Why do guys...
Eh, its a talent. You should see the other talents I come with.
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For testing:
A homewrecker For the insulators: Pookie And one that just makes me laugh every time I hear it: Duck Butter |
You know, I was thinking,.. There IS a time, and a place for these concerns. Like, ya just dont wait til your man has worked all day, and when he walks in the door, you bombard him with your issues, and any negativity. Noone wants that bs. Being complainy, and bitchy have no place. Keeping it positive is important. Keeping it simple helps Ive learned. Ya know earthy, if my ex learned that, I might have still had a girlfriend. I think I need to get you to my neck of the woods so you can teach the women around here that very important lesson in life |
Well, I have worked out a few of the kinks of my D&D campaign which I will minorly modify to fit a story (Which if it is short or sectioned off, I don't know which yet)
I did come across one major problem... ADVENTURERS!!! My question is, those who signed up, would you guys mind if I used your characters? If so, please PM me, I am lookin for one of each of the four monster food groups. (Tank type, healer, mage, rogue) Any (short) bit of information to help give your character more personality would be great! I will take 4 people if I get enough responses and unless someone stands out dramitically, I will go first come first serve. :P Also, I am going to try to include everyone I can in this story, but I am not going to make any promises untill it is finished. |
When my hair was longer, and I thought it was cool to shave off all my facial hair, I was told I should go to work as an Antonio Banderas stunt double.
<,< hmmm, I wonder how much money those guys make... |
Edited by
Sun 08/02/09 12:51 PM
Thank you for the quick reply!
Gnome tinkerer, I never considered myself a tinkerer. You chose tinkerer because you were afraid of some bardic song offs weren't you? :P I honestly would rather not, I am more of a quiet submission type person, but if ya must, ya must and I won't complain amigo. :P but if the info is put, I better be a bard with a stringed instrument in hand! :P (jk amigo, I am lookin foward to see what you come up with) *edit* I do have a D&D campaign I have written up, with a little imagination, I might be able to convert it to either a short story, or a multi part story to add to the flavor of the magazine? If so, let me know, and I will make a feeble attempt on adding some of the mingle2 characters to the storyline. :) |
If you want to have a whole page to yourself in a Fantasy online magazine then follow the guidelines to make it happen. 1. Have a photo available on your photo display here on Mingle2. 2. Choose a fantasy creature for me to transform your picture into the creature. 3. Answer the questions to add to your personal page in the magazine issue. 4. Add me as a friend so I can find you quickly when a magazine issue is available for you to download. What kind of magazine is this? I am attempting to create a Free online medieval fantasy magazine/article that covers jokes, quotes, short stories, crossword puzzles, recipes, illustrations, helpful websites, author reviews, and fantasy dating contacts. How long will it take to make a issue? I want to make one issue per month. If I work on it a few hours each day, I should complete a interesting well designed free online fantasy magazine for people to download and enjoy. I also wait this long for contributors who wish to add their fiction stories, illustrations, or other helpful links to make the magazine interesting. When will I see my first illustration of myself created into a fantasy creature? It depends on what creature you wish to be, but anywhere between 1 or 2 weeks tops. If you want an example of how a illustration looks like then check out my photo profile to see how other Mingler's allowed me to transform their photos into fantasy illustration. How do I begin? 1. Choose a race and mention it here on the thread. Dwarf Human High Elf Wood Elf Wild Elf Amazonian Centaur Minotaur Draconian Halfling Dark Elf (drow) vampire Zombie gnome pixie/fairy to name a few. If you have another race idea then don't hesitate to add it. 2. Answer the following question as they will be added below your fantasy picture. Why do you like Fantasy or Fiction? What is your favorite Medieval "Swords and Sorcery" type movie? What is your favorite Fantasy novel? What is your favorite roleplaying computer game? What is your month and day of birth? Needed to make a "fantasy horoscope reading" to add below your illustration. What is your favorite holiday? If you where to live in the 15th century in Europe, what would you like to be and explain why? For example - Lord, Princess, Alchemist, Knight, Advisor, Jester, farmer, Bishop, Assassin, etc. etc. Where can a reader contact you? For example - Mingle2 screenname, or a yahoo account, etc. etc. ((You can send this email if you like)) Also only if you want to have anyone contact you. 3. If you have something to contribute such as medieval websites, or websites of authors, fantasy rpg websites, fantasy mmporg websites, or your own personal fiction writing or artwork you wish to add into the magazine then don't hesitate to send it. Cheers and thanks for reading all that! lol your friendly bard, smiless ![]() 1: Gnome 2: A: Fantasy, most games I lend towards medieval fantasy for some reason. B: Honestly the list never ends, but off the top of my head; Krull, Dune, Children of Dune... C: Not much of a reader, but the Magic the Gathering books were always quick easy reads for me. D: At the moment, WoW and DDO. E: 08/22/83 F: 4th of July (Team America, **** yeah!) G: Bard, not jester, but musician bard. I dont think mideval fantasy had bass players, so I will go to my second love, the 12 string guitar. H: I would prefer to not have that info posted if you don't mind. 3: If I can dig all my old artwork up, I'll contact you, but well, the hopes of me finding it is slim to none amigo. Either way, I am glad to see so many fantasy fans on this website. Was starting to think I was the only nerd who owned a computer anymore XD |
Isn't that funny...
