Community > Posts By > sororitygurl4life
......last night
wait.. parking lot after gay bar josh.. .hmmm now i'm scarred for your assginity lol
......last night
hahah that's to funny " great another guy in the book market named joshy" hahahah! literally that made me laugh
yes joshy44 2nd chapter will be on women in subway and how to seduce them with sandwhich meat and mayo ![]() ![]() |
its just pms time give it a week and it'll be beautiful and loving again
see wasn't this a waste of your 2 minutes lol
see joshy its all your fault, you are the hitler of jsh you
i'm a yank.. i'm from charleston born and raise, and I would suggest you apologize because i never said anyone was slow in a " intellegent " way he said i was fast at reading and i said im the fastest in the south and said it wasn't hard... the stereotype is that northerners move fast, and southerners move slow partly do the the climate of north being really cold and south being really hot, thus saying it's not hard to be the fastest... but hey i'm the one whos dumber then what? a box of rocks? speaking of i didn't know rocks came in boxes..
I LOVE JSH !!!!!!!
and boy tell that to my grad school applications , and well actually many in the south are really slow... I don't think its hard to say that they aren't, and while i did not say everyone in the south is slow but me i did say " yes joshy i am the fastest in the south.. but thats not hard" if you're that sensitive on the subject i suggest you go get some midol and eat a piece of choclate.
bucket wtf are you talking about i'm from the south...
see im not attacking anyone i'm making a statement ...sorry if i wanted to attack you you'd know it i wouldn't beat around the bush.
haha yes i was talking to adj, you people are way to tense in here, go get some geeze
yes joshy i am the fastest in the South... hmm... that's not to hard to be though
no one is saying anything that would get them banned.. i said it wasted my time that is how i feel just as if i typed up a little story and you spent 2 minutes on it, it would ..waste your time... please grow up how about that and how about you not get banned for calling someone worthless if you want to try to censure someone try starting with yourself hypocrite.
I often wonder from an outsiders point of view, how people can believe that the bible is accurate and truthful, I mean why does each gospel differ why are there the synoptic gospels and then John why do the dates differ, different actions occur, who's right who's wrong? etc. so heres a little comparison of the gospels and the inaccuracies with one another. My problem is that a man wrote these, and that even if it is divinly inspired it is filteredt hrough a man whom has his own intentions and the want to know how accurate a mans filter can be.. not to mention where the hell are women in the new testament?
Mark: • Says they say he is the king, but does not say he is king • Pilate offers ultimatum let Jesus go or Barabbas a murderer, Priest stir things up and get Barbarras • Gives reason for why Barabbas is in jail unlike Matthew does • Mark and Matthew in both Pilate realizes it is out of jealousy the priest are doing this • Chief priests pick punishment to have done to him • Purple coat, twisted thorn crown, mocking, spat struck with reed, • 9 o’clock in the morning when they crucify him • He saved others he cannot save himself • Others being crucified also taunt him • 3 o clock Jesus cries out my god my god why have you forsaken me • Response is bystanders say he’s crying for Elijah • They then sponge him with sour wine, then he gives loud cry and breathes his last breath • Centurion realizes he is god’s son Matthew • In Matthew unlike Mark there is the last supper before the crucification • Apostle cut’s soldiers ear, Jesus repairs it and tells him to be peaceful • In both gospels Peter denies Jesus 3 x and the others desert him • In Matthew Judas brings the money back and says he has sinned and betrayed the innocent blood then throws the money • Again when asked if he is the king by Pilate he replies with “ you say so” like in Mark • Pilate realizes it’s out of jealousy like in mark , however here his wife sends a message to him about a dream she had saying Jesus is an innocent man, this is not found in mark • Also the wording here in 27.21 the wording of how the priest gathered the crowds to make them say they wanted the murderer instead of Jesus is different • Pilate also says a lot more to the crowd, it seems as if Matthew is trying to convey Pilate as a much more “sincere Roman,” than the monstrous ruler he was • He then washes his hand with water and tells the crowd that this mans blood is on their hands, and the crowd agrees it will