this is an incredible article that ranges from illegal immigration to terror plots uncovered to corruption in congress by the two leading ladies in congress. and people want to bash cheney, ha it would be laughable if it wasnt sad. |
The real Nancy Pelosi — multi-millionaire, resort, dining and winery baroness who profits from non-union and illegal labor. Now she pushes more taxes on U.S. oil companies — not OPEC oil producers.
November 10, 2006 · 95 Comments UPDATE By Mick Gregory News Alert: Cindy Sheehan bid farewell to her former “peace camp” near President Bush’s ranch and began a nearly two-week trek Tuesday toward Washington, D.C., with her sights set on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Cindy Sheehan, who turned 50 on Tuesday, is 17 years younger than Nancy Pelosi. Isn’t it amazing what power and money can buy? Sheehan, a Californian, officially announced that she intends to run as an independent against Pelosi in 2008 if the San Francisco congresswoman doesn’t move to impeach Bush by July 23, the day she expects to reach Washington. “I know what Californians care about,” Sheehan said. “They don’t care about the ruling power elite.” That means Nancy Pelosi? Sheehan first told The Associated Press on Sunday about her plans to challenge the top-ranking Democrat. She made it official Tuesday at Camp Casey, named after her 24-year-old son, whose death in Iraq first led Sheehan to set up camp in Crawford in 2005 to demand a meeting with Bush, who was on vacation at the time. Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly said Tuesday that Pelosi’s “focus is on ending the war in Iraq.” “She believes that the best way to support our troops in Iraq is to bring them home safely and soon,” Daly wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press. “Democrats will continue to hold the Bush Administration accountable by having votes in July to change course in Iraq; to responsibly redeploy our troops; and to refocus our effort on protecting Americans from terrorism.” But Sheehan said that’s not enough. “You can’t bring the troops home if you give George Bush $100 billion to wage this war,” she said Tuesday. “You’re not supporting them. You’re keeping them in harm’s way.” Sheehan says Bush should be impeached because she believes he misled the public about the reasons for going to war, violated the Geneva Convention with the torture of detainees and crossed the line by commuting the prison sentence of former vice presidential aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby. After her announcement, Sheehan and about 20 anti-war protesters began their 13-day trip with a symbolic march to the edge of Crawford, where a billboard of Bush and first lady Laura Bush welcomes visitors. Sheehan stunned fellow anti-war activists in May by announcing that she would sell her 5-acre Crawford protest site. She said then that she felt her efforts had been in vain and that she had endured hatred and smear tactics from the left as well as from the right. Did you know? CNN’s Democrat cheerleader Anderson Cooper is the son of billionaire heiress Gloria Vanderbilt. This new tax on oil is not unlike Chavez taking over control of private industries. Even liberal Californians voted down an identical energy tax just last November. So what does Pelosi do? She pushes through a more expensive energy tax in the first 100 hours without debate. This is similar to Hugo Chavez’s progressive politics. You think? What’s the difference? The millions of dollars that Democrat supporters spent to pass Proposition 87 to promote an increase in the extraction tax on crude pumped from California oil wells wasn’t enough to win over the state’s voters last November. The hotly contested ballot measure, which proposed to impose a new tax on oil production to fund a range of alternative energy programs, was backed by 45% of the voters, while 55% opposed it, according official returns. Opponents of the initiative campaigned heavily, arguing the tax would be borne by consumers, who would end up paying even more at the pump. The proposed Clean Alternative Energy Act sought to raise $4 billion over 10 years through an oil-extraction tax. The funds would be used to sponsor research and projects in alternative energy, including ethanol, solar and wind power. The initiative, which sought to cut the use of petroleum by 25% over the next decade, drew a massive response from the oil industry and pulled in endorsements from political heavyweights such as former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore. Both sides spent millions of dollars on their campaigns. Hollywood producer Stephen Bing provided major