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Wed 10/13/10 04:56 PM
Don't you understand why there are terminal illnesses and bad things in this world, because of sin, Sweetie. Perhaps those folks don't understand why they are suffering. I have no idea why some people suffer more than others on Earth. I do know that God has a grand plan in it all. I cannot make any of you see or understand that, but I know it exists nonetheless. Present your evidence. Obviously, your beliefs work for you, and paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, those beliefs "...neither pick my pocket or break my legs." But, you're going to have to be far more persuasive and base your arguments on more solid constructs than Christian theology if I'm going to invest myself in those beliefs. I've already been there, and they didn't work for me. I can't unlearn what I've seen on lab instruments or witnessed by rubbing shoulders with people who even now are unravelling the mysteries of life on this planet. For example, have you ever heard of Henrietta Lacks? She died of an extremely virulent form of cancer in the middle of the last century. Yet, some of her cells live on in the laboratory. Were you to look at those cells under a microscope, you couldn't possibly see sin. And I doubt you could find any particle of a soul in them. My skepticism, intellectual curiosity, thirst for knowledge and readiness to discard the unproven has served me well over the period of my lifetime. I can no more give them up than you can your faith. -Kerry O. |
Actually you are right, a very common trick for an investigator to tell is soemone is lying or not, they look away. If they break eye contact and the eyes go left they are recalling a memory and they eyes go right they are trying to come up with something. And if this were valid, it would be admissable as evidence in a court of law. Psychopaths can mislead investigators with the greatest of ease. And sometimes the investigators themselves have a hidden agenda and biases that render as tainted anything they 'discover'. Investigators are just as human and open to dishonesty about their motives as those they interrogate. They can ask loaded questions of the type 'when did you stop beating your wife' type and interpret the result any way they like, especially when they are under pressure to produce results. If you really want to see evasion at work, watch Sarah Palin during the debates. She was a master at it and could do so looking the audience square in the eye. Any questions she didn't have pat answers to were just brushed aside. Goose. Gander. -Kerry O., "...and why did she _really_ quit as governor of Alaska." It's not admissable but it is a common trick to tell if someone is lying and to prod them for more information or to straight up not believe them. I have over 1,100 interrogations under my belt. I think I know what I am talking on this one. Also not one of my cases ever got dropped or the person found not guilty. So, you're saying that Obama is 'guilty' of exactly what? Of being a Muslim? That on your expertise alone you can "convict" him in the court of public opinion of this 'infraction'? Now, I'm not saying your gut instincts are necessarily wrong, I'm saying there is a HUGE difference between prosecuting shoplifters and other riff-raff and politics. For starters, I'm sure he's probably sensitive about questions about Muslims, but that's pretty easy to understand. It's more likely a matter of his wishing people would understand that it was probably challenging growing up as a child of a mixed marriage. Heck, I used to be married to a Catholic, I'm sure I might give you the same reaction if you asked me pointed questions about my interaction with the Catholic faith. But without knowing any more, you really wouldn't 'know' anything. -Kerry O. |
As for my trying to convert Believers? Nope, I'm only telling anyone why *I* believe or don't believe they way I do, and I let it up to them to make up their own minds. Whatever they decide is cool with me. -Kerry O. Same here. Many of my posts are in response to Cowboy's constant evangelism. Cowboy has confessed that he is indeed evangelizing. He's stated quite a few times that he's trying to bring people to God so they can receive the give of eternal life. Evangelism is his goal. Yeah, and this why I have a soft spot in my heart for the Quakers around The City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia. They tell you to seek the 'Inner Light' in a soft-spoken fashion that befits a group who IMHO has earned the right to call themselves the Religious Society of Friends. They don't try to creep you out, bully you or give you the smarmy two-step. I guess that is what comes of having been persecuted and marginalized throughout their history by other sects of Christianity. Always the Good Samaritans, they open the doors of their shrines to host such diverse groups as PFLAG. -Kerry O. |
