Community > Posts By > John1932

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:48 AM

I like some romance, but not the typical mushy kind-

Harold and Maude
Psychos in Love
Lunatics A Love Story

Wasn't harold and Maude the best movie? Loved it.

Romance is cute in movies but when they get naked and twisted up with each other I could squirm out of my seat with embarrassment.blushing

LOL, I hear ya... or
I see ya...

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:45 AM

i prefer movies that scare the hell out of me

agreed but a lot of these wanna be horror movies are more like comedies to me. its a dying art form

Your so right, man Chucky is just chessy, I mean its a friggin doll, kick his butt through a window and smash his head into a telephone pole, strap him into a high chair and plaster his face with makeup and put a pretty little bow in his hair or something. but don't run from a doll with a knife.
I dont know, I'd probably run too and scream like a 5 o'clock whistle.sad

Ok NM.

LOL, i think that's the only cheesy horror movie i actually love, all the rest are dumb, but the chucky ones make me rofl

Yea, have to admit in The Bride of Chucky, when his shadow was seen from the window whacking the stick, I laughed my arse off.laugh

I have a friend who has the Chucky doll. He's so freaking scary looking. I want the Bride one, I wonder if they sell it?

They do actually. they sell the whole family, Chucky, The Bride and the Son.

squueeee!!! i'll have to look for them.:banana:

the seller on ebay claimed the chucky doll was broke and wouldnt stop talking. LOL
He completely ruined that sale. lol

oh well, at least he was honest. that's as bad as i was buying a game online and the seller is like they only have 1 out of 2 discs. um, yeah, that won't work, LOL

LOL, thats nothing, I found this: a brand new 2001 Harley Davidson, with 23,000 miles and minor scratches, runs good but needs paint, new battery and tires.

Minor scratches, but needs paint?
Brand new but 23,000 miles?
New Battery and tires?

kinda takes brand new out of the whole scenerio...

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:38 AM
Edited by John1932 on Sat 08/01/09 01:46 AM

i prefer movies that scare the hell out of me

agreed but a lot of these wanna be horror movies are more like comedies to me. its a dying art form

Your so right, man Chucky is just chessy, I mean its a friggin doll, kick his butt through a window and smash his head into a telephone pole, strap him into a high chair and plaster his face with makeup and put a pretty little bow in his hair or something. but don't run from a doll with a knife.
I dont know, I'd probably run too and scream like a 5 o'clock whistle.sad

Ok NM.

LOL, i think that's the only cheesy horror movie i actually love, all the rest are dumb, but the chucky ones make me rofl

Yea, have to admit in The Bride of Chucky, when his shadow was seen from the window whacking the stick, I laughed my arse off.laugh

I have a friend who has the Chucky doll. He's so freaking scary looking. I want the Bride one, I wonder if they sell it?

They do actually. they sell the whole family, Chucky, The Bride and the Son.

squueeee!!! i'll have to look for them.:banana:

the seller on ebay claimed the chucky doll was broke and wouldnt stop talking. LOL
He completely ruined that sale. lol

oh well, at least he was honest. that's as bad as i was buying a game online and the seller is like they only have 1 out of 2 discs. um, yeah, that won't work, LOL


John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:35 AM

Well, I guess I do have to say I'm glad I'm blind because then I don't have to judge people for what they look like. I can only judge them for how they treat me and how they treat others. I don't believe in judging by looks, just by personality. I asked myself when I was younger, if I were sighted, would I judge by looks, and it's hard to say. I did grow up having some sight, but never enough to judge someone, so I just don't agree in judging by looks, but since we live in a sighted world that's just how it's going to be which is sad in my oppinion. Anyway, it's just hard to find nice people to talk with and someone who would respect you in the first place anyway. Either people are afraid to approach you and talk and get to know you, or their just jerks and don't give you the time of day. I'm not talking men, women to sometimes. Not in a dating sense either, since I'm not dating women lol. But anyway, I just wanted to get my point out there. I'm willing to talk to anyone, as long as their nice to me and as long as we can share things and have a nice conversation and see if we have anything in common and go from there. So I guess that's what I have to say on the topic.

That is amazing, you inspire me.

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:06 AM

i prefer movies that scare the hell out of me

agreed but a lot of these wanna be horror movies are more like comedies to me. its a dying art form

Your so right, man Chucky is just chessy, I mean its a friggin doll, kick his butt through a window and smash his head into a telephone pole, strap him into a high chair and plaster his face with makeup and put a pretty little bow in his hair or something. but don't run from a doll with a knife.
I dont know, I'd probably run too and scream like a 5 o'clock whistle.sad

Ok NM.

LOL, i think that's the only cheesy horror movie i actually love, all the rest are dumb, but the chucky ones make me rofl

Yea, have to admit in The Bride of Chucky, when his shadow was seen from the window whacking the stick, I laughed my arse off.laugh

I have a friend who has the Chucky doll. He's so freaking scary looking. I want the Bride one, I wonder if they sell it?