funding in favor of the measure by pledging about $49 million to the campaign. Other backers include Google Inc. (GOOG Energy companies calculated the impact of the potential new tax would range from 1.5% to 6%, depending on the price of oil. During its third-quarter earnings conference call, Chevron Chief Financial Officer Steve Crowe said the company could take a $200 million pretax hit on its annual earnings from the proposition. Facelift? Nancy Pelosi’s socialist political views are exactly what have kept her elected in San Francisco, along with the flow of union campaign money. The staunch “union supporter” Pelosi has even received the Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farm Workers Union. But her $25 million Napa vineyards and winery, she and her husband own are non-union shops. The extra profit she earns is more than she gets from labor unions. But I don’t think she wants the rank and file to know this. Do you? The hypocrisy doesn’t stop there. Pelosi has received more money from the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees unions than any other member of Congress in recent election cycles. The multi-millionaire investors own a large stake in an exclusive resort hotel in Wine Country, the Napa Valley Auberge Du Soleil Resort. It has more than 250 employees. But none of them are in a union, according to Peter Schweizer, author of “Do As I Say, (Not As I Do) – The Hypocrisy of Democrats” and a regular contributor to the New York Times. Pelosi is also partners in a restaurant chain called Piatti, which has 900 employees. The chain is – you might have guessed — a non-union shop. It is a very high-end restaurant group with locations in Carmel, Sonoma and Danville to name just the locations I dined at. Hardwood-fired ovens, exhibition kitchens, Napa wines, a very nice experience. I did notice some Hispanic kitchen help and busboys. I’m wondering if they are illegal alliens? No, the Speaker of the House wouldn’t hire illegals, would she? I’m sure The Chronicle’s Herb Caen gave Piatti a big plug every so often. The 67-68 (?) year-old Pelosi has spent more money on facelifts, cosmetic enhancements, and Armani suits than every one of her union supporters combined, don’t you think? I heard Chris Mathews of “Hardball” say “what a knockout Pelosi is, “I can’t wait to see her sitting behind President Bush at the next State of the Union speech.” Mathews actually worked at the The Chronicle and Examiner in San Francisco before his show “Hard Ball” on MSNBC, and before that he was a ‘gofer’ and occasional writer for the Democrat Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill. I believe that Mathews wasn’t as kind to Kathryn Harris who is young enough to be Pelosi’s daughter and quite attractive without expensive plastic surgery. No one is taking away Peolosi’s ability to make money, ($55 million) after all her father was a public servant in Balitimore and even became mayor back in the ’40s. You know, the kind of neighborhoods where the Sapranos do business. But Ms. Pelosi believes we are complete saps. She actually said in a recent interview that she did not have a facelift. Where did you get those eyelids done? At a taxidermist? I live about eight blocks from Nancy Pelosi in SF and a bit over a year ago, I was buying a sandwich at the corner market… I saw a large government SUV outside, and I saw this vaguely familiar person who looked like a cross between the Joker and my Congresswoman, followed closely by an assistant. I quickly realized that Nancy had recently had a rather severe face lift. So if she did more recently have her eyes done, I’d be surprised. Because you could have gently set a quarter on that face and it still would have bounced ten feet up in the air. — Wonkette She lies about her facelifts and her inability to blink. What do you think she means by saying she is a moderate? She has served on the executive committee of the Progressive Caucus, a socialist organization that, until 1999, was hosted by the Democratic Socialists Of America. They were asked to hide their connection after reviewing focus groups that show Americans still have negative feelings about Socialists. The Democrat leadership distanced themselves on paper to help the Democrats appear mainstream and elect Albert Gore. In an address she delivered in 2002, she remarked, “We must stand together in a bipartisan way to fight the war against terrorism.” Though she supported the Clinton Administration’s military actions and massive civilian deaths in Haiti, Kosovo, and Bosnia, she has denounced both the 1991-02 and 2004-06 wars in Iraq. Pelosi has also opposed President George W. Bush on most