I don't really have anybody to be "friends" with. They're all either at work, dead or imaginary. I'm a total loner. Always have been and probably always will be. There isn't a woman for me. Nobody's all that interested in me, so WTF. They ain't coming to my rescue.
who has your back....??
Nobody, unfortunately. Nobody at all. Can't say I blame them entirely, though. I'm not really handsome and I don't have any money. I don't see much of a future with women here or anywhere. I'm not sure why I'm still here. Maybe out of desperation. Or maybe just for the stupid subjects in the forums, I don't know. But no one's "got my back" as far as I know. Maybe they do and they're just holding it from me, not revealing themselves until some "unspecified time in the future". But I don't think so.
By the way, just from a pure logic point of view, whether a worldwide flood happened or not (no indications at all that it did), it wouldn't prove the existence of god. It would only prove that the claim reported in the folk tale which is now a part of the Bible did happen. It would not prove WHY. After all, there are also stories in there saying that several times, god ordered genocide against some non-chosen people group. Although there is evidence of many people fighting over the millennia, there is no proof that said genocides occurred, and again, even if there were a graveyard with a sign on it saying "these are the entire population of the nation of whomever, mass murdered at the order of god, " it would no more prove that god did order the deed, than all the modern day claims that fanatics make after they murder innocent people in the name of god. A-Men, brother! |
WINSTON CHURCHILL ON ISLAM - IN 1899! “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities - but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.” -Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899). True. Food for thought. |
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Mon 06/20/16 01:13 AM
Why y'all hate us? Mom is Christian and dad is Muslim and we r living our lives without any problems! We r not like what you think I swear!! ![]() Roman227, We do not hate Muslims! Americans are not like that...or most of them anyway! No, the thing we hate is what SOME Muslims are doing and their reasoning for doing it! That's the thing we hate! Most Americans genuinely care about others and it isn't in our nature to usurp religion for justifying the mindless wanton wholesale slaughter of innocents and children. But ISIS/ISIL and Al Qaeda are criminals! They are murdering, for no sound reasoning except their so-called "religious fervor", Christians, Yezidis AND other Muslims that don't believe as the ISIS/Al Qaeda Muslims do! ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Shabaab and others want a worldwide "caliphate"!! They want the United States destroyed, and by extension, the entire Western world!! And that's kind of what this thread is about - the difference between ISIS Muslims and the majority of other Muslims, the ones who, like all people, desire to be free, to live in peace and safety and to be left alone and not have to keep looking over their backs in constant fear of terrorist activity and dictators. I'm glad to hear that your family is so diverse. May I ask what part of the Middle East you're from, what country? |
Yeah, Lpdon, "scientology" is defined in my "book" as being a "cult", a cult of enslavement, secrecy and some really, really strange practices. From what I have heard and read about, L. Ron Hubbard was more than a bit wacky and most, if not all, of "scientology" smacks of New Age quackery. And this is coming from my own purely non-religious agnostic point of view on religions in general and the "scientology" cult in particular. I'm not saying they don't have the right to be crazy, but they should be grouped in with the Heaven's Gate cult crazies, the Westboro Baptist Church clown parade and the Harold Camping "End Of The Universe Times" freaks! "Scientology" isn't a religion. Just because you can successfully bully the U.S. Government into granting you tax-exempt status DOES NOT MAKE YOU A RELIGION OR CHURCH!!! Don't believe me? Look to Russia! The "Church of Scientology" is BANNED in Russia. Seems old Vlad Putin is good for something after all, eh? It was banned in Germany (now there are warning labels anywhere near a Scientology center on their materials and there are many other countries it is flat out illegal in. They also have to have printed on their E-Meters that it is not a medical device. If you want to see something really interesting. It is the most accurate documentary on Scientology ever made. It has former high ranking Scientologists who escaped the church, including the guy who was second in command to David Miscavige and second in charge of Scientology, Their former spokesman and several Hollywood Actors and Driectors who have left after realizing the truth. You should check it out. You can stream it on Amazon, Netflix and HBO it won several Emmy's and also won at the Sundance film festival. It's called Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. It is a must see for everyone! That does sound interesting. Too bad it's on Netflix and HBO "paid only" streaming. I'm unemployed and broke, so I'll never be able to see this documentary unless it's on YouTube and for free. As for the compulsory requirement to put "This is not a medical device!" stickers all over their E-Meters, they can't possibly be taking that too well. Serves 'em right for dishing out bogus crap to mislead and disinform the unsuspecting masses! Again, the "scientology" crowd is just like the Heaven's Gate crazies, just not suicidal....yet... they're still waiting for the right comet... LOL...That very well could be! ![]() |
