Just for fun...Rate the person above you 1-10 on looks alone. We will see how many pages this gets to. Thanks for participating!!
It just depends..Yeah, no STD would be the first to worry about..But sometimes the one night stand with a hot guy is all you need for a while. No love involve, no names, no worries. Just another time to think about that was fun and possibly the best time you have ever had...
I have never had a fishing trip like the one I had in Ketchikan, AK. Has anyone else ever fished there? I will go back sometime.
Hows This Look
Thanks for advice..I liked all the comments but your was most helpful..I picked better locations in some of my photos this time..Thanks again
Honestly, I don't know if it is just harder to find an intimate partner because of my age or what. I don't feel 40 I wish people would look past that. What do you girls perfer anyhow, a woman established and true or a one time thing with a younger woman?
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Just wondering, Would you say more people like butts or breasts as a favorite part?
Hows This Look
I was just wondering if I should go sexier or just leave my photos as they are. I don't want to be like everyone else and post nakeds.What's your opinion?