dating sites
never knew....thanks, doll howbout who viewed me?? |
busy as ever....the navigation is still better at the other site
dating sites
love ya, dearly, Eileen. I just posted (addressing you) on another forum...
sorry, no emots but, here: muahhhhh |
Low: The month of April......(close friends know why) High: Meeting TheCaptain and realizing that this is the man I want to be with for the rest of my life. |
dating sites
{{{Ei}}} No, did not even dip a toe into that pond. The forums are quite entertaing to read, but I would not post. I know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. Hey Lex! I have a training manual to write. Want to do it for me? Will Gem mind? I can feed you and pay you with purses. M there are some good fish in that pond, thouugh |
merry christmas and all the best to you, walker
thanks for that and happy holidays
It's been awhile....
yes, I do. How is life, dear?
nope, she never got to know what a computer was, let alone, the internet : (
Met Anyone Famous?
I look at myself on the mirror everyday
Send a Soldier a Card!
come home safe. we support you no matter what side of the political spectrum we are
Are the eyes..
yes they are
that is one of the reasons why it is hard for me to keep an eye contact with (provenly) bad people cause I am afraid my eyes will tell'eem that they are A/H s |
How stoooopid am I?
whateva you're buying, can I haf sum??
Tom & Peachies Comfy Cafe
yikes...what is that? the latest flavor of the German cousine?
howdy, Tom |
Say you, Say me
Found you, Findme |
howdy doody Tom
every post in moderation is
Adj, good to see you...hope all is well
What is average?
That picture of yours, Jess, way above average to me (just like the one in front of your chopper) he he he
What is average?
I am, for example, an average Joe, in many respects : )
hey Ken,
sorry to hear if that icon represent what I think. You guys were the role model |