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Fri 06/10/16 08:39 AM
relax keyboard warrior Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). you fill it out to see if you qualify for federal assistance with college many places over free or reduced counseling services at community mental health This planet is such a f***in' ship of fools, it's damn hard to relax much for very long these days! I try, but it's increasingly more difficult as the years go by, what with the stupid election bull crap and the ISIS pieces of garbage killing people and blowing things up in the Middle East and the good-for-nothing celebrities always in the f***in' news sixteen million times a day! Please forgive me if I get a bit hot under the collar. I am starting to think that everything is an attack on my values, including some of what you and CrystalFairy are talking about. It just sounds like a lot of Feminist quackery. And the stupid thing is, I agree with your initial post fully and completely! I don't know what's wrong with this stupid civilization any more, I really don't. Thank you for the short explanation of what FAFSA is. Again, off-topic far more than it needs to be. P.S.: "Keyboard Warrior"...seems all too fitting and it's the only thing I can do. I'm not proud of that at all. |
might I suggest counseling CHRONICALLY UNEMPLOYED AND UNDEREDUCATED, and instead of looking for a woman to take care of you you figure out the means and the know how to start doing things for yourself have you tried filling out FAFSA and getting some training so that perhaps you are better qualified for a job? or...have you just decided to give up? OKAY, SINCE YOU ASK... NO! I HAVE NOT TRIED "FILLING OUT FAFSA"!!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT "FAFSA" IS! NEVER, EVER HEARD OF IT! YES, I HAVE GIVEN UP!! THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE F***ING DAMN THING I CAN DO TO CHANGE MY SITUATION!!! I'M TRYING TO LEARN HOW TO CODE WEB PAGES BUT MY F***ING BRAIN QUITS AFTER FIVE MINUTES OF TRAINING VIDEOS!!! NOT MY F***ING FAULT I WAS BORN THIS WAY!!! SCHOOL BORES ME TO HELL AND BACK!!! FINALLY, HOW THE F*** AM I GONNA PAY FOR "COUNSELING" OR "JOB TRAINING"?! I JUST SAID I. HAVE NO. MONEY! OKAY?! I HAVE NO MONEY AND I CAN'T PAY FOR ANYTHING!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() BLOW ME TO SMITHEREENS ALREADY! ![]() ![]() ![]() AND SO DAMN ![]() |
No luck
Sorry about that, bro. Same here. I'm thinking that "God" or whatever didn't make a woman for me. You're not the only one who feels this way. Try to have fun anyway. Best of luck.
Welcome aboard, mishie018. Have fun, enjoy your stay, don't forget to beware of scammers. And have a great day!
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Fri 06/10/16 07:38 AM
so we see this influx of men who are looking for a non-western girl or a young girl or a submissive girl that will do what they say and cater to their needs and we are seeing an increase in career women who do not need a man to pay their bills or buy them pretty things these women may also want someone younger or they want a no strings attached relationship Yeah, I think men are the biggest idiots in that scenario .. I have a cousin who after his divorce with a spicy woman figured he'd best go for a young girl. Easy to shape to his needs etc. Right. Sure it went that way at first, the girl was only 17, he was 30, 32. But then she grew up and boy was he in for a shock, hahaha. They almost broke up, she had a serious affair, about to leave him. He came to realise that he truly loved her and didn't want to lose her. And he had to fight like F to win her back. So much for a young, meek girl! Apart from all that, I suppose a younger woman makes them feel more masculine. Again that status thing "Look what I've achieved!!" Maybe if men worked through their issues after divorce, they'd find that a woman closer to their own age and from their own culture would make them much happier. Men often don't work through the pain from divorce, they jump right into the next relationship. Often make sure they got a replacement at the ready before they dump the missus. Maybe a similar thing goes for divorced career women? Too busy and too disconnected from their feminine side to work through the pain from divorce properly? Then maybe going for a younger bloke, thinking that'll be easier and maybe even a little ego, as career woman are driven by so much masculine energy and thus sensitive to status. All in all I think there's a huge problem area for many single woman in their 40s and 50s in finding a new partner. Men their age often prefer to go for younger women OR they aren't emotionally willing/ready to make a new commitment and play the field. And possibly it's as hard for women in their 60s, albeit for different reasons. I know from my mom she got approached by men in their 70s and compared to her they were really old f@rts. My mom was