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22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Mon 10/31/16 06:21 PM
a list of CLAIMS against Clinton that obama verified to be true, 1:32 mark forward: Hence the very same reasons given by obama in the last election. ![]() don't feel like going through that whole biased and highly edited youtube post in short,, I doubt there is more there than the first three minutes I observed of edited clips of Obama in his campaign giving questions about Hilary's statements and her votes that is not Scandal, candidates focus on flaws when they run,,,they focus on strengths once they lose and have to back their party Trump did the same,,, praising Hillary when it benefitted his position and now bashing her as an opponent Here is the short to the point version of obama condemning hillary: which of course agrees with and confirms the alleged 'bias' is patently false and instead merely quoting the facts and well known within the DNC. The bias claim is nothing more than yet another display of cognitive dissonance. This election it a great demonstration where this country is at where our choices come down to one who wants to hold criminals accountable and one who wants to gorwo the crime syndicate further. Aside from the fact that its so sad to allow the country slip deeper into corruption it is somewhat amusing to see how far Clinton supporters are willing sacrifice their souls in the name of PC over the upholding law. I dont recall trump getting 'free passes' for his transgressions however that all I have seen from the hillary syndicate. ![]() |
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Mon 10/31/16 05:47 PM
it shouldnt because most of the women your heart is going out to would fight to keep it that way. That is the inherent beauty in different cultures and why freedom of religion is accepted to be an inherent right by everyone except the courts who destroys it at nearly every turn.
Lol...I'm none of the above...funny cause Trumps not either...that list is devised by poor sports who cling to little things just to feel like they are "good" people haha...biggest name callers are the biggest cry babies too..most people who are voting for Trump are just sick of liars and criminals running the country into the dirt for their own know..the politically correct...we know the guy will do a great job...sadly..only a week left before we experience the most corrupt election in our lives...go TRUMP!!! ![]() you nailed it. frankly I am shocked at the people who condone putting a criminal in office to maintain their dissonant sun is always shining PC 'feel good' state of mind over holding crooked officials accountable. But we are seeing it with our own eyes today, law is dead. |
yeh, trump is an ******* no doubt, and while ******** stink at least they dont shoot you in the back like the clinton syndicate.. |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
More honest hillary! Clinton lawyer: Hillary's server WAS erased of all emails and data before being handed to FBI - and campaign aide says no back up was made of its contents Personal lawyer for Hillary Clinton tells Senate committee that notorious 'mom and pop' outfit Platte River Networks handed server to FBI last week Letter from David Kendall tells Homeland Security Committee chair that all data and emails was erased - after Clinton claimed not to know FBI are now examining server to see if anything can be retrieved but John Podesta, key Clinton aide, says no backup was made of emails Clinton dismissed controversy with a shrug, claiming people who come to her town halls don't care - but polls say Americans do By Stephen Braun Associated Press Hillary Rodham Clinton's personal lawyer has told a Senate committee that emails and all other data stored on her computer server were erased before the device was turned over to federal authorities. In a letter sent last week to Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, attorney David Kendall said the server was transferred to the FBI on Aug. 12 by Platte River Networks, a Denver firm hired by Clinton to oversee the device. The Senate committee made Kendall's letter public on Wednesday. In exchanges with reporters earlier this week, Clinton said she was not aware if the data on her server was erased. Confirmation that the server was wiped clean came amid mounting confusion over how sensitive some of the Clinton emails were and how much of their contents should have been released. Read more: |
but Hitler never did anything as gruesome and immoral as Eisenhower and Churchill, you know the 'good guys'.
![]() So whats your point? Surely Trump didnt do anything like that did he? |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Mon 10/31/16 12:09 AM
a list of CLAIMS against Clinton that obama verified to be true, 1:32 mark forward: Hence the very same reasons given by obama in the last election. ![]() |
Hmm... Seems Trump is Right!
The repeat post grandstanding 'no memory' notwithstanding,
Moving on, For those who are genuinely concerned about the fate of america, here is more info in reference to the OP: "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." (Joseph Stalin) |
Hmm... Seems Trump is Right!
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Sun 10/30/16 11:12 PM
Everything said in that post is laughable meaningless rubbish unless some certifiable qualifications are provided, and no surprise none have been provided. nuff said on the rubbish post...