issues of Homeland Security, and has most recently joined the ACLU’s crusade to limit the powers of the Patriot Act. In 2005 Pelosi voted against barring the issuance of driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and against a requirement that businesses use an electronic system to verify whether new hires have the legal right to work in the U.S. Nor has Pelosi been a fan of employer sanctions against the hiring of illegal aliens. In 2003, she accused immigration officers of conducting “terrorizing raids” on Wal-Mart stores that led to the arrest of more than 300 illegal aliens. Loraine Stewart, a farmworker advocate with Napa Valley Community Housing, in a 2004 San Francisco Chronicle article estimated that half of the migrant labor force in the valley consisted of undocumented workers, without whom “not one bottle of wine would get made here.” –This nice little fact was picked up by Investors Business Daily. But The Chronicle article didn’t connect the dots to Ms. Pelosi, her holdings, her voting record, or her employment practices. Ms. Pelosi’s Voting History Cutting Intelligence $500 million FOR $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan operations AGAINST Patriot Act AGAINST Bush Income Tax Cuts AGAINST Eliminating Marriage Penalty AGAINST Capital Gains and Dividends Tax Cuts AGAINST Permanent Increased Child Tax Credit AGAINST Abolishing the Death Tax AGAINST Clinton Energy Tax FOR Allowing New Oil Refineries AGAINST Oil Drilling in ANWR AGAINST Partial-Birth Abortion Ban AGAINST Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act AGAINST Federal Marriage Amendment AGAINST Limiting Federal Courts’ Jurisdiction on Defense of Marriage Act AGAINST Sensenbrenner Border Protection and Illegal Immigration Bill AGAINST 700 Miles of Fence on Mexican Border AGAINST to sum this one up, shes a loser, a liar, and a closet communist. not to mention she is the leader of their party. what a joke. |
for the copy and paste crowd
Like Clinton, Obama Withholds Records
Thu, 02/28/2008 - 17:02 — Judicial Watch Blog Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has blasted Hillary Clinton for withholding her First Lady records while he repeatedly ignores requests to release his own lengthy state legislative records. Obama served eight years in the Illinois State Senate and several media outlets, as well as Judicial Watch, have tried through public requests to obtain his records to no avail. This week the Illinois Office of the Secretary of State responded to Judicial Watch’s request for Obama’s documents with a letter that states it doesn’t have the senator’s records and that it has “received no requests from Senator Obama to archive any records formerly in his possession.” In other words, Obama could easily make his state legislator records available to the public by having them archived but has chosen not to. Instead, he has offered several stories relating to the documents since announcing his presidential candidacy. Initially he dodged questions all together about releasing the papers while his campaign ignored numerous records requests, two of them from large and reputable Illinois newspapers. More recently, Obama changed his tune saying that he did not keep records from his state legislative years which spanned from 1997 to 2004. Evidently realizing how absurd that sounded, he amended the story to clarify that he didn’t keep records on things like his schedule but that the state of Illinois kept every single piece of information and document related to state government. Obama insisted that the information has already been disclosed, is readily available and has been “gone through with a fine-toothed comb” by the state’s news outlets. Not true, according to the media which has yet see the information. Obama hasn't always claimed that his State Senate papers didn’t exist. Earlier this year, his campaign asked a national media outlet to narrow a request for records on whether Obama had ever urged clemency for a convicted felon. A campaign spokesman acknowledged that otherwise it would be an extremely exhaustive search into every record “we have from the U.S. Senate and State Senate offices.” Obama should make them all available during the primaries or, at the very least, stop attacking his rival for withholding her records. so basically to sum up, hypocrits running a muck. |
madman when yu went thru basic, you went thru the gas chamber... you know it is illegal according to the geneva convention to use cs in was, and yet we do it all the time to break up roits and disperse crowds, not to mention make every soldier wearing a uniform deal with it. go figure, is it torture too?