to lively, young at heart to settle for an old f@rt. My mom's -now 73- has been single since she was approx 48. Had a few relationships, but nothing worked out. Mostly because the partner's kids threw a spanner in the works, that happened several times. Kind of weird how kids seem to have a stronger hold on the father than their mother in such things? I've had that experience with my ex as well. Mostly our relationship got effed up by his kids. And last week he even admitted that to me, so it's not me making this up, thinking me and my kids are so wonderful. But I digress... It's a problem indeed. But there are still good nice men out there looking for a woman their own age and culture. THere's some on here ... ...So, you're sayin' I'm an "idiot" for wanting an Asian wife as opposed to an American or an English or a Latino one? Am I reading you rightly here? Know this... SOME MEN MAY, IN FACT, BE CURIOUS ABOUT OTHER CULTURES!!! IT AIN'T ALL ABOUT SEX, DEAR SWEETIE!! ![]() Now, I'm not going to claim that you're wrong or right on this as you obviously appear to know more about these things than I. But I beg this question of you, CrystalFairy...What do you think about men who can't, for reasons beyond their control, find work of any sort?! Don't these men need to be "loved"?! American women have proved to be incredibly unaccomodating and judgmental towards men that have no job, no college degrees and might be forced to "depend" on said woman/women in their lives!! FEMINISM is the enemy here, NOT outbreeding!!! IF AMERICAN (AND, MORE BROADLY, WESTERN) WOMEN WEREN'T SO JUDGMENTAL TOWARDS THE CHRONICALLY UNEMPLOYED AND UNDEREDUCATED, MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, I'D BE MORE OPEN TO THEM!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeah, I get bored from time to time too. Not an issue. You can chat with me if you want.
It often seems to me, that what defines a cult, is the same thing that defines insanity: not anything objective, rather it's a matter of general sensibilities of a local majority over a local minority. There are still Christian religious orders, for example, which require those who join to do all the same things that the Scientologists do. Renounce all previous ties and loyalties, make regular "confession" to the leaders of the group, and so on. Most of the sub-cults within majority religions are accepted, simply because they've been around a long time, and because they are allied to the majority belief system. That's the challenge of dealing with someone who has set out to use our American desire for personal religious freedom, to craft a system designed for personal profit, or to allow abuse of members or even non-members. The recent fracas over whether we should let certain Christians conduct a public business, wherein they demand that their customers all adhere to their beliefs, or be refused service, is an example. If we decide 100% for or against that, we open doors to ourselves being abused, even as we act with the best of intentions. Hence my being "agnostic non-religious". I don't want to be associated with ANY belief group/church/monastery/whatever you want to call it that has segments or units within it that does that stuff. For me it's just safer to be not religious. I'm not saying there's no "God". But I'm also not saying that there is a "God". "Agnostic" means, roughly, "I don't know what to believe and I'm questioning what the mainstream culture at large says I should believe". My mind is open, but I hew to no single religious group or affiliation. It's just too dangerous to do so these days. |
Yeah, Lpdon, "scientology" is defined in my "book" as being a "cult", a cult of enslavement, secrecy and some really, really strange practices. From what I have heard and read about, L. Ron Hubbard was more than a bit wacky and most, if not all, of "scientology" smacks of New Age quackery. And this is coming from my own purely non-religious agnostic point of view on religions in general and the "scientology" cult in particular. I'm not saying they don't have the right to be crazy, but they should be grouped in with the Heaven's Gate cult crazies, the Westboro Baptist Church clown parade and the Harold Camping "End Of The Universe Times" freaks! "Scientology" isn't a religion. Just because you can successfully bully the U.S. Government into granting you tax-exempt status DOES NOT MAKE YOU A RELIGION OR CHURCH!!! Don't believe me? Look to Russia! The "Church of Scientology" is BANNED in Russia. Seems old Vlad Putin is good for something after all, eh? It was banned in Germany (now there are warning labels anywhere near a Scientology center on their materials and there are many other countries it is flat out illegal in. They also have to have printed on their E-Meters that it is not a medical device. If you want to see something really interesting. It is the most accurate documentary on Scientology ever made. It has former high ranking Scientologists who escaped the church, including the guy who was second in command to David Miscavige and second in charge of Scientology, Their former spokesman and several Hollywood Actors and Driectors who have left after realizing the truth. You should check it out. You can stream it on Amazon, Netflix and HBO it won several Emmy's and also won at the Sundance film festival. It's called Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. It is a must see for everyone! That does sound interesting. Too bad it's on Netflix and HBO "paid only" streaming. I'm unemployed and broke, so I'll never be able to see this documentary unless it's on YouTube and for free. As for the compulsory requirement to put "This is not a medical device!" stickers all over their E-Meters, they can't possibly be taking that too well. Serves 'em right for dishing out bogus crap to mislead and disinform the unsuspecting masses! Again, the "scientology" crowd is just like the Heaven's Gate crazies, just not suicidal....yet... |
