a turn off to me is a guy that goes on a dating site "knowing" what he wants then flips and only wants a friend. he tells me he can only afford to take me out to ice cream. a guy that says he loves me after 2 months of knowing me. a guy that wants to question over and over why i won't let him be my boyfriend and once i do he distances himself. any dude 30 or over pulling the s*** listed above should just be alone. you got issues with relationships or you are too immature to put in work. !preach! This right here, PREACH IT SISTER! XD |
Why do men lie?
Because women believe lies. Next question.... Agreed! My last relationship, my girlfriend would ask me a million questions and I would tell her the truth, she wouldn't believe me, so I lied just to end the argument! |
I FIRMLY believe in second, third, and fourth chances. I do understand that one might be hurt to the point to where they can never trust them, but if you don't fully trust them as you did before, I believe you haven't fully forgiven them.
With that being said, I know I am not perfect, and if I was the person I was 10 years ago, hell, even longer. I wouldn't be surprised if I was living alone with no friends or even worse dead. It was forgiveness and second, third, hell, even fifth and sixth chances that it took for many people to trust me, and now they trust me far more than when they first met me. The least I can do for others is show the same that has been shown to me. Prove to me you are trying and I can only help you and pray you have changed your ways ya know? |
The areas I was raised in, it was the cultural norm for guys's pants to be a little lower than what most people like. The women ALWAYS dressed in ways that most would not find appropriate. As I grew up, I learned that for me to land a job and be taken seriously outside of the areas and parts I know, I had to conform and begin to dress more "proper."
A problem I am still working very hard on is that the dress code is MORE than what you are wearing. How you carry yourself is just as important if not more important than what clothes you are wearing. I mean, if you simply listen to me speak, you can barely tell I was raised by the concrete jungle, it took me years to change my ways fully. On the flip side though, if you try to go to the concrete jungle dressed more "proper," you will still face the exact same troubles you do trying to get from my side of town to the other ya know? I think it boils down to what is proper in one location and situation just might not be what is proper in the other location or situation. |
Valentines blunder
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! She didn't deserve you. Thank you kindly. I know the end of my post made me sound bitter and I honestly didn't mean for it to make me sound bitter at all! I just learned my lesson that if someone has pre determined expectations of something that should be coming from my heart as to how I feel, then I will never be able to meet those expectations. One day though, (hopefully) someone will be able to get the apartment resteraunt treatment again. It was really fun and two of my buddies call me every year since then asking when we are going to do that again. |
Valentines blunder
It has been a few years since I have been fortunate enough to spend a Valentines day with someone. Last I remember, a few friends of mine were all stumped on what to do. Problem was that two of the females (the one I was dating at the time was one) was one of the types who demanded at minimal a dozen roses, a big box of chocolate, expensive dinner, wine and dine, the whole nine yards, BUT it had to be original, she wanted me to come up with something creative. I looked at her silly like "are you serious, you want me to be cliche and original at the same time?"
With a little consideration and apologizing to my neighbors in advance. We decided to transform my apartment living room into a 5 star resteraunt. We all got together and put our combined cooking skills (it wasn't much, but we did spend a few weeks coming up with the full 5 course meal) After the dinner, since we are all musicians, we did a small concert for the ladies, each of us sitting out a song or two one at a time so we could dance with our respective girl. I honestly thought it was genius and original beyond any expectation... The big problem was after the night was over, she said I was cheap and took the easy way out, two of us guys lost a relationship the day after for trying something like that because it was "the cheap route" and we need to try harder. Since then, I refuse to try to do something special for valentines day for anyone who gives me a list of expectations of what I need to do. The sheer fact that I tried my hardest with my friends, rented tuxedos and all should have been more than enough IMHO. |
Fresh Meat!
Welcome welcome :)
Personally, I don't think I could date a girl who was as tall as me or taller. If she is taller than me in her heels, then I have issues personally. I know it is wrong of me to be like this, but well, I did date a girl who was as tall as I was, and when I saw her in heels, I wasn't able to stand it. I honestly do not know why.
Explanation for Red Flag #1
Totally agree, the only problem is figuring out if that other person you are attracted to is really all about simply being in love or if that other person is only playing the role to get to the money.
Treat em mean, keep em keen!
In my experience, I have learned that being honest and up front will work out for the better. Either she will have insecurities that will destroy the relationship, or a solid amount of trust will be built.
