Community > Posts By > GumbyTheCat

GumbyTheCat's photo
Tue 08/18/09 06:20 PM

I am a Wisconsonite and will remember Favre as a Packer. He has nothing more to prove, only to lose..jmo

Agree 100%.

Favre is really tarnishing his legacy with this back-and forth "should I or shouldn't I" nonsense.

GumbyTheCat's photo
Tue 08/18/09 06:01 PM

I got stood up for the first time in my entire life...
everyone should experience it at least one, keeps ya humble.


I would have rather been stood up than have had to endure what I endured on my last date (which was my first mingle date btw).

GumbyTheCat's photo
Tue 08/18/09 05:51 PM
Any race intelligent enough to build sentient androids is intelligent enough to relocate to a more habitable planet.

However, for the sake of the topic, I would say "yes", we should build as many as possible. The androids would be an alternative to our current means of attaining species immortality (otherwise known as "children").

GumbyTheCat's photo
Tue 08/18/09 05:43 PM
Metalwing has every Barry Manilow album ever made

GumbyTheCat's photo
Tue 08/18/09 05:40 PM
God was created in man's image, not the other way around.

Just read the Old Testament. The OT deity is petty, vindictive, and chooses favorites. He has no problem killing to get his way, including the wholesale slaughter of children.

Any deity capable of creating an essentially infinite universe would not be so childish... indeed if this deity is even aware of our existence he is a non-involved deity. Maybe that's part of the reason the apostle Paul made up the Christ myth - to make an infinitely remote deity more accessible.

None of us will know what's up (if anything) until we're dead.

GumbyTheCat's photo
Tue 08/18/09 05:31 PM
Edited by GumbyTheCat on Tue 08/18/09 05:32 PM
Metallica - "Am I Evil?"


GumbyTheCat's photo
Sun 08/16/09 07:17 AM

:heart: :heart:smitten HE SO LOVES ME AND I SO LOVE HIM...WE ARE CRAZY ABOUT EACH OTHER!!!:heart: :heart: smitten

Well isn't THAT special!

"No dates in eight months", that's what you said, RIGHT?

Thanks for lying to me.

I'm SOOO glad I came all that way to meet you.

Gee, a liar on an internet dating site... whoda thunk it?

GumbyTheCat's photo
Fri 08/07/09 02:39 PM
Pay day RULES!

Until the next day, when it's all gone...