For thousands of years men have poured out there hearts to women. Men would write poetry, sing to them, always polite to them, any jester to show ones affection. But in the last century that has all changed. With the rise of technology there has been the destruction of common decency. Sex is everywhere in our society which has become common to us numbing our minds. The effect of giving into ones carnal nature has cause the escalation or loss of chivalry and romance in general, because we live in a society that is focused on "ME". Here is an example, if a man took a female out opened doors for her, brought her flowers, was just generally very nice and polite, walks her home on the first date he would get the nice guy flag. No guy wants that flag ever. But if a man took her out for drinks and went back to her place to roll in the sack she would be more likely to keep him. Courting to win a woman's heart really doesn't exsist any more. There's no romance in that. Any thoughts? I dunno...maybe. Of course women today are a LOT shallower and more superficial these days than they ever were in the last thousand or so years. I don't know...you'd think the "nice guy" would stand a better chance than a cantankerous a-hole who comes home drunker than a sailor every night and shows no gratitude for the beauty that Nature has given him. The women, the "pretty" ones anyway, pretty much ignore you if you are deficient in even one quality, and it does not have to be a major flaw either. Something like losing a job and not being able to find another one or not having the luxury of a college education. Twenty or thirty years ago these things didn't automatically doom a man from the outset in the dating scene. Now, if you don't have a job or degrees, you pretty much WILL NOT get a "pretty girl" to even think about looking at you, much less actually doing it. Some blame Feminism and the so-called "womens' rights" movement. I'm not totally sure if that's really all to blame or not. I'm not an expert on that. But, I concede that you could well be correct in your assessment. I contend that some kind of way women today have gotten the idea that it's okay to judge a man's social and economic status before his character. I don't know how or where, but many women today are extremely judgmental of men and for all the wrong reasons. And that's wrong and it needs to be changed somehow or Homo Sapiens will be made extinct from failure to mate. |
At the moment I'm listening to "Renewal" by Liquid Mind...some nice relaxing, sleepy New Age electronic music for a hot night in the South. Stay cool everybody in Louisiana, and Good Night!
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Wed 05/25/16 06:56 PM
Yeah, Lpdon, "scientology" is defined in my "book" as being a "cult", a cult of enslavement, secrecy and some really, really strange practices. From what I have heard and read about, L. Ron Hubbard was more than a bit wacky and most, if not all, of "scientology" smacks of New Age quackery. And this is coming from my own purely non-religious agnostic point of view on religions in general and the "scientology" cult in particular. I'm not saying they don't have the right to be crazy, but they should be grouped in with the Heaven's Gate cult crazies, the Westboro Baptist Church clown parade and the Harold Camping "End Of The Universe Times" freaks! "Scientology" isn't a religion. Just because you can successfully bully the U.S. Government into granting you tax-exempt status DOES NOT MAKE YOU A RELIGION OR CHURCH!!! Don't believe me? Look to Russia! The "Church of Scientology" is BANNED in Russia. Seems old Vlad Putin is good for something after all, eh?
A question, if I may...Where's your proof that "time travel" has already happened or is even possible? I thought General and Special Relativity rendered that physically and practicably impossible. But you're saying that "time travel" has actually happened. How can that be? I haven't heard or read anything of our scientists discovering a way to violate physics so that time travel is now possible. Please explain.
Online dating, God's will?
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Thu 04/14/16 09:37 AM
For the record, I don't ever assume anything to be "God's will". Most things popularly attributed to "God" usually, upon closer inspection, wind up being more of a crapshoot, a stroke of chance that manages to happen in the right place at the right time.
"Do your homework" is the best advice anyone can give. Now I have TWO things to watch out for, scammers AND killers. Not a good day. And many condolences to the survivors. To think that this guy was HERE on Mingle! I could've run into him and not even known it. Really scary. Almost too scary for words.