Community > Posts By > Jess642

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/20/11 05:33 AM
I'm not social.....spock


But I am a granny!!!...Little Lara Lee was born on the 17th at 9.24am a teeny tiny petite 5lb15ozs....and the most beautiful child ever born....of course!smitten :heart:

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/13/11 02:15 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Tue 09/13/11 02:16 PM
I am really well is so much more than I could have dreamed of...
an amazing home filled with music, laughter, animals, and with abundant food gardens,
content kids growing, exploring, learning and living,
beautiful-hearted friends,
and a very precious hearted man to share it all with....
AND to be a granny in less than two weeks to a little girl called Lara Lee.

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/13/11 02:10 PM
These are some attributes that apply to your personality:

i1) Achievement attitudes: compulsive, determined, motivated, resilient. You are also goal-oriented, persistent, initiative.
i2) Emotional temperament: cheerful, composed, confident, content, happy, joyful, lively, secure, serene, stable. You are also patient, predictable, relaxed, vocal.
i3) Energy level: fast. You are also energetic.
i4) Intellectual factors: alert, creative, imaginative, intellectual, intelligent, observant, perceptive, studious, talented. You are also attentive, inquisitive.
i5) Material attitudes: Conflicting responses: spiritual. You are also thrifty.
i6) Maturity: educated, knowledgeable, mature, resourceful.
i7) Philosophical attitudes: introspective, positive. You are also a realist, optimistic, flexible.
i8) Physical attributes: healthy, physical, strong, youthful.
i9) Risk attitudes: Conflicting responses: adventurous, fortunate, progressive. You are also cautious, daring, calculating, careful.
i10) Task performance attitudes: adaptable, decisive, reflective, skillful. You are also accurate, hard-working, organized, precise, a planner, conscientious, thorough.

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/13/11 01:57 PM
<----wandering in to say "G'day mate!"....laugh that's the alleged aussie way!

and to say in Lee way....'How's it goin'?'glasses

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/13/11 01:49 PM
Umm a few years times, often, and gets in the way, and I am out living it.glasses

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/13/11 04:21 AM

Do woman realy want to be treated like it is the stone age or have I lost the plot. Tell you what I issue a challenge to all on this site.

I would love to date a nice looking woman who likes to be treated with respect. Some one who doe's not care to much about money and who doe's not have any hang ups about walking down the street holding hands. Some one who likes throwing the cushions on the floor and watching a good film with a nice bottle of wine. Some one who does not mind being spontanious and having a laugh over just about any thing.

This is my challenge to all on this site. Only other stipulations are that they must live in the Uk some were around norfolk area.

Get going time starts NOW.



Colour,creed,religion dont make any difference to me at all. But you do have to live in th UK in England...

the only challenge I had with all of that was spelling and grammar...but that's just me....the rest is a no-brainer...

You are 42 and single NOT because you may or may not be a nice guy....but because you are ALL about YOU.....YOU are your favourite subject....and sadly, I do have to say....there's no room for anyone else..

that is all.bigsmile

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/12/11 12:09 AM

I WANNA COME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sad sad

Kate whispered something about an Eileen is gonna be there?...could that possibly be the same one???:wink: bigsmile :heart:

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/12/11 12:07 AM

wow...I just hope America can handle you :wink:

I have a chaperone...surprised that I don't get too arrested...and to make sure I have shoes on at all the appropriate places..rofl

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/12/11 12:06 AM

you should totally send me details on the denver part...meeting up with the three of you sounds abso delightful.

Lori, as soon as I have all the dates locked in and the cabin accomodation sorted...I will let you know...I am aiming for 1st March to the 27th...although Kate is aiming for March 23rd...too late for me, as I have my kiddos on school holidays back here early April, and they need me around to open the door and feed them..:wink: laugh

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/12/11 12:03 AM

You said "this weird aussie"

WHICH weird aussie? All of you guys are kinda weird.


THIS weird aussie...the me is that is Lee...and a spare weird aussie Stephen...incase THIS weird aussie that is me...the me that is Lee gets arrested and ends up in Guacamole bay...he can bail me out!!!laugh noway laugh

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/06/11 02:03 PM

Well, at least you don't have to hide the sheep!

I'm planning on stuffing a Llama in my carry on luggage..laugh

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/06/11 02:01 PM

I know it sounds snarky, but when you are
at Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39, in San Francisco,
be sure to visit the shop that carries
nothing but refrigerator magnets.
It is like magnet heaven.
Everything under the sun, hilarious
and eye-opening. GREAT gifts to take home!!
Also, In Hawaii, please don't miss the
Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor.
Take a hanky.