I highly recommend that everyone simply watch the short voting machine demonstration in the youtube link which is performed by certified qualified professionals both from the election board and companies involved. |
Hmm... Seems Trump is Right!
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Sun 10/30/16 11:15 PM
I cant wait to make my vote count!
Can elections be rigged in America? We seen the moderators load the questions against one candidate and for the other, but what about the voting machines? What if they can be hacked? Here is a quick demonstrarion how voting machines operate: Here is Race you all to the voting booth! |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
Anyone keeping count here?
We have to be well over 30 reasons by now. She appears to have used her official powers to do favors for major Clinton Foundation donors. Felony mishandling of classified information, including our nation’s most closely guarded intelligence secrets; the misappropriation and destruction of tens of thousands of government records — these are serious criminal offenses. To this point, the Justice Department and FBI have found creative ways not to charge Hillary Clinton for them. Whether this will remain the case has yet to be seen. As we go to press, the stunning news has broken that the FBI’s investigation is being reopened. It appears, based on early reports, that in the course of examining communications devices in a separate “sexting” investigation of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, the bureau stumbled on relevant e-mails — no doubt connected to Huma Abedin, Mr. Weiner’s wife and, more significantly, Mrs. Clinton’s closest confidant. According to the New York Times, the FBI has seized at least one electronic device belonging to Ms. Abedin as well. New e-mails, never before reviewed by the FBI, have been recovered. The news is still emerging, and there will be many questions — particularly if it turns out that the bureau failed to obtain Ms. Abedin’s communications devices earlier in the investigation, a seemingly obvious step. As we await answers, we can only observe that, whatever the FBI has found, it was significant enough for director James Comey to sense the need to notify Congress, despite knowing what a bombshell this would be just days before the presidential election. One thing, however, is already clear. Whatever the relevance of the new e-mails to the probe of Clinton’s classified-information transgressions and attempt to destroy thousands of emails, these offenses may pale in comparison with Hillary Clinton’s most audacious violations of law: Crimes that should still be under investigation; crimes that will, in fitting Watergate parlance, be a cancer on the presidency if she manages to win on November 8. Mrs. Clinton appears to have converted the office of secretary of state into a racketeering enterprise. This would be a violation of the RICO law — the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1971 (codified in the U.S. penal code at sections 1961 et seq.). Read more at: ![]() and there is another really good one called TEFLON CLINTON ![]() |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Sun 10/30/16 01:46 PM
information and not debate:(with source) There is no constitutional provision nor statute that explicitly permits executive orders. I dont generally quote the obvious, stuff everyone in a constitutional debate should take for granted, but I am glad to see you agree with me. (or shall I say wiki agrees with me) "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" For thos who may not know, the correct procedure to insure that the laws of the union are faithfully executed is to sue in court, get a judgment, and the process will take care of itself, not write proclamations that are dealt with no differently than those written by the king of england, a monarchy. |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
Better qualified means better at hiring the right people for the job and being better at managing them. Hillary has shown none of that MsH. Presidents dont do the hiring,,,,,,they are a public service position being better qualified is having public service experience, passion, and knowledge of what public service entails as well as knowledge of the constitution , ability to secure allies, and knowledge of the three branches of government and their powers,,,, Trump has shown none of that,,, Presidents dont do the hiring,,,,,,they are a public service position You might want to tell that to the SCOTUS, SOS, CIA, the DOJ, the FBI, and all the other tzars the POTUS appoints and has put in positions of power! And what can a POTUS who can't get a security clearance do? seems she forgot that obarry APPOINTED more czars than any other president... yes, appointed,, not hired and what policy or law do CZARS have authority over? i'm pretty sure Ssoul laid quite a few of them out, just a couple of sentences up... but just using his short list, how much power does each one of the "appointed leaders" have? SCOTUS, SOS, CIA, the DOJ, the FBI...
