Community > Posts By > Ladylid2012
Japan rocks and rumbles everyday, all day long.
The media doesn't talk about it unless it's at least a 6.0. They just had three .. 4.7's in the same spot the other day. There are people sick from radiation, hair falling out, bloody noses everyday...yet the crisis is continually played down. There are still thousands homeless and missing. The city streets are buckling and sinking. I feel sorry for the Japanese people. |
What Have You Achieved?
Piece of mind...only took 50 years.
Is no small achievement. |
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Sun 06/17/12 01:11 PM
All Ya Need Is Love
because you can't blame bush this time... Only when people quit believing everything the media feeds them, both Democrats and Republicans can any progress really be made. Until then, we are just spinning our mental wheels. We desperately need to get out of this "One party or the other" mode we're in. "Divide and Conquer" as the adage's working ... sadly I had one on here tell me we could NOT be on the same team to fight for our mutual desire for freedom...we "are from different worlds' he said. You bet your a$$ it's a charm. |
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Sat 06/16/12 07:05 PM
When did the military industrial complex become Obama's? It's America's pride and joy... god bless america. Their ALL to blame...Bush , Obama... The elite are bi-partisan. |
That Pesky Immigration Issue
There was a time when this country was brown, red... whatever ya wanna call it. Seems we have some serious issues wanting to keep that from happening again.... My grandparents weren't born here, most of ours weren't. It's not about winning or losing to me Johnnie. I say how I feel, it's not a competition. |
I can not explain to you how your belief that all the angels are male because they are gods warriors is sexist. Your not believing it is sexist makes that impossible. Page upon page of scripture...again. I'm outta here Jeannie, sorry. |
When did the military industrial complex become Obama's?
It's America's pride and joy... god bless america. |
Patience grasshopper.
The truth will set us all free. |
FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer. May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then? Because Lucifer (an angel) was neither male or female, but has both sexes. How did they reproduce then? Actually as I'm reading and going through things. It seems all angels seems to be males. Which would make sense, as the angels are God's warriors/messangers. oh c'mon now... That is a sexist comment...god is a sexist? Male and female do NOT exist in the spiritual realms. Only a man made religion would claim "angels" to be male. |
who has......
I had to go look.
I've blocked 3 people in 3 years... all of them are not here now. |
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Sat 06/16/12 11:58 AM
k, this is gettin fun. He's asking Jeannie, give it to him. |
I imagine there are some people who need direction from others in how to live their lives but people still need to learn to think for themselves and get out from under the control of cults who might use their power of authority to control them. When you are brave enough to speak out against what you think is wrong regardless of the opposition, then you are being a free thinker. Think for yourself. Don't quote scripture and expect others to understand the meaning the same way you do.. For every verse in the Bible there is probably one that says and means the opposite. With any inspirational writing, a person needs to just get out of it what it means to them and hopefully become a better person. No inspired writing ever means the same thing to all people. The path to enlightenment is an individual and lonely path. For every verse in the Bible there is probably one that says and means the opposite Maybe when taken out of context, yes. But in context, no. And the scriptures aren't given to make you a better person specifically. They are not a moral guidlines in that exact sense. They are what God expects of someone. In my opinion, yes it does make a person a better person. They live for others and not just purely for themself. They are not selfish, they are not greedy, they worry about other's before money or themselves. Your kidding right????????????????? So those who don't follow the scriptures are selfish, greedy and care more about money than others??? The catholic church is one of the richest, largest organizations in the world, and corrupt! Did I say they were? No I did not. Why assume things? And the Catholic church may be, what's that got to do with anything? You can not make a judgement on a belief through the one's that claim to be obeying that belief, because they may in fact not be obeying it. They may be flower coating certain things, or attempting to. And getting away with it through people's ignorance on the subject. Really cowboy...what does the catholic church have to do with anything??? Where do you think religion originated from? your absolutely right....people's ignorance is a problem indeed. I have no idea where any "religion" originated from. Again, I follow no "religion". I follow what God has said, not what man has said about God or claiming to be God. I'm only a "Christian" in the sense I obey Jesus "Christ". I obey my God Jesus Christ, not some religion. Well, if your going to throw scriptures around and proselytize all the time then maybe YOU should learn where religion, Jesus and the rest of it originated from. If I'm going to have my life revolve around a concept..I want to know EVERYTHING about said concept. |
Cowboy asked: Where do you think religion originated from?