They do actually. they sell the whole family, Chucky, The Bride and the Son.

squueeee!!! i'll have to look for them.:banana:

the seller on ebay claimed the chucky doll was broke and wouldnt stop talking. LOL
He completely ruined that sale. lol

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:03 AM

i prefer movies that scare the hell out of me

agreed but a lot of these wanna be horror movies are more like comedies to me. its a dying art form

Your so right, man Chucky is just chessy, I mean its a friggin doll, kick his butt through a window and smash his head into a telephone pole, strap him into a high chair and plaster his face with makeup and put a pretty little bow in his hair or something. but don't run from a doll with a knife.
I dont know, I'd probably run too and scream like a 5 o'clock whistle.sad

Ok NM.

LOL, i think that's the only cheesy horror movie i actually love, all the rest are dumb, but the chucky ones make me rofl

Yea, have to admit in The Bride of Chucky, when his shadow was seen from the window whacking the stick, I laughed my arse off.laugh

I have a friend who has the Chucky doll. He's so freaking scary looking. I want the Bride one, I wonder if they sell it?

They do actually. they sell the whole family, Chucky, The Bride and the Son.

squueeee!!! i'll have to look for them.:banana:

I saw them on ebay, but im sure they can be found online somewhere

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:00 AM

the way these times are, you will run into shallow people for sure, but there are great people here, too many friends to count, and i've met one very special here that has my heart..... and where you are there are many as well, if you look, that are not hung up into this temporary society that is advertising superficial qualities in generalizes!!!

i think if you are just, the "nice guy" image doesn't apply, because you are behaving in regular terms, how people are behaving to you, and if they behave badly to you, you have to decide how to act. you can change this, by putting their very behavior back in their court, and not lose face with anyone, by diverting the scenario back to their diotribe or rant, such as" wow, you're really having a time of it! if i can help you to get your day to be more positive, well, let me help", and they will respect you, and that includes handsome or pretty parties of both sexes, whether they are bottom-wipes or not, for you weren't nice or mean...just truthful. it will get you respect, and maybe a friend....
these guys you speak of......
being a tough guy to "get chicks" gets you no-where, and usually the wrong "chick" anyway. to get the attention of the right one, back-up your talk, listen, and be a man of action to back up your talk with quiet positive methods to get your respect that you so much seem to desire.

"tough guys" i've seen a dime a dozen, and they'll leave the woman hanging everytime when the road gets rough...a STRONG GUY, how-ever, will be there to see whatever it is to the end, and respect will follow, and never does he have to act like a jerk. He's a man's man, and a gentle ladie's man as well.

"tough guys" run from STRONG GUYS. unless they have a way to shoot them in the back......but if they do that,,, STRONG GUYS have friends...... a strong guy.shades :thumbsup:

Most excellent point of view,
never thought of it like that. you got my attention with that one.
Im in debtdrinker

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 12:54 AM

i prefer movies that scare the hell out of me

agreed but a lot of these wanna be horror movies are more like comedies to me. its a dying art form

Your so right, man Chucky is just chessy, I mean its a friggin doll, kick his butt through a window and smash his head into a telephone pole, strap him into a high chair and plaster his face with makeup and put a pretty little bow in his hair or something. but don't run from a doll with a knife.
I dont know, I'd probably run too and scream like a 5 o'clock whistle.sad

Ok NM.

LOL, i think that's the only cheesy horror movie i actually love, all the rest are dumb, but the chucky ones make me rofl

Yea, have to admit in The Bride of Chucky, when his shadow was seen from the window whacking the stick, I laughed my arse off.laugh

I have a friend who has the Chucky doll. He's so freaking scary looking. I want the Bride one, I wonder if they sell it?

They do actually. they sell the whole family, Chucky, The Bride and the Son.

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 12:50 AM
Edited by John1932 on Sat 08/01/09 12:53 AM

i prefer movies that scare the hell out of me

agreed but a lot of these wanna be horror movies are more like comedies to me. its a dying art form

Your so right, man Chucky is just chessy, I mean its a friggin doll, kick his butt through a window and smash his head into a telephone pole, strap him into a high chair and plaster his face with makeup and put a pretty little bow in his hair or something. but don't run from a doll with a knife.
I dont know, I'd probably run too and scream like a 5 o'clock whistle.sad

Ok NM.

LOL, i think that's the only cheesy horror movie i actually love, all the rest are dumb, but the chucky ones make me rofl

Yea, have to admit in The Bride of Chucky, when his shadow was seen from the window whacking the stick, I laughed my arse off.laugh

"Im your friend till the end, Hidy Hoeee"

John1932's photo
Sat 08/01/09 12:00 AM

Children are NOT poop factories (well ok sometimes).

As far as accepting her children. I accept her... They are part of her. Kinda like a no brainer.

A rare find

aww shucks...blushing

I actually wonder why guys ain't beatin pathes to your door.

you are a rare find yourself.

yea she is one of the good ones.

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:57 PM

Children are NOT poop factories (well ok sometimes).