I dunno, call me whatever you want, but I would rather see a bad picture of someone than no auctual picture at all, ya know?
My first YouTube
I was diggin the slide Modela, you looked like you had fun.
Espically with youtube, if my attention isn't caught within 1 minute, I just end the vid and well I stayed for the whole thing :D |
what the point
Thank, I do stick my nose in about daily. Sadly I was always taught if ya got nothing to say, don't say anything at all. LAWL, that is usually why I will just read a forum and keep my fat mouth shut and move along.
Either way I know I am fairley new and my post count is small, but I am speaking from just what I have found out as of yet. I haven't given up yet Calleigh :P I am still here waiting patiently for my turn to be a success story. :) |
what the point
I havent been here long, but I have noticed that mingle doesnt seem to be a dating site, (for me at least.) I will say that some great friendships have come out of mingle2 that I greatly appreciate.
Knowing I am only 25,
![]() It almost seems when there is only that 21-30 crowd there, everyone just seems to end up acting like they are 12 again and drama always starts. :P |
want to have fun in life
Sitting back with my bag of popcorn to await the onslaught of the cool and good women that you just lumped in a catagory that WILL come across as insulting. Hope you got your cup and mouthpiece on my man. This will get ugly. Krupa amigo, I brought the beer and an extra chair, trade ya half my beer for half your popcorn? |
~one trait....
I honestly don't know, I am pretty happy and content with myself knowing I have my flaws. It's what makes me, me.
First off, I do have to ask... have you ever waited for something in your life? I mean I understand when you do want something, you want it, but when it comes to being intimate with your woman, doesn't the wait make it better? I don't know, I honestly don't, I was always taught that patience and honesty is a virtue. Good things are worth waiting for. And finally being in a relationship is being in a relationship, which means NOT doing anything with anyone else. No matter how bad you want the sweet lovin. No matter how good she looks. No matter how much she throws herself at you.
I dunno, if I am wrong, please let me know, I honestly don't mean to sound rude, but half of what I say ends up making me sound like a jerk so take it as ya want. |
Karaoke Junkies
So, I gotta ask, feelings on saving someone in a karaoke bar. The other day I was at one, and this poor little old lady just couldn't hold a note, she was trying her hardest, but she was more embarassed than anything untill a good buddy of mine came up, grabbed a mic and sang alongside her.
Seperate the parts they sang were horrible, but together, awe man, I thought I heard angels singing along that night. Another buddy of mine thought that was rude, but I thought that was just friggin amazing. I need to drag a buddy to save me when I mess up a song at a karaoke bar. :P |
Changing Undies
Karaoke Junkies
Well snap, this is a first for me. What am I supposed to do now? kick my feet up and occupy about 4 chairs when I can barley fit in the size of 1?
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Realizing what time it is, and then realizing its too late to try to go to bed. THEN! debating on if a 2 hour power nap is worth it, or the all nighter is even more worth it.
Karaoke Junkies
Did we just dominate someone elses board? |