The last two ladies I was talking to, I told them up front that it will be rare that I will say "I love you," but you will know how I feel by how I act. Normally, if I feel like we were going somewhere, a good morning / good night text message or going out of my way, simply to spend time with them (they both lived very far away, a half a tank of gas round trip was the minimal) even though I was unemployed. One of the two always thought I was up to something, but daily I was inviting her to spend time with me and my family, me and my friends, or simply me when I was at home alone. On the days I had band practice, I always offered her to go to practice and get to meet the band, but she never wanted to go to practice, hell, she never wanted to go to church with me, but she always accused me of cheating on her with someone while I was at church. I know a bit of a rant, but I was trying to paint a picture more than rant. I do apologize if it came off in any other way than I intended. |
Ironically both of the songs that come to mind are not the style I normally listen to, but the two closest is...
Old School by B. Reith and Better than I Used to be by Sammy Kershaw |
This bike spoke to me!
I have always been against having a bike with places to carry stuff on the tires like most bikes do nowadays, but that is because of how often I had to tell customers that the frame is damaged from putting too much weight on the bike. Of course that was when I used to repair bikes. Personally I like the Phat Cycles in style.
Perfect date?
Edited by
Sun 09/02/12 03:38 AM
I was rather curious what others think a perfect date is for them. I know everyone is different, but hey, it's what makes us who we are ya know?
Me personally, I would love to agree to meet up with someone at a park, each of us bring something to share for a picnic and enjoy a nice little meal one afternoon. Afterwards I break out my acoustic bass guitar and she breaks out an acoustic guitar and we spend the next while not speaking a word, but simply jamming. My friends and family say I speak more clearly through my music than I do with my own words. I would LOVE to be able to one day hold a complete conversation, get to know someone and let them get to know me without either of us ever speaking a word with our mouths. Instead, we get to know each other through our music, the one language where we can speak when more often than not in my case I simply do not know the words to express what I am really trying to say. After all that is all said and done, maybe a stroll around the park after packing up the goods getting to know each other through yet another conversation. So what is your perfect date? EDIT: Edited for grammar and spelling |
am i really weird
If it is stringed, I know how to play it, but again, the bass guitar is my weapon of choice. :) Only problem I have is that I have found it damn near impossible to find another musician with the same moral values and goals in life as I do. Then again, most musicians kinda groove to their own beat ya know? Also, glad to read that someone out there thinks the same way I do, even if it is with different mediums, I believe both you and I are still hoping for our own piece of pie ya know? what kind of moral values do u mean? I don;t really look to music for a piece of any pie (itis strictly a love & a hobby)so - not sure I understand what you meant with that particular reference... ![]() The last girl I hung out with who was a musician... I am guessing she ignored me when I told her I played for two churches. Before we even started jamming, we were still talking and getting to know each other, she told me that religion and people who go to church are stupid and waste their time. I politely got up, grabbed my stuff and drove home. Another person I knew, she was more worried about what I can buy her and what jamming with me can do for her with her musical career while I was more worried about simply finding another musician to jam with. When I say piece of pie, I am only saying that we are looking for that happiness. I know that dream musician girl is just a dream, but hell, a guy can hope can he? :) |
am i really weird
If it is stringed, I know how to play it, but again, the bass guitar is my weapon of choice. :)
Only problem I have is that I have found it damn near impossible to find another musician with the same moral values and goals in life as I do. Then again, most musicians kinda groove to their own beat ya know? Also, glad to read that someone out there thinks the same way I do, even if it is with different mediums, I believe both you and I are still hoping for our own piece of pie ya know? |
Still Shakeing
I am glad to hear everything is okay, but prayers are lifted. :)
am i really weird
It is about as strange as I want to be able to find someone where one of us walks in the door and without saying a word we both know what to do. We both get our respective weapons of choice, (in the perfect world, she picks up a guitar and I pick up my bass guitar, but I am not picky. I play multiple instruments) and we simply speak through our instruments with each other. Even if it is just the 12 bar blues for a while.
One, two, three
I believe that there is really just a "one," but to get to that one, many people need to try and fail so they can learn enough about themselves just so when "the one" does come around, they can handle that one and that one can handle them.
melodic death metal
This song doesn't really fit into the death metal scene IMHO, but it is still an amazing song. I personally like the flow of Victory Song by Ensiferum.
Personally, age does make a difference to me. People tell me as I get older, the age gap that I will allow myself to date will change, but so far, 3 years in any direction from my birthday is all I can see myself going. I have hung out with some amazing friends who were 10 years older than I was at the time, but I knew really quickly that what they were looking for in life was far different than what I was looking for in life. Because of which to keep it safe, I try to keep the age thing generally close.
Please don't get me wrong though, if there was ever someone older or younger who could break that rule of mine. If both me and that person complimented each other and there was that emotional and physical attraction, I can see myself breaking my rule, but I have yet to find someone who can ya know? |