I dont know who that question was intended for, however the use od czars [ie beauracracy] to fill in the blanks where legislators 'negligently' leave holes only to become part of the legislation 'after the fact' is contrary and illegitimate law making. Lawmakers have the duty to pass law, and have no authority to pass that duty on to any other agency. Nontheless these crimes have been well engrained as SOP in the american system, contrary to the constitution and its intent. Long story short the guv had and has been granted no legitimate authority to extend their duties in the name of getting their job done so much as one nanoinch beyond the words they stipulated. That said the guv has usurped judgment of the contract and assgned it to another guv agency. I digress |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Sat 10/29/16 07:59 AM
lots of skeletons... the body trail still hasn't stopped... it amazes me that liberals can't see any of this... they can, what makes me scratch my head is why they would put themselves in a position where they would technically become an accessory after the fact, and in the name of politics of all things. If I were from another country looking in I would be shitting in my pants as all doubt would be removed that the United States and its inhabitants are one big criminal syndicate. Pretty horrible showing for the rest of the world where the highly touted balance of power was nohting more than a smoke screen and total failure buried so deep in corruption it can never be fixed. ![]() |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Fri 10/28/16 11:06 PM
lets see that puts us up to about 28 reasons to vote for trump, this one 29.
hillary shares SoS info with son in law Hedge fund manager Marc Mezvinsky had friends in high places when he bet big on a Greek economic recovery, but even the keen interest of his mother-in-law, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, wasn't enough to spare him and his investors from financial tragedy. In 2012, Mezvinski, the husband of Chelsea Clinton, created a $325 million basket of offshore funds under the Eaglevale Partners banner through a special arrangement with investment bank Goldman Sachs. The funds have lost tens of millions of dollars predicting that bailouts of the Greek banking system would pump up the value of the country’s distressed bonds. One fund, exclusively dedicated to Greek debt, suffered near-total losses. Newly released emails from 2012 show that she and Clinton Foundation consultant, Sidney Blumenthal, shared classified information about how German leadership viewed the prospects for a Greek bailout. Clinton also shared “protected” State Department information about Greek bonds with her husband at the same time that her son-in-law aimed his hedge fund at Greece. Sharing such sensitive information with friends and family would have been highly improper. Federal regulations prohibit the use of nonpublic information to further private interests or the interests of others. The mere perception of a conflict of interest is unacceptable. A former Goldman Sachs broker himself, Mezvinsky formed Eaglevale Management with two ex-Goldman Sachs partners in October 2011. As a “global macro” firm, Eaglevale’s strategy is to seek profit opportunities in politically volatile situations. Mezvinsky set up several funds in the Cayman Islands, a secretive tax haven, with Goldman Sachs serving as Eaglevale’s prime broker and banker. The giant brokerage firm has a checkered history of manipulating the value of Greek debt to the detriment of Greece. The Clintons are totally corrupt. Goldman Sachs has donated up to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and $860,000 to Hillary Clinton’s political campaigns. Shortly after Clinton resigned, Goldman Sachs paid her $675,000 in speaking fees. Clinton’s deputy in charge of economic policy was Robert Hormats, a former vice chairman of Goldman Sachs. Hormats and Clinton shared an extensive email trail about the possibility of bailing out Greece, including classified materials, and internal state department memos about the debt from the U.S. ambassador to Greece. So if she's elected we'll have another crook, Robert Hormats, in charge of economic policy. She's going to bring Wall Street to their knees. the altruistic clinton crime syndicate marches on. The Clinton Foundation, Project Veritas Tapes, her emails, WikiLeaks, abysmal track record, TPP and open borders killed her. ![]() ![]() |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
and the biggest reason to vote for trump is:
![]() |
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Fri 10/28/16 02:40 PM
oh yeh Hillarys defense:
![]() Her supporters love it! |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
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Fri 10/28/16 02:27 PM
Hilary's resume of experience in this field (public service) working with handicapped children John Markey, the city’s mayor from 1972 to 1982, told The Fact Checker that New Bedford contracted with a bus company to provide transportation for children with disabilities. He took issue with Clinton’s highlighting the lack of access that New Bedford children faced in the 1970s. The service was already available when he was elected in 1971, and it kept running while he was mayor, Markey said. “It provided for every handicapped child,” said Markey, 81, and a lifelong Democrat. “There could be a lot of people who elected not to send their kids to school. But if a child wanted to go to school, we provided transportation.” overseeing the standards in public education,