This government does not torture.” -- George W. Bush All right! Waterboarding is a very unpleasant experience, which is sometimes fatal. I can also imagine that a small percentage of root canals are fatal, but no one routinely refers to them as torture—just very unpleasant. That said, if I were grabbed off the street by five guys in ski masks who jabbed a hypodermic in my neck, threw me in the back of a van, striped me to gooseflesh, gave me an enema and jammed a wad of cotton where only a proctoscope belongs, forced me into diapers and an orange jumpsuit, plugged my ears, duck-taped my eyes and put a sack over my head, shackled me in a stress position to the cold, aluminum deck of an unheated cargo plane for 15 hours, strapped me in a chair at some black dental site in Karachi and commenced the root canal in a shower of Punjabi expletives . . . then okay, maybe taken in toto I’d consider that experience torture. On February 13 the Senate narrowly passed—on a 51-45 party-line vote—an intelligence bill that will, among other things, ban waterboarding as an “enhanced interrogation technique,” a Bush-era euphemism for torture. Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who was tortured as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese, traded his principled stance against waterboarding for a White House endorsement of his candidacy and voted against the ban. Torture is now officially a plank in the GOP platform. Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama were too busy campaigning to go on congressional record as either supporting or opposing the ban. Such a narrow political plurality against the torture of a human being is possible in an overly-religious nation because of the mistaken notion that torturing a person begins and ends with “waterboarding” and because that term sounds a lot like “waterslide” and “water park.” Who hasn’t gotten water up the nose while playing in a pool but still enjoyed the overall experience? **** Cheney refers to waterboarding as “a dunk in the water.” Attorney General Mukasey refuses to call it torture unless, of course, it’s happening to him. Senator Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) defended his vote against the ban on waterboarding by saying, “It is not like putting burning coals on people's bodies. The person is in no real danger . . . the impact is psychological." I have news for Mr. Lieberman. If I were strapped in a straitjacket and locked in a 2x3x7 foot box, the exquisite psychological pain of that experience would find no rival in burning coals. And I would say anything to make it stop. Torture, physical or psychological, is about as singularly personal an experience as birth and death. Waterboarding has become the cause célèbre in the torture controversy that began in this country with the revelation of tortured Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib. Considering the attention it gets—3,810,000 Google hits—one can be forgiven for thinking it is the only “enhanced interrogation technique” being used. In reality, it is only the most benign sounding of the Bush-era chamber of horrors, which includes, but is not limited to: electric shock, hypothermia, heat injuries, forced sexual acts, prolonged stress positions, beatings, dog attacks, withholding food, water, and medical attention, sleep depravation, sensory overload, and mock execution. We have already become a nation “comfortable” with the idea that waterboarding is torture. In a November 2007 CNN poll, 68 percent of the respondents agreed that waterboarding constitutes torture. But only 58 percent of the respondents believe the U.S. should not use the technique. For now, there is a narrow moral plurality against its use. Waterboarding is the thin edge of the wedge that will work its way into the political and moral discussion and slowly, but inexorably, desensitize the nation to the overt and covert use of all forms of torture. Torture will become a “regrettable” but necessary weapon in the war on terror, much as the madness of “mutual assured destruction” was thought to be integral to surviving the Cold War. Once in the arsenal, torture, like nuclear missiles, will become an unassailable tool of national defense. Keep in mind, a particular torture technique is not applied in isolation, but is part of a longer torturing experience that includes kidnapping, extraordinary rendition, prolonged isolation, denial of legal rights, no communication with family, draconian sentences, loss of hope, psychosis, suicide, and execution. Keep in mind also that too often the victims of a torturing experience are the innocent, the constitutionally protected dissenter, the political opponent, the disenfranchised . . . the children of the disappeared. On June 18, 1940 the Russia army invaded Lithuania and began arresting community leaders and intellectuals. My aunt’s mother was a librarian, one of her town’s intellectuals. She was arrested