Apparently ...
Get a big yellow sign and stick it on your belly that says "Brand New Me".
It works for me |
Are we Arrogant?
arrogance One entry found. Main Entry: ar·ro·gance Pronunciation: \ˈer-ə-gən(t)s, ˈa-rə-\ Function: noun Date: 14th century : an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions I hate to say this to my American cousins but this entry from the Dictionary pretty much sums up what my experiances with Americans were. I grew up in a bordertown and worked in the Hospitality Industry for many years and it's surprising how many people from the States still assume that they have a right to be this way because of blood spilled. I'm really not trying to offend and paint every American with the same brush ... lets get that cleared up right now because, living in a bordertown gave me access to the opposite of the above mentioned statement. I would just like to point out though, that the Americans Forces didn't get overly involed with the war effort in Euorpe until later in either World War. The Canadians, had been there allied with Britian since the beginnings of each. So, I won't espouse to giving you a death toll of the Canadian, British and European Forces that fought and died, research it on your own if you feel the need to know. If you feel that arrogance is the God given right of every American Citizen, then chant the names and numbers of your sacrificed sons but please remember that many other countries have folllowed the call to arms. The Canadians have always and will always continue to give their sons and daughters in the fight for freedom and we do so with quite dignity not because we are meek but because its the right thing to do. Canadian Citizens will always step up and be there were we are needed because as a people that is who WE are. I will reserve my feelings about our politics for a later discussion. So ... as a Canadian, President Obama, good on ya for recognizing the Worlds sentiments on Americans and trying to do something about it instead of denying that it exsists as previous Administrations have. Thats my opinion and your entitled to it ... Phule. P.S. Yes, I know. Opinions are like as*holes, everybody has one. Freedom of expression or speech is something we all fought for. Lets Keep it that way. |
praying mantis ... will go out of my way to avoid them. anything that eats its partner after mating is creepy
How did you....
OK ... took this name because I am just an Olde Phule looking to meet that perfect someone, again.
Lets do It...
good pics i'd take out the negative stuff about your ex and your kids controlling step mom just keep the positive stuff I must concour. Wouldn't you agree that all that negativity is only selling yourself short. Otherwise for the sake of a few sentences, your outline is a dandy. |
I am a singer/songwriter and absolutely love sharing my gift with people! I use to think I had to write a song for every woman I was involved with...but the anxiety of it put that to an end.Sometimes a simple Beatle song will do the trick! < ------ Phule says: "Chicks dig the Beatles?". Mental note to Phule,learn a Beatles song Man. |
This is just so wrong. Next he might be introducing his "sister-wife". Nope I dont like it, its kinda filthy if ya ask me.
Hello Canada!
Thats a good one, keep 'em coming!
As we say in Canada, " Hate the Game, not the Player".
Dedicated to all of the Hockey Wives in the World. |
Last seen with a cattle prod in a bull pasture
licks pencil leads
What is your
My name is Michael ...meaning "who is like God". Not so sure about that.
who is like me
< ----- Phule says " sleep is a sign of weakness"
Musical Instruments
Been playin an "Axe" for 28 yrs. and I still learn something from time to time. I have a system if there was ever a fire in my home. First the guitar, then the cat and then I scoot out, lol. Its been many things to me and as I'm sure other players would agree, that it is very hard to put to words the emotion that springs forth from your heart and soul when everything is tight.
None yet, looking to get a charging bull elephant, full frontal on my back. Trying to find the right shading is hard though. Being fish belly white and all shading is a bit of a problem.
I'll add to it when nessassary, to keep the intrest level up.
Hello from Cambridge Ontario. Howsigoin?
In Considering--
Something we all must concider and I learned a couple of years ago.
Your perception is your reality. |
< ----- Phule was born for what he is now, you should really checkout this gottee though ladies isn't it jiggy?