These included raising the dropout age, requiring all high schools to offer advanced math and science courses, and mandating smaller class sizes. To pay for the changes, it also proposed a sales tax increase. representing kids in the legal system 17) Hillary laughs about defending child rapist In the video she is asked, “As a lawyer, you defended the rapist of a 12-year-old girl, calling the victim ’emotionally unstable’ and saying that girls have a tendency to ‘exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences especially when they come from disorganized families.'” However, she did not address the reports of unearthed recordings in which she almost boasts of knowing of her client’s guilt and laughing about the case. The tapes reveal her discussing the case of Thomas Alfred Taylor, then 41, who was accused of raping a 12-year-old in Springdale, Arkansas, on May 10, 1975. “It was a fascinating case, it was a very interesting case,” Clinton said on the tape. “This guy was accused of raping a 12-year-old. Course he claimed that he didn’t, and all this stuff. … I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” She laughed at the statement. founding a family advocate organization Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families was founded in 1977 by attorney Hillary Rodham[6] as a non-partisan 501(c)(3) group, and continues to be supported by a wide variety of individuals and organizations. bringing educational resources to homebound children no records found getting healhcare to children The late-Sen. Kennedy received much of the credit for CHIP because the Massachusetts Democrat shepherded the legislation through a Republican-controlled Congress. Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch was the lead Republican co-sponsor. "She wasn't a legislator, she didn't write the law, and she wasn't the president, so she didn't make the decisions," Littlefield told the Associated Press. "But we relied on her, worked with her and she was pivotal in encouraging the White House to do it." overseeing equal opportunity for women in the field of law The Paycheck Fairness Act would add nonretaliation requirements for folks who inquire about or discuss their wages. Senator Clinton co-sponsored the legislation in 2003 and 2001 as well. This policy was adopted, in part, by President Obama’s April 2014, Executive Order prohibiting federal contractors from retaliating against employees who discuss their wages. [S.77, 1/22/01; S. 76, 1/7/03, S. 841, 4/19/05; S. 766, 3/6/07; Senator Clinton floor remarks, 3/6/07; Executive Order, 4/8/14] getting assistance to women and children in wartorn Afghan and countries in Africa Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes Posted on February 21, 2016 by Eric Zuesse. Eric Zuesse Many commentators have mentioned (such as here and here and here and here) that Hillary Clinton left behind no major achievement as the U.S. Secretary of State; but, actually, she did. Unfortunately, all of her major achievements were bad, and some were catastrophic. Six countries were especially involved: Honduras, Haiti, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. The harm she did to each country was not in the interest of the American people, and it was disastrous for the residents there. Hillary Clinton at every campaign debate says “I have a better track-record,” and that she’s “a progressive who gets things done.” Here’s what she has actually done, when she was Secretary of State; here’s her track-record when she actually had executive responsibility for U.S. foreign-affairs. This will display her real values, not just her claimed values: extending FMLA law to cover family members of the guard who need time off to care for their vets, and of course we know her political experience in the Senate, the cabinet and The white house no records found it seems all those wonderful claims about altruistic Hillary being made by clinton suporters are riddled with 1/2 truths and as we can see in many cases no truth at all. The fly on the wall does not get credit for what those in the trenches get done, which in many cases is where Hillary fits in, and in the case of education and transportation she stomped on the people who have already been getting the job done and merely took the credit for it and her foreign policy is an absolute disaster. We could pick anyone off the street to do a better job, and at least they would not treat the job like a mafioso boss. |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
Cant help but think how much fun it will be to have 4 years of this ****:
Computer seized in Weiner probe prompts FBI to take new steps in Clinton email inquiry Newly discovered emails found on a computer seized during an investigation of disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner have prompted the FBI to make new inquiries related to Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to three people familiar with the deliberations. FBI Director James B. Comey informed congressional leaders Friday that the agency would take “appropriate investigative steps” to determine whether the newly discovered emails contain classified information and to assess their importance to the Clinton server probe. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump opened a rally in Manchester, N.H., Oct. 28, discussing news about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's time as secretary of state. (The Washington Post) Comey wrote that he had been briefed on the new material Thursday. “I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation,” he wrote. An FBI spokesman on Friday declined to elaborate, and a spokesman for Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch declined to comment. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta called it “extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election” and called on Comey to provide a fuller explanation. |
22 Reasons to Vote For Trump
and I dont see not so much as one link! ![]() |