and charged with espionage. To extract a confession, her interrogators used pliers to rip the flesh from the inside of her upper arms. I don’t know what she told them. She was, after all, just a woman who loved books. Regardless, she was convicted and condemned to death. After languishing for months in a death cell waiting to be executed, her sentence was commuted to fifteen years in a Siberian gulag. She did not see her husband or her children for a quarter of a century. Her torture did not begin or end with the pliers—a Stalin-era “enhanced interrogation technique.” The scars from the pliers were visible on her arms, which she hid under long sleeves. The scars of twenty-five years were visible in her eyes, which she hid in books for the remainder of her life. A society that accommodates itself to the idea of torture, be it torture of minutes or hours or months or years, forfeits the right to think of itself as moral or humane. That nation is not the beacon light of liberty and justice shinning on less enlightened countries. It is the umbra. _______ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
They sure did, and the parents were so pleased.. ![]() nothing brings warmth to the heart like kids smiling and having fun. and getting the appreciation from adults over something like that,,,, the unintended side effect of feeling rewarded, priceless. |
I gave a brand new above ground 7 metre by 3 metre pool as a gift once.. ![]() talk about your big old watering hole. hope they played in it everyday with smiles on their little faces. ![]() |
well that sucks, hope your winter has seen some snow fall, and the springs brings plenty of water.
The Legal War In Iraq
for those who claim the war is illegal I would love to see your posts in here..... ![]() We supposedly are members of the UN, and I guess they never agreed with us. Why do we claim to agree to abide by the rules for going to WAR ,and then not keep our agreements, Our word is just no good is it?? I guess we make up our rules as we go.(immune to laws ,treaties and rules ,I guess) BUT THERE is NO STATUTE of LIMITATIONS on MURDER is there? The trials can be any time from now on. Murderers don't love their neighbors, that is why they kill them. Personally, it looks like a criminal war to me. I think bush is a coward for not accepting Hussein's challenge to fight him ,one on one, and leave the rest of the world out of what looks like bush's personal hatred of Hussein, and wanting to steal his oil.Bush done made the call, and now he should have to answer for it.(TRIAL)(World Court) Enough is enough already of criminals in our govt. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() a little oil on the bush, help grease it up and slide on in the ass crack of Iraq huh, oil, oil, oil....whatever, hows that working out for us huh? how much for filling up the little yellow bike your own? make up our own rules? HELL YEAH we do, what we should abide by rules set by other countries? hell no man. I mean Im all for wanting to be equal with others in the world, but for real, we have none so please quit trying to dumb down america further than the crazy lib are already doing. |
This is an up to date situation, China and Russia and Iran and probably most of the planet, except for England and Israel are opposing US right now!! in 2008!! Probably even worse now than back in 2005. If ,there is a WORLD WAR 3 ,America will be all ruble, back to the stone ages, BUT, if we are really, really, lucky, and get out of it easy,(no war) then China and others in Asia, and the oil people in the Mid-East will own WALL STREET, Which I think they are buying it up right now!! That might be what will get rid of the KHAZARS(liars thieves and murders) out of WALL STREET. Then maybe we can change the money system for an honest system(Constitution system) Hey, I think I might be seeing some light down there at the end of the tunnel. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Go gettum, Barack!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() No country with an abundance of nuclear weapons will ever get invaded and taken over. No one is stupid enough to start a large scale nuclear war. Drivenutz ,I am hoping too ,that no one is that stupid. But the problem is that since we have supposedly been getting away with invading other countries, and occupying them, we are acting like a drunk that can not quit over drinking, we seem to be addicted to over throwing and occupying countries one after another like Hitler started doing. Eventually some body is going to draw the line on us,(I heard something about a new military base in Kosovo)(it seems to never end) if we don't get the Bush Gang out of there soon, before He attacks more people, or before Israel attacks more people. Israel seems to like to attack or throw a wrench in the gears and then stand back , and Say: Let's you and him fight, and they(KHAZARS) will be happy to lend money to both sides of the war ,so that it can keep going. It is my understanding that War equip. is their main export........... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() did I see kosovo? hell yeah Im glad you brought that up, we are still there after all these years, it started with clinton you know, he said we'd be out in a year,,,,, not, we're still kicking around there, in the middle of their own civil war to, but that was ethnic cleansing by the millions crazy, im glad we're there and im pretty sure we will be there long after we're out of iraq. but you wanted to blame it on bushy boy- shame on you, the truth shall set you free!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
