'Groundless' Thoughts?
Good point JaneStar.
In my opinion taking offense is a choice. I can choose to be offended by anything anyone might say simply because I don't like that person, or the person has opinions that don't agree with mine. But what I have to do first is to look within myself and ask why does the other person perceive me like this. I have to be honest with myself, otherwise I just keep feeling offended. If I find that the other person may be right in his/her perception of me, it's up to me to change my ways. If I'm not prepared to do this I just can keep feeling offended, and what's more, I can feed on this feeling. If, on the other hand, I find that the person is not right, then it should be water off my back anyway. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
I will willingly be a sounding I can't promise the intelligence of the sounds back We are all just sounding boards to each other. That is what should make a real discussion if it is done rightly. But you can't use a sounding board when you are not willing to listen to what is coming back from it. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
JB said:
James, I now know what is going on with Creative. He implied (he did not commit or admit anything for certain and as always he was vague and ambiguous..) but he implied or suggested that his threads are just a way that he contemplates and that they may have no point at all. They are pointless. Therefore they are simply ramblings with no purpose or agenda at all except to serve as his own personal comtemplations. To him, we are just subjects who serve as feedback. In short, he is simply talking to himself and mulling over his point of view. This is exactly what I got out of his answers (or are they un-answers?) too. For me it just means he is using people as scapegoats for his inability to think things through. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
James, I have a question. Sometimes I arrive at a conclusion, I have no idea that I was even thinking about it, I have therefore no idea how I got there. I would find it difficult to retrace my steps because I don't know what steps they where, how then do I get to the primal premise that must have been there in order to come to any conclusion? This might sound confusing, but at this time I have no other way to explain myself. ![]() Well, join the club called "Humanity". Your reasoning may be entirely intuitive and not necessarily based on logic at all. There's nothing wrong with that. Your intuition may very well be perfectly correct. You could become logically analytical about it if you want to and try to pin it down. However, I personally feel that to attempt to do so would only lead you to some foundational unprovable premises that you'll finally need to just accept or reject based on pure intuition anyway. This is why I gave up on trying to build any absolute philosophical construct. The premises that it must start with ultimate must be guesses. For example, I can begin by choosing the premise that I am nothing more than the form of my physical body and all that entails. That premise ultimately leads logically to atheism basically. If I begin by choosing the premise that I am the thing taking the form. That premise logically leads to pantheisic views. But utlimately I can't prove or disprove either premise. So now, let's say that at some high-level of thought you intuitively understand that you and nature are one? What good would it do for you to dig back logically to see if you can find a founding premise to support this? You'll never be able to do it anyway. So you may as well just go with your high-level intuition. Michael seems to think that we can work backwards to logically prove or disprove some high-level thought ("view" or "claim"). But it can't be done. If it could be done philosophy would have absolute answers for us. As it stands philosophers can't really say a damn thing about anything. They are just as lost today as the ancient Greeks were. Philosophy is nothing more than sophisticating guessing. If you do it right and start with seemingly sound premises you can appear to be wearing a tuxedo. But in truth, you're just renting the tux from the 'empty premise store'. All those philsophers have done is start with unproven premises and then build up very impressive logical cathedrals based on their unproven premises. In the end they have nothing but a fairytale. It's not unlike writing a fiction story that begins with imaginary characters (the premises) and then unfolds 'logically' from that point forward. But all the while the original characters are fictional. So your high-level intuitive knowledge of life may be right on. ![]() Therefore any logical nit-picker who wants to pick it apart using logic is only kidding himself. Thank you James. ![]() I think deep inside I knew that this is the answer all along. But you know this thing about curiosity and the cat. Sometimes it just kills me not to know why I know things that I logically can't know. ![]() Confusion reigns again. ![]() |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
James, I have a question. Sometimes I arrive at a conclusion, I have no idea that I was even thinking about it, I have therefore no idea how I got there. I would find it difficult to retrace my steps because I don't know what steps they where, how then do I get to the primal premise that must have been there in order to come to any conclusion? This might sound confusing, but at this time I have no other way to explain myself. ![]() I understand the problem. I too, would find it difficult to nail down why a believe some things. It is a combination of all information I have been exposed to. I have an inner skeptic who disagrees with most of what I have concluded. So I don't always agree with myself. There is a lot of conflicting information floating around. Yes, I do argue with myself a lot, too. But the odd time I just seem to know that I'm right. It's a gut feeling, but at the same time it's it seems to be a certainty. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
I have a question. Sometimes I arrive at a conclusion, I have no idea that I was even thinking about it, I have therefore no idea how I got there. I would find it difficult to retrace my steps because I don't know what steps they where, how then do I get to the primal premise that must have been there in order to come to any conclusion? This might sound confusing, but at this time I have no other way to explain myself. ![]() |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
I can understand what I think you mean, but groundless applies to a statement not to the poster themselves.