be on them and their children • Here his robe is scarlet instead of purple, • Here they come across Simon ad have Jesus carry the cross, the wine is made of gall instead of myrrh , • In both gospels they divide Jesus’ clothes among them, • Here unlike in Mark it does not say that at 9 he was hung, however it does say at 3 o clock he yelled eli eli lema saathani, • They again fill the sponge with sour wine and give it to him on a stick, however a line is added where by standers want to see if Elijah will actually come, and then Jesus dies just like in mark • Again it is the centurion that realizes Jesus is the son of God • This gospel has a lot more added into it than in Mark, many of the passages are very similar but differ in either a word, or have line(s) added in. Luke • Peter again in this gospel like Matthew and mark denies Jesus 3x • Here the Jews beat Jesus then bring him to Pilate, this section is definitely different from Mark and Matthew , here it says that he was found perverting the nation and forbidding to pay taxes to emperor and other things • Like Matthew and mark Jesus answers to Pilate’s question of “ are you king,” with “ you say so” • Here it differs again from Mark and Matthew in adding more about Pilate saying he finds no accusation against Jesus, but the Jews keep on saying he stirs up people, Pilate then learns he is a Galilean and sends him off to Herod to make judgment on. • Here Herod treats Jesus like a celebrity questioning him and kind of mocking as well, Jesus gives him no answer and then Herod puts a fancy robe on Jesus and sends him back to Pilate( this is a scene not found in Mark or Matthew) • Pilate then sees Jesus for a second time then gathers the priest, leaders, and people and say that he finds him not guilty • However the crowd starts up and asks Pilate to release Barabbas, unlike Matthew the text agrees with Mark and it tells why Barabbas was imprisoned ( but uses different wording) • Here another section is found different from Mark and Matthew where he asks up to 3 times what evil has Jesus done but the crowd continues shouting to crucify him. So Pilate gives in • First thing that happens is they run into Simon after this who they have walk behind him, instead of having Jesus carry his cross • And here many people followed them crying and wailing being their breasts • Here Jesus tells them “ do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for you children” he goes on to give a parable to the people • Again a 3rd time he is crucified with 2 other men, and his clothes are also divided among them • He says this time father forgive them they know not what they do: this is not found in Mark and Matthew • Here in Luke again like in Mark and Matthew he is told to save himself and the inscription is above his cross “ king of the Jews” for a third time • Again like in the other Mark and Matthew the other criminal as well mocks him and says to save himself, however unlike the other the other criminal sticks up for Jesus saying that he and the other criminal are being punished justly but Jesus has done nothing wrong. He then asks Jesus to remember him, and Jesus tells him that he will be with him in paradise today. This is not found in Mark or Matthew but only in Luke • Here in Luke it differs from Mark and Matthew again by saying noon darkness came over , temple curtain torn in two, and then Jesus cries (unlike Mark and Matthew) father into your hands I commend my spirit and he breathes his last breath … this is totally different from Mark and Matthews presentation of how Jesus has his last breath • However for a third time it is the centurion that realizes that Jesus is the son of God. John • Here Peter again cuts off the priest’s slaves ear, and Jesus tells him to calm down like found in Matthew • Here Simon peter and another disciple follow Jesus instead of just Peter like the other 3 gospels mark Matthew and Luke • They also take him to Anna’s which is not mentioned in other 3 gospels • Peter again denies Jesus as he did in mark, Matthew, and Luke • Here Jesus is tested/questioned by a high priest where Jesus says he has always preached out loud and says to ask those who heard him, and he is hit, and then says if he said something wrong to strike him, if not then why did he hit him • They then take Jesus to Pilates where they do not enter to avoid “ ritual defilement,” I do not remember this being mentioned in the other 3 gospels • Here the Jewish high priests do not tell Pilate what Jesus is guilty of, but says he is a criminal where as Pilate says to judge him their selves according to their laws; however Jews reply that they are not able to put anyone to death. This is not found in Mark, Matthew, or