what I'm wondering about is who the native people stole the land from.... ![]() Just to answer your query there Northern in AUstralia, the Indigenous Australians are the original inhabitants, they have 40 000 plus years of history here...and are the purest race of original man... ![]() so the Australians stole it from the original inhabitants then because Australia itself did not exist until the continent called Sahul divided into what we now call Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania around 6,000 years ago..oh and as far as being the purist people the Aboriginal ancestors were thought to have come from Asia... someones been researching their little fingers off........ show off. hahahahahahahaha |
i have a child in school, she is doing well too... no thanks to the school system. if her mother and I hadnt sat down with her and retaught her what the school was mesing up she would be hurting right now and surely on her way to waiting tables(no offense to the waitresses out there).
schools should be held accountable! there are a lot of things wrong with them and if the no child left behind act has put a spot light on it and cause awareness to increase then so be it, we expect everything from the government and hold no one responsible for shotty work, its part of the reason for the decline. throwing good money after bad is irresposible and reckless. |
but realistically in a time when mommy and daddy arent around as much as they need to be, or families are sitting around a tv instead a table there are things not being done. Im for raising a child at home not at school, but WTF is so hard about throwing in a tree sentence comment about abstaining at the same time your trowing out condoms?
good point and it's time that parents be parents way I taught no-sex education I taught to my sons was showing them the copies of checks for child support I paid their mom before they moved in with sure has a way of swaying their minds... ![]() yeah guess thats one way of doing it. ![]() |
sweet, pickles yum.
i surprised my daughter one year at her birthday by wheeling a bike in behind her, she never saw it coming, just turn 5 and when i said whats that behind you sweety, she turned and it was the first time i ever really saw some one speechless. i think at first she had no idea it was hers, then it dawned on her, spent hours in the front yard teaching her how to ride that thing..... great great memory. |
![]() ![]() seriously tho, 5000 dollars a nite at some of those places in tahiti, its a tiny little three(?) island country, lots of tourist and polinesian women, white beaches its got to be up there somewhere. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 02/28/08 09:18 AM
so everyone criticizes, and even more complain... but what would the forefathers do, I only refer to them because it seems as tho they are still some of the smartest guys to ever put forth thouht onto paper and actually make a diference. what is the solution, do we go to the extremes such as the way of the chinese, or let promiscuity and partial birth abortions rule the day side by side with EXTREME religios chastity belts. be part of the solution not the problem. personally I dont see a problem with encouraging abstanance(even tho it falls increasingly on deaf ears) while at the same time educating on the causes and effects of unprotected sex. In the end it comes down to raising responsible young people, and for the most part, as a whole we are still doing ok with that, just cant allow ourselves to become complacent. I am part of the solution. I preach condom usage to any young person who falls in ear shot. Condoms because they are preventative to pregnance but also STDs. I have seen the twenty something girls who contracted AIDS at teenage age. Beautiful young women of all races and backgrounds, young and stupid as we all were but now they can not "fix" it anymore. Condoms need to be available to all and the importance of using them needs to be taught, and repeated and repeated until they get it. i agree with teaching about condoms, I even mentioned that I thought. But much as we want to "preach" you can not modify behavior simply by saying 'here's a condom kid make sure you use it!' Something has also got to be done to