Marvel Comics
Hey Moof, that fan-made clippit is dope, where'd you come across that? Any more like it?
Marvel Comics
Great Covers
Marvel Comics
Edited by
Sun 07/26/09 09:33 AM
I'm sorry, I have to post this again, it just makes me laugh too much
forgot this detail before, The villian calls himself THE BLACK C0CK |
happy happy happy
I like what he said. He has a point. We are looking for mr. right. Does he exist? This site has many weird men. Im a single mon, I might be picky, but men on this site are crazy..(dont want to go into details). I do agree with him, we must be happy and enjoy our lives being alone. I come to realization that internet is not the right place to meet normal dates. Uhh, there are crazy people everywhere. Crazy men and women of all kinds because this is America damnit >_< Honestly, I dont want to be normal. Ever see the SpongeBob where he went normal?? TERRIBLE! GOOD DAY TO YOU |
Marvel Comics
Edited by
Sat 07/25/09 11:54 PM
Gambit ftw mon ami. I drew this one a few years ago and coloredit on the pc. That's cool man! I like it, its wayyyy better than a lot of fan-art I see. Good shitt Now to enhance a picture previously posted by another 'Pool fan... |
Marvel Comics
Edited by
Sat 07/25/09 11:50 PM
Marvel Comics
happy happy happy
Respect. |
Hmm, okie. I think once past the dating stage and into seriousness, you just have to believe in your SO. If somebody says they'll pay, go with it and hopefully you actually care enough to take care of it next time. If you are past the dating stage and in a deep, meaningful relationship, you should not even think about this petty issue of money. **** money, embrace love. Its consideration, love, respect and honor that makes the circle of life complete, not by one side working overtime to fulfill social-expectation. |
I am all about equality, and just as a female may protest she wants to pay, I protest that I desire to pay as well. It is not about money, it is about thought, generosity and genuine respect. I have been hard on times, and have been paid for by females.... now I felt like **** about it, but made sure to make it up. Again, not about money but overall consideration. I always want to give and love those who are deservin.
Living in America
There also seems to be a generational difference in opinions about American life. The previous generations remember when times were better and people had more freedoms. Haha, hell, even I remember that. I often wish I lived in simpler times.... *sigh* |
Living in America
I think the American public has to exercise it's power and tell it's elected officials they are accountable. If we really don't want to fight other countries wars, let our jobs go to other countries, subsidize corporate executive paychecks and obscene loopholes for the rich, have half educated work force then we have to get involved and stay involved. Some government we do need. I want to lock up criminals, have equal public school systems and safe buildings and public roads, and defend the minorites and innocents to name a few. Do I think any body should get a free ride? Nope. But we are not going to get out of debt until we recognize we are in a financial crisis and and bring our dollars back into our economy and make it so people can afford to live with in their means. It is ridicuous that we have a pitiful mass transit system, almost zero affordable houseing stock that people can actually own and gain value in, the most wasteful medical system we could imagine, chronic drug and gang problems, and a waste rate of national resources that is staggering. All problems that we have the technology to solve. It is also sad that we have a failing public ethic that cheers on even rewards bad behavior and makes being honest, responsible, and considerate being a chump. You are absolutely stunning.... beautiful. |
hmmm seems i have some competition on how to properly treat a lady Did you think it'd be a clear-cut path?? (Not trying to be rude, actually quite curious) |
I miss that... all of it. It's been SO many years since I was with a man like that. I'm starting to believe they're all either taken or so much older than me that it'd be weird. But yes, I agree with all of that. Hey now! I am neither older or taken! Dont leave out too young, too far away, etc. etc. |
Living in America
Diversity... possibility.... other than that, bleh. Probably more I dont like than I do, but hey, to each his/her own.
"I think you should stop your cryin.... use my kerchief to dry your eyes...." -Bob Marley
Picky picky picky... its no wonder most dont find love.
Edited by
Sat 07/25/09 05:23 PM
The rude, classless women out there are only rude and classless because of some kind of problem that I have. Duly noted. Nahhh phuck that with a big stick. Anybody who treats another like dirt or inferior has major issues with themselves and their lives. They dont know you, and thus it is unrealistic and illogical for the reason to be your personal. The only sting I feel is the sorrow that somebody who could have potential to be an amazing person uses their life and energy in such a selfish, disrespectful way. I readily look down on such people who dont have the consideration, decency and intelligence to do otherwise. |
I usually think. "you know you could drop me a line and say hello or at the very least give some feed back on the profile." I only think that if they view me multiple times, esp in a short time. If they view me once, I dont think anything of it. Just curious. If they like, lemme know. If not, be well. |
Not Encouraging...
'I'm not interested'...well, it works and is rather nice, not like you are calling the guy a jackass or anything. Not difficult, just be honest. Agreed. Simple, truthful and straight-forward. I hate a lying response, you can always tell. |