How Nice is Too Nice?
Invisible, both you and Sherrie have tried to teach me the art of hand sitting for years....if only I would have listened... ![]() ![]() Sommer...I am all about full disclosure... put it out there..and have someone objective adjudicate, if emotion clouds reason. Some sites are more arbitrary yes...and give no indication as to why action is taken. This site has a very open book policy, and I have ALWAYS been informed where I have crossed the line, and in no uncertain terms have I ever been suspended, without an absolutely warranted reason. I refuse to be be a yes person...however I can learn to be silent. It sure isn't easy when one isn't used to mince words, but sometimes, once through the grinder, same thing sounds quite different. Hence the hand sitting, using the time to mince words. ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
I haven't got a 'nice' bone in my body... I haven't got the capacity to be a sucker upperer... There is no room in me to say 'yes' when I mean no. I have an opinion, and it is is unwavering, and not able to be conflicted by some needy urge to be liked. In a debate, I am quite capable of hearing the other side....and respect the differences, and be respectful. Respectful, is not nice....nice is insipid...respectful is authentic. Am I liked for who I am? Definitely not. (and the evidence is quite plain) The great part of it is that I always know who truly finds me comfortable to be around, and those that don't. There are no blurred lines. This IS who I am...if you met me on the street, I would be exactly the same... There are rules attached to the privilege to post here...and although I've crossed them often, skirted close to the line, and blatantly defied them...they are here. Yes they minimise me....but it's tough (too bad)....I want to interact with others, I have to toe the line. However in every aspect of my life, I cannot be a 'yes' person....on here, sometimes, I have to learn to be silent. I know the feeling. ![]() Don't I often sit on my hands, just so I can't let fly? It's hard, and sometimes I fail miserably, but then, I'm not nice anyway. ![]() |
Oh invisible, Bravo, loved it! Thank you. ![]() |
the world would be a better place. ...Then again, would it? You fart too much already, better keep those ones to yourself. ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
No worries.
![]() I actually thought it funny. ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
How'd you know? ![]() Because you let me become a member without charging me. ![]() You better give me your credit card details asap, I'm sure I just overlooked you because I thought you were............ ummmmmmmmmhhhhhhh............. NICE ![]() Sorry Sir, I no longer use my credit card for the purposes it was intended.............It makes a rather nice scraper for getting ice off my windscreen. ![]() ![]() Sir???????????????? ![]() Must be a long time since I looked, but I remember being a woman then. ![]() ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
How'd you know? ![]() Because you let me become a member without charging me. ![]() You better give me your credit card details asap, I'm sure I just overlooked you because I thought you were............ ummmmmmmmmhhhhhhh............. NICE ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
"Too nice" is when a person is a doormat and never stands up for him/herself. I agree. |
Very nice invisible! Would you like me to put that into the magazine with your credits? I think it would be a nice addition. ![]() If you think it fits in, have at it. ![]() |
Reading Fantasy
On opening the book I dive head-on into the world of Fantasy. All of a sudden I’m faced with creatures I never saw in my life before. With my heroes I laugh, fight and cry, Facing some fate or other. Walking along a path with them Hearing an almighty roar. (Book falls out of my hand, It was only the cat, Stretching and yawning on my lap) Back to the book (Cursing the cat) I find myself in a forest. Mutant spiders, Giant boars, White deer, And then, best of all, Wood Elves. My heroes don’t like them, I’ll soon find out why, They capture us And keep us in dungeons for their own delight. Someone to the rescue, Hurry up, A wizard appears With his magick staff. No longer in dungeons, Free we roam again Looking for fortunes and adventures And not in vain. Slowly my eyes close It’s past my sleeping time, But in my dreams I’m sure To go on more adventures Is not a crime. |
How Nice is Too Nice?
Anyone who is too nice is compensating for a personality flaw or they are way too fearful of rejection. ...Or they could actually be that nice, just a thought there but I highly doubt every single one of them is compensating for a personality flaw or are afraid of rejection. Just a bit of level ground, not that I care...I eat them... In my experience these people are usually very insecure. That makes them very gullible, and when they have gone along with everything for a while something just gives. There is an almighty explosion, they lash out to everyone, and all of a sudden they are back to being gullible. Till the next time that is. ![]() |
Could use your help...
You'll do fine, don't worry.