What a tour missy!!!

I will do of my dearest friends has his artworks there, in postcard form, plagarised by taiwan...and he wants me to see them....he said it is a hoot!

We had planned on spending a moment at Pearl harbour...I'll ask Stephen to wear a shirt that day, and use that as a hanky..:wink:

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/06/11 01:59 PM

Tie down and secure all the animals and take the larger vessels well offshore!!


Prepare for flash flooding and taxing demands on the roadways and
emergency shelters!



This is such a long time coming....the aussie government said I can go...and gave me back my passport!...and to hang out with Kate and Joel will be the best birthday present a gal can wish for...

Then to play with the pirahnas out from Iquitos in the jungley bits is sooo special...Lake Titikaka is calling...

and I have a whole heap of orders for Ukelele's to bring home from Hawaii...

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/06/11 05:18 AM
IQ's are a dime a dozen....give me EQ over everything...EXPERIENTIAL Quotients are a much more relevant basis on which to compare...

Everything in the mainstream is contrived to sedate, and mollify the masses...

food, media,religion, politiking, society is a constant bombardment aimed to desensitise and sedate...

Eat clean, energetically vibrant foods, and opt out of the drama of the whole production...

and Live.

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/06/11 05:12 AM
It's official!....well not really...although it's happening!!...well not NOW but March 1st this weird arsed aussie lands in San Francisco with flowers in her hair, a toothbrush in her pocket and borrowed shoes!...after meandering the haight Ashbury district, she is off the Pier at the Fisherman's Warf then look up at the Bridge over troubled waters.

THEN....onto another hairyplane to Denver Colorado into the arms of our very own Dancere Kate!...for a yeehaa in Boulder....and colliding with beachfarmer, Joel for a campfire event of incomparable magnitude.

After that to Houston, onto more hairyplanes, flying Guacamalan hairlines with chickens goats and mailbags to Peru to play with the Ande'lusians, and the Amazon...!!!

After that back to Houston, San fran, and onto to Hawaii!!! go play in the BIG waves and meander the moments Shaka style...

Am so stoked and so blessed....and Stephen gets to meet a few of my favourite folks, whilst keeping this mad aussie leashed and in remotely suitable attire.pitchfork drinker

Jess642's photo
Tue 09/06/11 05:01 AM
I don't give a rat's razoo how old anyone is...I couldn't give a flying fart what the age on someone's birth certificate says....

I want to know what they know, what they have seen, what they feel, what affects them, what opens their hearts, and makes their soul sing...

day of birth and the tic of the clock are irrelevant in the Who of someone.

Jess642's photo
Mon 08/29/11 06:29 AM

Time and I have a loose nodding acquaintance,
and rarely do we appear in the room at the
same boss is pleased if I arrive
fully clothed with shoes I guess
I am blessed that way..sad2

Is that a tough standard for Aussies?

I suspect it is common to where I live....we are in a tiny laid back village where everyone knows everyone....

time....blech!!! stoopid man made ridiculousness...just this week alone I was two days late for myself and Stephen marooned on a deserted island through big seas and high winds for a week...was supposed to be for 3 days..noway ...funny as!....and my boss merely shrugged, rolled his eyes and laughed at my sunburnt nose and bits of seaweed stuck in my hair when I walked into work to see if I still had a job.

I may be constantly late....but I work when at work....and often clock up hours of unpaid work when you get there, and you play when you aren't....simple philosophy...and works for me.bigsmile

Jess642's photo
Sun 08/28/11 11:24 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Mon 08/29/11 12:01 AM
Time and I have a loose nodding acquaintance, and rarely do we appear in the room at the same boss is pleased if I arrive fully clothed with shoes I guess I am blessed that way..sad2

Jess642's photo
Thu 08/18/11 01:16 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Thu 08/18/11 01:16 AM
I get the giggles....and imagine someone with oily hair slicked back, and a pimp moustache from the 1970's....sans stretch jersey shirt undone to the navel, and lots of gaudy gold bling...

it's the funniest line...smoooooth....and sooooo not sexy....

I'm with you!

Jess642's photo
Thu 08/18/11 01:12 AM
Energy out their dramas....they LUUURVE drama....and as sure as the sun comes up each day....someone will appear to play out the other half of the equation.

I am too lazy to play the drama saga game with anyone...I just can't be bothered....and can see it a mile away in others.

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