teach some sort of responsible behavior, and that means if there isnt a love glove around then they should abstain(or do you think they should perform the act of abstanance then). Ive dealt with the treatment of STDs as well and continue to do so. Condoms ar not the only answer, personal responsible behavior with our youth must be encouraged as well... thats all Im saying, and it is as close to an olive branch as you will ever see from me. I moved to the center.... your harping like a right wing religious nut except from the other side. I was assuming that parents teach responsiblity already besides the birth control. Maybe I assume too much. I did not just hand my son a condom and say use this. It was a long drawn out, repeated process that included showing him how to use one on a broom stick. He still laughs to this day over me showing him how to put on a condom. I told him sex should only be for someome that he loves, it is not a frivolous thing, etc....... He was a teen and he did not wait to have sex with someone he loved and all that. Pressure from what the other kids were doing and the girls, the girls, man, they were ditching school to be with him, chasing him all around, offering anything he wanted, etc...... I found letters they wrote him and it made me blush the stuff that they wrote. It was a battle for me. But I did something right he does not have any kids he cannot support. Now my baby daughter who is 18 now did not heed any of my teaching at all, she has a daughter of 3 now. Men do not want to wear condoms and this is a problem. Both are at fault do not get me wrong I am not saying one is more responsible then the other but they are wild these teens. We have been shown that abstinence does not adhere. So we must be prepared for the worst even though we do not want to think of our kids doing these things. im agreeing with you on the condom thing (yikes i can not believe i said that) all I am saying to you about abstanance is that it should be encouraged as well, you did it yourself with your boy, sex with someone you love talk. but realistically in a time when mommy and daddy arent around as much as they need to be, or families are sitting around a tv instead a table there are things not being done. Im for raising a child at home not at school, but WTF is so hard about throwing in a three sentence comment about abstaining at the same time your trowing out condoms? |
Edited by
Thu 02/28/08 09:04 AM
this copy paste piece is from 2005, the sky hasnt fallen, your still alive. Yea but some of the dissention is there as foretold here. I would rather not take a chance and just let Iraq deal with their own civil war just like we dealt with ours and be done with it. Of course we know that there will always be a military presence there as is the habit of us whereever we go, but stop the invasion and let them put it back together how they will. We do owe them a large apology though so maybe help them build some or something but no invasion. apology? right... i forgot you havent been there. you dont get to see te real iraqi's in the street of little real towns out of the veiws of the camera, you havent been hugged ad kissed and al the rest, people offering you everything they have as a way of saying thanks, its funny when you have blinders on you cant see the truth. For a medic you are not very "up" on psychology huh? If we were invaded here by a power bigger than us and we had no control of it or a way to stop it, we would kiss the feet of the invaders also out of fear of retribution. Silly man ![]() I think YOU would kiss their feet... Another thing to think about is we aren't being run by Saddam. You would to or die. I guess I have to go through this again. Saddam did not do 9/11, Iraq is not the homeland of terrorists, Saddam and bin laden are not interchangeable, we illegally invaded Iraq on false premise, Iraqi blood is being shed for 9/11 when they did not do 9/11 had nothing to do with 9/11, WHERE IS THE PERPETRATOR OF 9/11???? WHERE IS THE VINDICATION FOR 9/11?????? Saddam was a tyrant and we have utilized him in recent years before the war, as an ally. So how he ruled was okay with us when we utilized him for our purposes. We f*cking blew their country to bits, control their streets, raid their homes daily, kill, maim, etc....... and after all of this they will not suck up every chance they get????? Come on, you fool yourself too much. WOW and woe sister, Im glad you have an opinion, as ilinformed as it is, after all you havent been there and yet you want to argue with people who have, does that seem rational to you? If this counry were ever invaded I can see people like you bowing down, luckily there are people like me who would die first, its a little thing but we call it courage and honor. the whole arguement of saddam and binloser being interchangable has not been made by me nor will it. saddam was not a mass murdering ass, wheres your bleeding heart for the