Luke the conversation usually tells why they brought him • So Pilate asks him if he is the kin of the Jews, Jesus answer differs from mark Matthew and Luke by him saying “ do you ask this on your own or did others tell you about me,” where then Pilate replies that he is not a Jew and that it is his own nation that is handing him over , and this whole conversation on why it is okay for his followers not to fight for him being handed over occurs, which again differs from the other 3 gospels • After Pilate questions what is truth he then answers with what seems to be pity that he finds no case again Jesus, however he gives them the option ( like in the other 3 gospels) of choosing either Jesus or Barabbas , and they say Barabbas however, this gospel differs from the other 3 in saying that Barabbas was a bandit. • Here he goes off the first time and like in Mark he is put in a purple robe with a thrown crown and they strike him and mock him, however unlike the other 3 gospels Pilate goes out after this beating and says he finds no case against him, so Jesus is brought out however the people shout to “ crucify” him, so Pilate tells them to crucify him themselves, however they again state their law, then Pilate goes again to talk to Jesus and they have a conversation not found like this whole section isn’t found in any of the other 3 gospels, where Jesus declares he is the son of God and Pilate has no authority over him, again Pilate goes out to the people saying he finds no case against this man, but the Jews keep pressing it declaring if he lets Jesus go he is no friend of the emperor. • Day of preparation for pass over at noon Jesus is brought out and Pilate question “should I crucify your king?” and the Jews reply that they have no king but the emperor and demand he be crucified. This again is only found in John • Now Jesus is forced to carry the cross all by himself, there is no Simon that they run across like in Matthew and Luke • When he gets to the place he has “ Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews” inscribed in the cross the Jesus of Nazareth is an added part that differs from other 3 gospels also it is written in 3 languages • Here the priest say not to say King of the Jews but to have it say man who said I am king of the Jews and Pilate refuses to change it • Then it does into that they split his clothes into 4 parts, and then to casts lots for his tunic this is similar to the other gospels in that it speaks of splitting his clothes however it’s more specific, and the part about his tunic is added in • It then unlike the other 3 gospels gives scripture from where this line is important • Here his mother Mary, mothers sister, Mary wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene when Jesus sees them he says “ woman here is you son” • And then it says that from that hour of him saying “ here is your mother to the disciple” that he took her into his home • Then Jesus knew that all was finished and in order to fulfill scripture he says “ I am thirsty,” so that sour wine may be sponged against him and then he declares “ it is finished” and then he bows his head and gives up his spirit This gospel is extremely different than Mark, Matthew, and Luke it does have a few similarities but for the most part there are many sections that are found here but not in the others, and the others share passages that are unique to the other 3 gospels but not to John |
had to post it
heres just a couple i picked out biblical texts on jesus and the law washing of hands, healing on Sabbath, and plucking grain on Sabbath-
Sabbath law- phrasiees become upset about jesus healing on Sabbath, and he says how much more valuable is sheep than human if concerned with animal wouldn’t you want to save, you can heal on the Sabbath if life is in danger it overries Sabbath law, therefore if a man has a sore throat you can heal him, because the sore throat may lead to something more serious that kills him. Plucking gran on Sabbath - matthew 12- his followers are picking a lot of grain from a man’s field, phraisees question this and he relates to david being hungary and eating the priest bread, Washing hands- his followers are eating with out washing their hands which is a ritual impurity, when phraisees confront jesus says tradition causes you to break your law, and acuses them of not honoring their mothers and fathers, he changes the conversation over to this and he becomes angry because they are hypocrites. |
i really hope you're not published, i think i should sue you because i just wasted about 2 minutes of my life that i can never get back, not to mention if you're going to make fun of a "minor" religion do you even know what scientology is?