The interconnecting Bloodlines of the Reptilian Elite created all the major religions. The Biggest Secret is the book that launched David Icke into the public eye in the most controversial way possible. It contains a history of the rulling elite from Sumer and Babylon, reptillian entities, ritual magick and much much more. David Icke reveals in documented detail how interconnecting bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands of years. How they created all the major religions and suppressed the spiritual and esoteric knowledge that will set humanity free from its mental and emotional prisons. Well, I get that Jeannie, wasn't gonna go there with cowboy. : ) |
I imagine there are some people who need direction from others in how to live their lives but people still need to learn to think for themselves and get out from under the control of cults who might use their power of authority to control them. When you are brave enough to speak out against what you think is wrong regardless of the opposition, then you are being a free thinker. Think for yourself. Don't quote scripture and expect others to understand the meaning the same way you do.. For every verse in the Bible there is probably one that says and means the opposite. With any inspirational writing, a person needs to just get out of it what it means to them and hopefully become a better person. No inspired writing ever means the same thing to all people. The path to enlightenment is an individual and lonely path. For every verse in the Bible there is probably one that says and means the opposite Maybe when taken out of context, yes. But in context, no. And the scriptures aren't given to make you a better person specifically. They are not a moral guidlines in that exact sense. They are what God expects of someone. In my opinion, yes it does make a person a better person. They live for others and not just purely for themself. They are not selfish, they are not greedy, they worry about other's before money or themselves. Your kidding right????????????????? So those who don't follow the scriptures are selfish, greedy and care more about money than others??? The catholic church is one of the richest, largest organizations in the world, and corrupt! Did I say they were? No I did not. Why assume things? And the Catholic church may be, what's that got to do with anything? You can not make a judgement on a belief through the one's that claim to be obeying that belief, because they may in fact not be obeying it. They may be flower coating certain things, or attempting to. And getting away with it through people's ignorance on the subject. Really cowboy...what does the catholic church have to do with anything??? Where do you think religion originated from? your absolutely right....people's ignorance is a problem indeed. |
That Pesky Immigration Issue
keep dreaming, that will never work... I will. I'll keep dreaming. You keep hatin! where did i say anything with hate in it? willing is right, you libs just wanna start calling people names when they don't agree with you. Labeling me a 'lib' is name calling. no, it's more of a label, a side of politics that are divided... your words put you in the liberal category, or lib as shortened version... but i guess your right, in a way... i would be offended if people started putting me as a liberal, too... I don't get offended Moe... ASSuming I'm a liberal, now Assuming I'm offended. |
It's a worldwide shift from religion to spirituality. It s a good thing!!! More to come, there are going to be some really confused people. Going to be? There's a lot more than some that are confused. Yes, there is a lot more. I agree. I'm pretty sure we're all confused. lol Of course we are...we've been lied to for eons. That and we all have our own perspectives and ideas on things. Nobody knows much about the universe for sure. The beautiful thing is we can learn all we want... 30 minutes of meditation (prayer) and the universe unravels at our feet. it is a huge Universe (or more likely a Multiverse!!) and mankind continues to create superstitions and imaginary friends to answer the universal questions !! The lie of religion is the biggest man made creation. Are you questioning my meditation practice? Atheism is a religion. Your assuming I'm an atheist....I am not. |
I imagine there are some people who need direction from others in how to live their lives but people still need to learn to think for themselves and get out from under the control of cults who might use their power of authority to control them. When you are brave enough to speak out against what you think is wrong regardless of the opposition, then you are being a free thinker. Think for yourself. Don't quote scripture and expect others to understand the meaning the same way you do.. For every verse in the Bible there is probably one that says and means the opposite. With any inspirational writing, a person needs to just get out of it what it means to them and hopefully become a better person. No inspired writing ever means the same thing to all people. The path to enlightenment is an individual and lonely path. For every verse in the Bible there is probably one that says and means the opposite Maybe when taken out of context, yes. But in context, no. And the scriptures aren't given to make you a better person specifically. They are not a moral guidlines in that exact sense. They are what God expects of someone. In my opinion, yes it does make a person a better person. They live for others and not just purely for themself. They are not selfish, they are not greedy, they worry about other's before money or themselves. Your kidding right????????????????? So those who don't follow the scriptures are selfish, greedy and care more about money than others??? The catholic church is one of the richest, largest organizations in the world, and corrupt! |
What a load of crock that sign is. That's a baptist thinker. And they are the true slaves. A "radical free-thinker" is rebellious to moral standards and exaggerates the intentions of those who encourage godly living. So a "free thinker" is ok... just not a "radical free-thinker?" Someone who was a free thinker should seek wisdom... and should rather flee the influence of rebel-rousers who wish to overturn every moral standard that comes to mind. Are you ASSuming a freethinker ISN'T seeking wisdom? You can not possibly know what others seek!!! |