Topic: language of suffering | |
so just something to think about this really gets on my nerves, to find ( i interact with christians mostly thats why i will put christian in this context ) that when something really good happens to someone like ( they find money, miraculous healed from cancer, finally become pregnant, ) they automatically thank God for his goodness, however first of all don't you wonder when you find money what the person who lost it is thinking? and if God was so great wouldn't he have not allowed you to get cancer to begin with, etc.
then when something bad happens like you get sick , you lose money or an object and you're running late, a divorce, a miscarriage why do people always assume they've done something bad to deserve it or that it is their punishment for something... i mean really is it that important to believe in one ultimate being isn't it oxymornic to believe in an all powerful omnipotent, omnibenevolent God aka all powerful all good, if there is evil and suffering in this world, because God doesn't stop suffering or because he allows it doesn't that show hes either not all powerful or not all good either way not the way teh christian doctrine presents him, and if anyone says well " we have free will" how is it possible to have free will with a god who knows everything he is the end and the beginning he already knows what youre going to do before you do it, in saying so aren't you really just fulfilling a destiny... i think the language of suffering is so vague because honestly God doesn't have a plan for everything .. whats gods plan for the kids starving over seas, in america, whats gods plan for the little girl who got raped? or the mother who prayed for a child and miscarried, or what's gods plan to the people infected with hiv.. do human beings really need to believe in this language of suffering in order to survive through it??? |
This is why I am so confused once again,, Why do I have these unanswered questions,, Once again I am searching my soul and looking for the answers,,,, Why does one have more suffering in there lives than others,,, Why is there so much hurt and pain in the world,,, Oh I could go on and on,
My life lately has been a roller coaster ride lately when will the madness stop,, Why,, Why,,, so many Why's |
Why ask why?
No time to ask why Just keep going forward No time to stop Time won't stand still The way i see it ![]() |
When ones plate is full sometimes moving forward is difficult,,
When one overcomes one hurdle another one seems to follow right behind,,, |
Sorry to hear about the rollercoaster, LAmom.
![]() The pain and the suffering is really the only way to truly know we are alive and living life. This is a cliche, but if we didn't have suffering, we truly wouldn't know our blessings! Hang in there. Things will work themselves out eventually. ![]() |
((((( Bay ))))))
Hugs and Thank you ![]() |
(((LAmom))) ![]() ![]() |
To LAMom
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(((((( Romeo ))))))
TY ![]() ![]() |
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LA Mom wrote:
“,,, Why is there so much hurt and pain in the world,,, Oh I could go on and on,” And that’s just it right there. You can dwell on it. Or not. It’s your choice. You’re only task is to live your life and the things that you have control over. No sense in beating yourself into the ground over things you have no control over. Read the Serenity Prayer over and over and over again until it finally sinks in for God’s sake! |
ty, Abra,, as I have read the poem over and over again, today being one of those days..
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (((((LAMom))))) |
Mass Hugs and Kisses,, its been awhile since our paths have crossed,,, Yes here again wondering and searching,,, Have a blessed morning,, Off to try and sleep...
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I'm atheist, yet I believe that one can find strength and transcendent love through prayer, surrender, and faith. I like to see people question the existence and nature of God, but I hate to see anyone lose faith due to tribulations... maybe certain expectations of God are inaccurate, but whatever Source believers have felt in their past is as real as their experience, and is always (potentially) there.
I don't know what to say about the "free will" vs "all knowing God" debate - aren't there times when you -know- how something is going to play out for a loved one, and maybe you offer advice if they ask, but you still see wisdom in letting your loved one/child/whoever make their own mistakes, and learn from them? Maybe God knows that intervention would be the worst thing for us, though we can't see that. Maybe God has simply chosen not to overtly intervene, ever, yet lends strength and love to all who are open to it. Maybe our specific concept of God "doesn't exist", but another concept of God does. |
(Last post was for overall thread)
LAMom, Yes, its been a while - I wish you the best, have faith, and sleep well! Love |
I was cleaning some closets.....
and i found a chest full of all my journals since 1972...... I CHOKED at the memory of what spilled into those pages...the box became a Pandora's.... i left it there unopened, but it's presence was HUGE in my house... every time i went past it , it whispered. sometimes my heart would race just looking at it. QUICK! change the subject!!! so i came here.... and read you, LAmom, and kismet! ![]() you have been my key to unlock this chest (figuratively, and literally, the chest that has protected my heart and the chest that has protected these journals.) so i opened the chest , because i remembered i was asking these questions ..... and i had a glimpse...fleeting tho it may have been, .... and so i am sharing that with you now for whatever it's worth. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
DEC. 1989
NOTES TO myself...who else cares???!! who else want's to see? In only the last 80 years , man has exterminated enthusiastically over 120 million of their fellow men... this is equal to a killing of the present combined populations of England, Wales Scotland , Ireland, Belgium Holland ,Norway, Finland and East Germany..... if this fails to shake one up, then it could otherwise be said, that this number is equal to the entire population of the United States in the 30's before WW2... isn't this enough evidence that somewhere we have taken a wrong turn??!!! 100 million dollars an hour (this is 1989 remember), is being spent over the whole world, on death machines for a military which only exists to maintain a divided world. 2 million dollars a minute !! ( funny how this figure is quadrupled now) to keep the people of our planet apart. Atronauts return from space with a message !! that the earth is a WHOLE UNDIVIDED ORGANISM! divisions only exist in the minds of men and on pieces of paper! Truth is a pathless land.... there is no path of wisdom, there is no path at all. there is no journey. the golden paths by which the higher functions are reached ( usually if not always ), die with the innovator. What is left behind are a series of maps, which have become so layered with other people's interpretations, corruptions and distortions, that any seeker would do well to avoid them completely. te point is simple , people searching, fall into the trap of eating the menu, forgetting the food that is in front of them. Or getting lost in the road map while the landscape passes by unseen.... when we are aware of this danger we can use the maps, only as indicators, pointing in a general is only an EXPLORE. as consciousness moves upward from sense to spirit, it becomes the spiritual heart of pure intention. and it is THIS HEART which finally unites us. we have all that is needed no one else no maps no path no crutches are of any use only an unrelenting and continual awareness of WHO WE ARE AND HOW WE ACT will reveal the situation. to do this we must examine.....with no self indulgence or judgement WHATSOEVER, just who we are and what we are. no preconceived ideas, theories or comforting fantasies will help us navigate our minds to see the egotism and self ignorance, which are the roots of our suffering and violence. to live in the REAL is to live in the PRESENT MOMENT, which prevents us from gathering and decorating our memories, identifying with old thiughts and old wounds and living in the past. living in the present fuses observer with the observed harmonizing the mind. once this is set in motion, the higher functions of evolution take over and start moving on their own. LOOK AT YOURSELF with clear eyes, and the rest will take care of itself. one of the biggest blocks to honest self discovery , is our reliance on other people's visions and our inability to look and LISTEN for ourselves. |
F.A.N.T.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.!!!!! Alex.
I feel the need to paste this in my personal space. It is intriguing me to read and re-read. You is a marvel to me. I can't get enough of reading you. Kat ![]() ![]() |
I suffer as much as Anyone if you read My Intro in the New Members Area you can see that...BUT I do my best to Tackle the problems that I see in front of me and Move on to the Next one..Change the things your Able....its the only thing you can do...