As far as accepting her children. I accept her... They are part of her. Kinda like a no brainer.

Indeed, its the whole package, take it or leave it.
I took care of my ex wives kids and even put them through college, I was there real dad, I did it cause they were part of their mother whom I loved dearly. Unfortunately she wanted her first husband back after her kids graduated college and I paid off the bill.

So much for staying out of this one LOL

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:49 PM

:smile: Why would any man have babies with a woman nowdays with the way child support laws are set up?:smile: I have seen so many horror stories happen to my buddies.scared And its not even a good idea to adopt a womans kids because you will have to pay child support for them too.smile2

Child Support is a good thing, parents should take care of their kids. Just because they divorce does not mean they are off the hook, they are still responsible for that child.

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:45 PM


and i think it is unfair to those who you are dating that he/she be treated as a side-project because his/her 'world' is throwing up or throwing a tantrum.

isnt dating supposed to be fun?

So your saying, they should give up their "World" for you. LOL
If your dating her, then you know good and well she has kids and its your choice to not date her. How is it not fair to the person your dating? If you don't like the kid, don't date the woman cause Im pretty sure, if the child is her "world" she isn't throwing it in the trash just cause you say so....

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:38 PM

No offence to all women on here but why is it you mention you have a child they just aint interested any more ? Its not nice for loving single parents whether the child lives with them or not :( and same goes for blokes just dropping a nice gals because she has a child whats wrong with you all scared of the commitment or something ? Whats your views ? And why do you think they do it .

Since I've never had a relationship, I don't want that kind of responsibility. If they are not my kids, I don't want to take care of them. I've seen enough little brats as it is that don't get their azzes whooped when they need it. Therefore, if I think that her kids need a good butt-whoppin and she doesn't approve, then I don't see how we could agree on much else. Furthermore, I need experience with a woman alone...not with kids.

By the way, there are plenty of women out there lookin for a sucker to be a "daddy" for their munchkins. I don't play that. And I'm not gonna put myself in the midst of baby-daddy/momma drama.

How do you figure it is your job to tell a woman to whoop her kids azz..
your right, you shouldn't date women with kids...

Well, if she's expectin me to do the job of bein a daddy, then I should have a say so in that issue.

If your dating women who expect you to be daddy you may want to re check
the kind of women your with...if just dating makes you daddy maybe you both should rethink. And in order to discipline a child you must love them..
if you refer to them as little brats that need their azzes whooped, you probably don't love them anyway... your young enough to find a girl with no kids, probably a good idea for you. :smile:

Well, said. I think it is best for me to keep out of this one but I was cheering you on anyway. winking

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:12 PM
Still no crush, still heartbreaking

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:03 PM
Still all alone

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:56 PM
Edited by John1932 on Fri 07/31/09 10:57 PM

The truth is, people are gonna be who they are and all the complaining in the world isn't going to change it. If your not in their league then quit trying to play in it or you gonna get your head bit off. I learned this the hard way.
You will learn real quick who likes you and who don't, just pay attention and leave them alone. Thats all you can do..

Good Luckdrinker

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:40 PM
Edited by John1932 on Fri 07/31/09 08:42 PM
scared Im tough too..

slaphead quit hitting yourselfslaphead
slaphead quit hitting yourselfslaphead
slaphead quit hitting yourselfslaphead

shocked The ladies on here are quit ruthless if you cross themshocked

****Sits in corner quietly this time***

shocked surprised

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 07:08 PM

hmm.. well, I usually THINK Im alone but...

LOL yea, thats the money I could have saved if I would have switched a long time ago, LOL drinker laugh

John1932's photo
Fri 07/31/09 07:06 PM

Honestly, for the woman I love and the one who loves me, I would do whatever it took for us to live our life together, even raising kids that were not mine. I know cause i did it for 8 years. I married her knowing she had 2 teenage daughters and she knowing I had 2 little daughters. I jumped in, I took care of them we were a family, I took them to school, cooked their supper, did the laundry, cleaned the house, and took as much weight off of her as I could. I paid their way through college and bought them their first car. They called me Dad and came to me with everything.
I supported my wife and our family and after college was over and they moved on, she left me for her girls real dad, her first husband, who used to beat her and cheat on her and was banging his first wife while she was pregnant, he was a drug head and never held a job which forced her to work and support the family while he banged around and did his drugs.
I loved her and cherish the ground she walked on, and after i flipped the bill for 8 years and put her kids through college, she bailed on me. She told me she would live with me forever if i bought a house and took care of her and her kids and loved her like a man should and loved her kids like a father.
I kept my end of the deal, she broke hers.
I know what it is like to give up my life and join it with the life of another. I know how to give up my freedom for a family that I chose to step into, because I loved her and I thought she loved me.
I was wrong.what

There is someone, real, honest and worthy of your love out there somewhere, I hope with all my heart that you find each other.

Yea, Im sure, but it will be hard to learn to trust again.
I gotta start somewhere though, and I have to learn that everybody is not her.