Best of luck to you. ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
OP: I don't know you but I don't like you already! ![]() seriously tho, some people have issues - and they are 'people pleasers' and will put pleasing everyone ahead of all else, even being true to themselves... they lead lonly lives, unable to accept love (ant therefore participate in a real relationship)... I feel sorry for them (the people pleasers)... sometimes people just need to be told to F****off!!... ![]() Well, you better join the club then. It's the one with the higher membership number, meaning it's cheaper. ![]() No,free. ![]() How'd you know? ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
OP: I don't know you but I don't like you already! ![]() seriously tho, some people have issues - and they are 'people pleasers' and will put pleasing everyone ahead of all else, even being true to themselves... they lead lonly lives, unable to accept love (ant therefore participate in a real relationship)... I feel sorry for them (the people pleasers)... sometimes people just need to be told to F****off!!... ![]() Well, you better join the club then. It's the one with the higher membership number, meaning it's cheaper. ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
I AM to NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol Nah, just nice. ![]() |
Invisible - Harpies in this fantasy world are opposite of what they are usually told in most fantasy stories. The Harpie for example in my novels are the most beautiful women in the lands that can entice or charm any male to their biddings. They look like humans, yet when needed wings will suddenly appear and they can fly away. Their beauty is what hypnotizes any male in their pressence, but also their scent, and magical abilities also can be used. The problem is that harpies in this world can only produce females, so they have to find males to keep their kind from extinction, which means they use various methods in doing so. In the end a Harpie is a powerful fantasy zodiac sign. ![]() Cheers ![]() I was getting worried there quite a bit. ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
I scare people...but it's cool, I have a few friends for some reason or another...I have quite a few more, but I had to force them under my they don't have a choice but to join me for dinner whenever I want them too... Ummmmhhhhh............... Nice. ![]() ![]() |
Fantasy Zodiac Signs. Which one are you?
January 1st to 14th - Dark Elf January 15th to 31st - Dragon February 1st to 14th - Gnome February 15th to 28th - Halfling March 1st to 14th - Dwarf March 15th to 31st - Giant April 1st to 14th - Wood Elf April 15th to 30th - Human May 1st to 14th - High Elf May 15th to 31st - Demon June 1st to 14th - Centaur June 15th to 30th - Fairy July 1st to 14th - Minotaur July 15th to 31st - Griffon August 1st to 14th - Valkyrie August 15th to 31st - Shapeshifter September 1st to 14th - Harpie September 15th to 30th - Shadow October 1st to 14th - Draconian October 15th to 31st - Lizardkin November 1st to 14th - Vampire November 15th to 30th - Orc December 1st to 14th - Werewolf December 15th to 31st - Hobgoblin Heavens, I'm a Harpie. ![]() Does it show? ![]() |
How Nice is Too Nice?
Hi Sommer, hope your day is going swimmingly well. ![]() I think for the most part, like yourself,I (as you say) shrug my 'internet shoulders' in certain situations, I am too long in the tooth to babysit other's opinions (adults) I do care and strive to make a difference to the students I have in my charge and to those adults who feel that my example makes a difference. I detest missing an opportunity of reaping from the orchard of young minds.My passing years have taught me a lot and has stood me in good stead, I have entered my "I know who I am, I am comfortable in my own skin and know where I am going phase" I am enjoying every second of it. I have been accused of being argumentative by someone here on this forum, did that label upset me? Hell no!! I carried on regardless Boxes Somebody has placed me in a box, Labelled me, stamped me. Darkness around me, No windows to look out, Claustrophobic. Trying to peel off the labels, For every one removed Two are placed anew. I am weary. What will happen to my spirit here Trapped in darkness, Lid closed down on me Will it wither? Will it retreat into itself? The walls draw closer Or? Is it my spirit growing? Ready to shatter the walls? Flying out into the open, Roaming free, unfettered Seeing the light. I am me again. |
How Nice is Too Nice?
No, but if it was a good point to considering a view on a topic then I would acknowledge that it was a good point. Sometimes Good points are made and I may change my opinion based on them points.
For instance, If a friend of mine wanted to marry a woman and he asked my opinion, I would tell him that if he loves her and she loves him then go for it, I am happy for you. You two would make a good couple. Later I may hear someone else s opinion that says no, they shouldn't get married, they make a bad couple and will never last. well I will stand firm to my opinion that I think they should get married, but if this person says, yea, but you don't know what I know, this friend of yours has there different woman that he is seeing at the same time and one of them is pregnant with his child, then my opinion will change because of the points that were made, the new facts that make me see that this isn't such a good idea after all. Wow, sorry to go so deep into this... lol This is ok, I do change my point of view too when I think it necessary, but I do have an opinion to begin with, same as you obviously do. But I don't go around saying yes, yes, yes to all and sundry, I make my own stance known in the beginning. If my stance changes I will say so, and I'll give my reason for it, however controversial it might seem at the time. I would never agree to something for the sake of agreeing. |