Community > Posts By > tn_cow_girl
i need help!
I think it depends on how she think about other women if she is wanting
more than a friendship I guess |
i need some advise ASAP!!
Yes I think that you should get away from him but I hope that everyone
here is wrong but I don't think so. Goodluck. |
I went and got the flashlight and there was still more of that hive in
there OMG we was probably close to death there was going to be so many I don't even know if I have still got all of it out. But this time the queen bee came out and she was dead. that a good sign my kids told me. |
Mercy Killing for
I hope that she is ok.
Yes what do you mean am I missing something?
Well I tried to burn it with no luck so I stomped it YUK it was gross.
Yes I thought about just burning the house it was terrible. I think that I got all of them or at least I hope so now theres this huge hole in the celing that stinks just more to fix i guess. |
signs of the end
You have made me think.
ok i took that hanger that i was using and I think that I have got all
of it and some of the eggs were moving so I guess that its a good thing that I got it out of there because they probably would have hatched so thanks so much for telling me to go get it out of there because I would probably just waited for my husband to have gotten it out and by that time they would have hatched. so i think that i have taken care of the bees. I hope so. |
Well I would love to get that thing out but its up in the ceiling how
can I get that nasy thing down? and I'm not about to stick my hand in there no way I don't even want to touch it. but its like way up in there I have knocks pieces of it out by sticking a hanger in there but there is still lots of it there. |
O we have been squeshing them that helps but does not take care of the
problem. These bees are little yellow like bumble bees and we have probably killed 1000 of them so far its terrible they have ate a hole in the ceiling a huge one and they have one huge nest up in there I have sprayed posions in there and killed tons I have poked a hanger in there and some of the NASTY eggs and nest came out gross this morning i set a fogger or bomb what ever they are called right there at the huge hole so that it would all go in there its killed alot if them and I can't hear them working anymore before it sounded like a army was in there and I am sure there was. But they are still alot of eggs in there even tho they have posion all over the nest now do you think that they will keep hatching out. I hope not this is TERRIBLE. |
We have been taken over by bees my son told me that they are worker bees
but anyway I finally found where they are. OMG we left saturday night and didn't get home until sunday night they must have been 200 bees flying everywhere WHAT IN THIS WOULD CAN WE DO? I have sprayed stuff where I now know where there nest is. Its in the ceiling they have made a huge hole there. I really don't know what to do but something has got to be done before they eat us alive.... |
first time you had sex
I didn't like my first time at all but I was 17.
im looking for 323232
Lots of luck I hope that you find who you are looking for.
Yes I agree with you also it does make it very hard to read good
suggestion Andrew. |
Not for your eyes.
I'm in trouble!
I am really glad that you got to know his true colors before doing
something like marriage I married my ex and didn't know his true colors until it was to late so I am very happy for you that you found out. Stay away from him. |
Its rained all day here where I am.
I don't smoke it but I do know of alot of people who do and it seems to
be ok alot better than a drunk driver. |