Community > Posts By > Poetnartist

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 12:12 AM
Leaking sensitive information during a time of war? Isn't that an
executable offence. Good luck, you poor bastard.

At least they caught it quickly.

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Tue 04/24/07 12:07 AM
Considering the crap that the democrats are trying to pull on this one,
I've gotta side with Bush on this one.

And now, I feel, I need to cleanse myself. Saying that made me feel

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 12:04 AM
And you've called me a liar, said I was narrow minded, insulted my
integrity, claimed I didn't do things that I did, in fact, do. AND
called me a liar when I pointed this out- repeatedly. Before I once made
any negative comment towards you or anyone else.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:56 PM
I'm not the one dragging our personal issue into the general public.

And this isn't about ego. It's about fair and equal treatment. I show
you respect, I hold back the dispareging comments (I've thought a few,
trust me), I treat you like an equal. And expect the same in return.
You've failed to do that. Like a few other individuals. I don't start
this crap, but I don't stop fighting back, either.

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Mon 04/23/07 11:50 PM
Uh. "My" GODDESS doesn't do much of any of those things. There's no
Heaven or Hell in our philosophy, only apotheosis (look that concept up,
why don't ya?). As to my antagonism- you're the one who brought up
crutches. And that white hood comment. Congrats you bigoted SOB.

As to you, jess. If you'd play fair, even once, we wouldn't be having
this problem, would we?

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:32 PM
*sigh* I can't believe I'm letting myself being drawn into this. One of
these days, I might consider my refusal to back down to jerks a
detrimental quality to change. But not yet. I still have enough youthful
idealism to consider it a virtue.

I don't mind people discussing their faiths. But you accusing religious
people of.... what was it.... "emotional crutches".... was the start of
the bigotry on this thread.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:29 PM
If it *were* a fact, it's still insulting and should have been left to
the messenging system and not the public forum.

Regardless, it's not true. If it were, I never would have found the
faith I belong to. It's not like I were born into a practicing family or
anything. Hell, I think my family's religion would be under the catagory
of "don't give a damn quasi-christian".

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:18 PM
Atheists are like children throwing tantrums. Ignore them and they'll
eventually give up and go away. They love the attention, don't give it
to them.

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Mon 04/23/07 11:16 PM
Calling people narrow minded because they disagree with you IS an
insult. At least in my book. If someone was calling you blind and
ignorant, would you not consider it insulting? But, of course, since you
disagree with my opinions on this subject, you'll side with them when
they insult me.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:15 PM
Hey, I'm not the one who started the name-calling. Nor are you,
actually. But you participated, at least.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:00 PM
And your tendency to insult those who do hold to a belief system makes
you just like any other narrow-minded fundamentalist in history.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 11:00 PM
Your refusal to believe your in a box is your box. You refuse to accept
that rejecting dogma is dogma unto itself.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 10:54 PM
Although, I guess, if one wants to walk into that paradoxical trap,
they're welcome to.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 10:51 PM
Atheists like to claim they're NOT a religion. They consider it
insulting if you say they are one. So they deliberately chose to
disclude themselves by their own consensus.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 10:47 PM
And "life" is merely life. It isn't in our living that makes us better
than other species. It is in the way we can live. Our intelligence, our
creativity, our expression. Art, poetry, music, *LOVE*- that's the
things we can feel that make us better.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 10:45 PM
Are you telling me I'm wrong?

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 10:43 PM
If he's resorted to THIS as a method to getting laid, what are the odds
he'd have any chance of actually attracting a woman?

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Mon 04/23/07 10:38 PM
But I did back up my beliefs. Repeatedly. But lots of lists and
examples of how we have extreme advantages over other animal species.
Right down to comparing us to different generational computers. I don't
know what definition you place on "superiority"- but we won most of
those with relative ease.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 10:35 PM
Thank God, Alah, Jehova, Arira, or whatever iteration of the
divine/spiritual world is in charge, that most human beings disagree
with you.

You know what would be a really great laugh- if you were also pro
abortion. I've met enough liberals taking your stance, and thus far, all
of them were.

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 10:31 PM
Actually, we're in Iraq because Saddam was violating international
treaties- including the CEASE FIRE from the last war.

Only the uneducated believe (this) Bush started the war with Iraq.
There's only been one war between Iraq and America. Which started over a
decade ago. With Iraq invading Kuwait. The UN, unanimously, chose to
take military action. Which, as always, meant us Americans did the
fighting and dying.

Bush Sr., congress, the full UN, and *IRAN* of all places agreed to the
invasion of Iraq. We, naturally, handed them their own small intestines.
A treaty was agreed to- which was the only reason Saddam stayed in

This treaty included certain things. Iraq's military could not be
raised above a certain size (violated). He could not develop WMDs. He
could not develop conventional chemical weapons (violated). He could not
have first-strike ordinance (violated). He had to allow UN inspectors
essentially unlimitted access (he refused to allow them any).

He violated the treaty, and so the old war was re-initiated. This
iteration of the Iraq war should have been fought about six months into
Clinton's first term. But, of course, Clinton was too busy screwing the
ugliest women in Washington DC.

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