millions of men women and CHILDREN you profess to love so much that he slaughtered(had slaughtered). When we helped saddam out(this is where knowing your history helps a little) it was after the iranians took americans hostage and your beloved dem pres at the time did nothing, then reagan came along and what do you know we get the hostages back. then as away of fighting the iranians saddam comes into the picture.... now realize that iranians arent arabs but rather turks so there is no love lost there and saddam wanted to fight them worse than we did, he just didnt have the means, so yea we gave him some crappy tanks and beat up guns,,,,, this was all before he went on his personal killing spree. One thing led to another there were skirmishes then out of nowhere he throws some mustard gas at the iranians(can you say WMDs) a few years later he decides that wasnt enough so comes the kuwait thing. then more kid killing woman raping man exterminating and several resolutions later, coincidently coinciding with what was going on in afghanistan, it made sense to kick his ass. we were there anyway. No we didnt blow their country to bits, yes we blew some sh1t up but not the country, it was in a dilapitated state before we got there, the palaces were nice, which was funding by the illegal food for oil money conveniently provided for by the secretary generals son. your cant teach little kids to come out and joyously wave and dance around if they dont want to. you have never seen their eyes or there faces so the one who is fooling themself isnt me at all, but rather the person whom thinks she knows what it is like over there having never been herself. dont try to preach to me about someting you know nothing about, your a fool and it shows through these threads the more you type. dont you have some condoms to go throw at gradeschoolers, maybe if you try to scare the crap out of them you might have some luck keeping your party together, the country is waking up from you bullsh1t party lady better prepare yourself to cowar somewhere or be ostrecized by the angry mob when it comes to, i think their piss at you guys. |
wow, giving horses away in ohio, who would have thunk that.
why is there such a shortage of hay there, did you guys go thru a drought this year. well, at least you got a horse out of the deal, huh? hope you dont have to eat him ![]() its still pretty unsual i would venture to say, arent they pretty pricey? |
so everyone criticizes, and even more complain... but what would the forefathers do, I only refer to them because it seems as tho they are still some of the smartest guys to ever put forth thouht onto paper and actually make a diference. what is the solution, do we go to the extremes such as the way of the chinese, or let promiscuity and partial birth abortions rule the day side by side with EXTREME religios chastity belts. be part of the solution not the problem. personally I dont see a problem with encouraging abstanance(even tho it falls increasingly on deaf ears) while at the same time educating on the causes and effects of unprotected sex. In the end it comes down to raising responsible young people, and for the most part, as a whole we are still doing ok with that, just cant allow ourselves to become complacent. I am part of the solution. I preach condom usage to any young person who falls in ear shot. Condoms because they are preventative to pregnance but also STDs. I have seen the twenty something girls who contracted AIDS at teenage age. Beautiful young women of all races and backgrounds, young and stupid as we all were but now they can not "fix" it anymore. Condoms need to be available to all and the importance of using them needs to be taught, and repeated and repeated until they get it. i agree with teaching about condoms, I even mentioned that I thought. But much as we want to "preach" you can not modify behavior simply by saying 'here's a condom kid make sure you use it!' Something has also got to be done to teach some sort of responsible behavior, and that means if there isnt a love glove around then they should abstain(or do you think they should perform the act of abstanance then). Ive dealt with the treatment of STDs as well and continue to do so. Condoms ar not the only answer, personal responsible behavior with our youth must be encouraged as well... thats all Im saying, and it is as close to an olive branch as you will ever see from me. I moved to the center.... your harping like a right wing religious nut except from the other side. |
yeah, that was my take on it too, not the wise alpha comment but the generosity.
you dont hear about that kind of thing anymore, everybody so caught up in trying to live their lives constantly looking straight forward never looking around to take in the sites. Its just good to hear about random, unsolicited, noncontrite acts of kindness. Man I bet he felt like he was santa clause. Thanks for the reply, and the wisdom. |