been found guilty of slander, intimidation, petty grievances and the like...

Acording to the US goverment and thousands of cancer survivors, cancer was cured in the 50's.

Suppression is NOT scientific no matter how much you wish it were the case.

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 12:25 PM

Actually it's Joshua but hey Jesus is what he was labeled,it ain't my fault.

No, The letter J wasn't used until the 1600's.

Besides, what I meant was Jesus' real name has a litteral translation that contradicts the term "Jesus saves"...

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 12:11 PM

You go to the church, you kiss the cross
You will be saved at any cost
You have your own reality
You spend your life just kissing ***
A trait that's grown as time has passed
You think the world will end today
You praise the Lord, it's all you say

Jesus saves, listen to you pray
You think you'll see the pearly gates
When death takes you away

For all respect you cannot lust
In an invisible man you place your trust
Indirect dependency
Eternal attempt at amnesty
He will decide who lives and dies
Depopulate Satanas rise
You will be an accessory
Irreverence and blasphemy

Jesus saves, no need to pray
The gates of pearl have turned to gold
It seems you've lost your way

Jesus saves, no words of praise
No promised land to take you to
There is no other way

Slayer says it bestdrinker

"Jesus saves" is contradictory to Jesus' real name...

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 11:14 AM

Since funches said that an amoeba is an indication that "Free Will" doesn't require a brain, That means that funches believes that nobody should take him for a rocket scientist.

"Peter Pan" obviously an amoeba wrote your above post

no, no, no... An amoeba QUOTED my above post...

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 11:06 AM

Total crap.

In the last 100 years dozens of doctors, scientists and researchers have come up with the most diverse, apparently effective solutions against cancer, but none of these was ever taken into serious consideration by official medicine. Most of them were in fact rejected out-front, even though healings were claimed in the thousands, their proposers often being labeled as charlatans, ostracized by the medical community and ultimately forced to leave the country. At the same time more than 20,000 people die of cancer every day, without official medicine being able to offer a true sense of hope to those affected by it. Why? - More info on - Order the DVD at if you value the film makers research and work to fund further documentaries...

Yes, and to find out . . . just buy my DVD's!

. . . and what research, we are given assertions with no support in that vid.

The folks mentioned in the film are quacks, and their "treatments" did not gain in popularity becuase they are not effective, ie they dont work.

A popular meme for quacks is to try to portray themselves as the lone maverick doctor fighting against an evil system.


Of course you didn't make it past the trailer...

At the end of the video, this message is shown:

"Please order a DVD and
support the filmmaker at
Then feel free to duplicate and distribute"

Do your own research...

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 10:40 AM

The confusion is yours. Unless you wish to admit to lying earlier about "Free Will" not needing a brain.

well let's just put it this way...those that worship or believe in things like 'Free Will" that they can't even prove exist shouldn't be mistaken as being rocket scientists

funchees said:
in that case an amoeba also choose what it does....and it don't have a Brain ....which is an indication that "Free Will" doesn't require a brain

Since funches said that an amoeba is an indication that "Free Will" doesn't require a brain, That means that funches believes that nobody should take him for a rocket scientist.

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Thu 05/17/12 04:50 AM

you guys keep confusing "Free WIll" with making a decision ....just because you can make a decision does not mean you have the Will to carry out that decision...that's why you religious chaps can't stop sinning....

The confusion is yours. Unless you wish to admit to lying earlier about "Free Will" not needing a brain.

Either way, you have proven your claim...

no photo
Wed 05/16/12 05:50 PM

Nice... funches admits that "Free Will" exists!

everything exist in the mind and on the sci-fi channel ...

As for an example?
Humans have the capability of predicting the outcomes of their actions, an amoeba does not...

so I guess babies lack "Free Will" and are therefore on the level of an amoeba

I know what possible outcomes could arise from this post, do you? Will you excercise your "Free Will" or will you be compelled by an unknown force?

and that's my point...if you had the "Free Will" to imagine beyond your religious beliefs you would have been capable of presenting other options

See that? Compelled....

So now I want to know why you think my example came from religion?
Did you get that idea from the sci-fi channel?

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Wed 05/16/12 04:17 PM

The consequences have aboluting NOTHING to do with what free will is. Free will is PURELY the ABILITY or the POSSIBILITY of doing what you want, when you want to do it.

Means we have a CONSCIENCE thought to what we do. We're not just again, puppets on a string that moves and does things because of another's thoughts. We are not robots automatically programmed to do certain things a certain way.

We CHOOSE what we do or don't do through out our day. Thus free will.

in that case an amoeba also choose what it does....and it don't have a Brain ....which is an indication that "Free Will" doesn't require a brain

so can you give an example of how your "Free Will" is any different than that of an a one cell micro-organism?

Nice... funches admits that "Free Will" exists!

As for an example?
Humans have the capability of predicting the outcomes of their actions, an amoeba does not...

I know what possible outcomes could arise from this post, do you? Will you excercise your "Free Will" or will you be compelled by an unknown force?