But that is something I seem to see a lot here. Some of you choose just to respond to posts from certain people, you dissect them to death to find the 'groundlessness'(I know it's a non-existing word, but I don't have another one, sorry) in this persons post. Instead of trying to find something you 'could' have in common you just go for the things you don't, and then y'all argue the hind leg off a donkey to prove it. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
Thank you Jeannie and James for your patience.
![]() |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
So from this point of view, Deepak is suggesting that any 'memory' that actually exists, exists in the intent of spirit, and not in the brain anyway.
So, where do dreams come from? I'm sure there isn't any intent while you are asleep. And it wouldn't explain deja vu either, because I can't see any intent in it either. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
In a computer, it is still there until it is overwritten. In a person, I don't know. But do you think that the memory in a person can be overwritten? I'm getting very curious now. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
But if I think differently about memory, does that make memory as you understand it void?
No. Memory is information stored. Stored information can be accessed. Information stored is like the information on your computer. It just sits there, waiting to be accessed by the user. In this reality, Consciousness is the user. In your brain, you are the user. You are consciousness. Not all memory is useful information, just like the stuff on your computer. There is some information on my computer I don't personally use or access, but it is still there. It can probably be accessed by a computer geek, but it might be useless information to him too. Memory or data that cannot be accessed is corrupted. A defrag of the computer organizes useful and accessible data and ignores or gets rid of corrupted data. Now, since you are using the computer as a comparison, if someone empties the cache, and clears the private data, will the memory you are talking about still be there? |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
Edited by
Sat 07/18/09 11:01 AM
Everything's subjective it's the object of this thread Knowingness is random and determinism's dead Invisible is highly seen although her thoughts are nude Contradictions so obscene Certainty gets screwed A quantum random universe indeterminate in principle Slaying all objective thought for uncertainty's invincible All we have are mere opinions based upon our lives Must we hold each other hostage using logic as our knives? Intuition rules the world feelings hold the truth To claim to know objectively would be nothing but uncouth Life is but a dream of surreal imagination Anything we think we know is but a mere approximation We share our thoughts subjectively without demanding resolution For in a quantum random world it's the only true solution ![]() ![]() ![]() I keep visualizing my naked thoughts hopping through threads, and so will Lee as soon as she gets up in her morning. She'll enjoy it. ![]() |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
You might be on to something there. Depends on who was to judge which thoughts are 'groundless'. If I could go and complain about a thought being 'groundless' whenever it doesn't agree with my thinking, would there be any posts at all? Or perhaps there would be one person talking to themselves? During our lives we have learned so much, and experienced a lot and processed a lot of information. It is sometimes difficult to self analyze every scrap of it and know where our own grounds for our beliefs and impressions are. I believe once you can understand yourself first, it will help in understanding others. Too many times we expect that others are exactly the same as we are. There are differences. If we are human we have a lot in common that we can relate to each other with, but we should not expect that everyone is going to see things the same way we see them. Each point of view is unique. Each person has their own treasure of information and experience to share. I have said before that the universe is energy and information and that matter is stored information, or memory. Each object, each living thing, every person is a treasure of information. This is especially true of humans. All things have a degree of consciousness that flows through it. All memory and information can be accessed by conscious intelligence or it is not memory. I think I can agree with that to a point. But if I think differently about memory, does that make memory as you understand it void? |
viewed people
hello how do i delete the people i have viewed You can't. The only way to avoid them seeing you is to go in stealth mode. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
You might be on to something there.
Depends on who was to judge which thoughts are 'groundless'. If I could go and complain about a thought being 'groundless' whenever it doesn't agree with my thinking, would there be any posts at all? Or perhaps there would be one person talking to themselves? |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
There is a saying here in Ireland, I don't know whether you know it:
What you say, I hear, and you mean might 3 completely different things. Taking this into account, I can make out of every single post what I want it to be. This has been my point all along. |
'Groundless' Thoughts?
All of that from ambiguity alone? That clearly depends on your own interpretation. It's subjective. |
The check mark on the mail you have sent out only means that the other person has read your mail, not that they have responded to it.
Hope that helps. ![]() |
why is
1/2 the post not showing up??? Half of my screen is black and so I cant read the entire message. Not trying to be smart, but have you cleared your private data lately? If not, it's a good place to begin. |
I have no idea what you are all talking about.
All I ever do is right click on an image, select copy image location and I'm good to go. ![]() |