not to mention yes this is in the wrong section first of all general discussion is not a place to post your writing, try the poetry/ blah/ blah /blah section or this can go into religious forums but not in general... |
had to post it
miles i suggest you revisit your bible why was jesus crucified? he wasn't killed by the jews he was killed by the romans why? because he said he was king.. that act was against the law, also during this time period they were trying to keep things peaceful and as jesus is the rabbi ( teacher) he's teaching a new way, hes performing help on the sabbath which is against the jewish law because that is the day of " rest" and no one is allowed to "work" then he causes a scene in the market place when someone is given the wrong amount of change back, he disrupts temple when the people are selling things all of these things are what led to the jewish uprising against him and the roman authorities agreeing.. then again i guess if you believe the bible pilote was also a jew lover... and really didn't want to kill jesus when in reality he had killed hundred of jews and wouldn't of cared, however the gospels during this time are trying to appeal to him, and appeal to the allowance of letting christians practice.. but hey thats just history i'm sure you can forget about all that if you want more on this ill gladly do the research and send it to you Then the post is silly yes its a nice faith base post but no kings were afraid of jesus and if so please tell me where and when... and like i said rabbi means teacher and jesus was a Jewish rabbi, jesus never intended for christianity to be made jesus was born and died a jew his purpose was to reform judaism! it was ST. Paul ( Saul) that after his vision/ mystical experience on the road to damascus he begins and helps to create the religion.
had to post it
Fri 08/10/07 06:31 PM
Feel honored to serve such a Leader who loves us. If you believe in God and in Jesus Christ His Son..send this to all on your Buddy list..if not just ignore..In the Bible, Jesus says...'If you deny me Before man, I will deny you before my Father in Heaven.' umm .. .jesus had no degree yet they called him teacher? he was a rabbi... rabbi= teacher in english kings feared him?? no kings feared jesus why would they have? jesus committed no crimes? are you kidding me he does many things in the gospels that are against jewish rules like saying he is king, saying he is the messiah, eating and letting his disciples eat from the fields, helping someone on the sabbath, disrupting the temple when he over throws things, whe he causes a scene in the market when the guy is giving the wrong amount of change , how did he conquer the world? there is no universal religion. and to say he lives today would be a pretty hard thing to prove.. i dunno about you but if someone says " god" talks to them most people just think they're crazy... lol |
language of suffering
so just something to think about this really gets on my nerves, to find ( i interact with christians mostly thats why i will put christian in this context ) that when something really good happens to someone like ( they find money, miraculous healed from cancer, finally become pregnant, ) they automatically thank God for his goodness, however first of all don't you wonder when you find money what the person who lost it is thinking? and if God was so great wouldn't he have not allowed you to get cancer to begin with, etc.
then when something bad happens like you get sick , you lose money or an object and you're running late, a divorce, a miscarriage why do people always assume they've done something bad to deserve it or that it is their punishment for something... i mean really is it that important to believe in one ultimate being isn't it oxymornic to believe in an all powerful omnipotent, omnibenevolent God aka all powerful all good, if there is evil and suffering in this world, because God doesn't stop suffering or because he allows it doesn't that show hes either not all powerful or not all good either way not the way teh christian doctrine presents him, and if anyone says well " we have free will" how is it possible to have free will with a god who knows everything he is the end and the beginning he already knows what youre going to do before you do it, in saying so aren't you really just fulfilling a destiny... i think the language of suffering is so vague because honestly God doesn't have a plan for everything .. whats gods plan for the kids starving over seas, in america, whats gods plan for the little girl who got raped? or the mother who prayed for a child and miscarried, or what's gods plan to the people infected with hiv.. do human beings really need to believe in this language of suffering in order to survive through it??? |
i agree joyce , not to mention i've left my number for the waiter a few times lol! or tottaly flirted out of place, when i met my fiancee.. who i was engaged to he bought something from teh place i worked, and he asked me for a date if he would have never asked that we wouldnt' have gone anywhere you have to put yourself out there the worst that can happen is the chick says no... and you're gonna get a " no" if you don't ask to begin with ... but dont sit and say oh theres plenty of men no women, bc i am a single for intelligent young woman and i do not have a bf i have been dumped plenty and done the dumping and i have not dated players and i don't think all men are jerks, i also don't think getting a man is what life is all about really concentrate on career goals, family friends, until you find someone worth integrating into your life.