Actually you are right, a very common trick for an investigator to tell is soemone is lying or not, they look away. If they break eye contact and the eyes go left they are recalling a memory and they eyes go right they are trying to come up with something. And if this were valid, it would be admissable as evidence in a court of law. Psychopaths can mislead investigators with the greatest of ease. And sometimes the investigators themselves have a hidden agenda and biases that render as tainted anything they 'discover'. Investigators are just as human and open to dishonesty about their motives as those they interrogate. They can ask loaded questions of the type 'when did you stop beating your wife' type and interpret the result any way they like, especially when they are under pressure to produce results. If you really want to see evasion at work, watch Sarah Palin during the debates. She was a master at it and could do so looking the audience square in the eye. Any questions she didn't have pat answers to were just brushed aside. Goose. Gander. -Kerry O., "...and why did she _really_ quit as governor of Alaska." |
You know what I find so interesting? For the most part, it is the same group of "nonbelievers" posting questions and thoughts on Christianity and its principles, in an attempt to "dissuade" us believers from our faith or "prove us wrong". I wonder why you "nonbelivers" make this your goal. Perhaps it is because, deep down under the surface, you are all seeking to learn the truth about God because something in your lives is lacking. Because you are curious about Him and wonder why we can believe something that seems so impossible. Ultimately, I think it's because you're struggling with things in your personal life and are seeking guidance and truth. My heart goes out to you all! How difficult it must be to be worried about your impending futures and so much more afraid to even admit it! I will pray for your guidance and understanding of God's truth and not the world's skewed perception of truth! Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but since you can't read minds, you really can't know. I've been through a few acute episodes of a serious illness that usually kills the sufferer, one of which gave me a near-death experience. When I was young, I used to have anxiety attacks so severe I sought treatment. Since my illnesses and concommitant near-death experiences, I've enjoyed a peace I've never known before. I now KNOW there are worse things than dying. Although I wouldn't want to make a habit of it, I pretty calmly walked into surgery at John Hopkins about this time of the year six years ago and beat the odds. Professionally, I'm at the top of my game, and I no longer feel a need to get into bad relationships just to avoid being alone. (Because you know what? We ALL die alone-- it's a very personal thing.) I live a pretty busy and full life and I have pretty much most of what I want and want what I have. So, you're wrong. And please spare me your pity. Give it and your prayers to the kids whom your God gave terminal illnesses to without also giving them the power to understand. As for my trying to convert Believers? Nope, I'm only telling anyone why *I* believe or don't believe they way I do, and I let it up to them to make up their own minds. Whatever they decide is cool with me. -Kerry O. |
He is a mslim and already admitted it :) You can see that as he correct's himself he looks hard to the side. A very common way to spot a lie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Auwe-aGF4Lo&feature=related so we determine other peoples faiths now,,?....lol And with no less than that Internet bastion of Truth All The Time as 'proof', YouTube?? I wonder how long it'll be before The Star and other supermarket tabloids start publishing righwing voters' guides? :) But I digress. See, my prophecy about someone calling Obama a 'mslim' has been fulfilled. -Kerry O. "I'm feeling so mavericky..." |
Meaning...you just don't know what to believe. You hammer away at the God of the bible hoping you will get some fantastic knowledge that you can run away with to misconstrue. If you had continued your study in the WORD and trusted and not doubted, you may have been blessed with some true wisdom. The LORD's true preachers won't defect. You cut yourself short. Truth is hidden from you. You have that "strong delusion" that the WORD of God speaks of. "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should BELIEVE a lie:" 2Thes. 2:11, Which brings us to yet another Biblical contradiction-- that of free will vs. a God who can theoretically send delusions. If the Christian god is omnipotent and ethically not bound by his own covenants of not abrogating free will, something's not right in Dodge about this biblical quote. Although not a contradiction as such, it is nevertheless ironic that you quote a verse from Paul, a man who persecuted Christians until his sudden conversion, to browbeat someone you claim is 'wishy-washy'. I wonder if there wasn't a little projection going on here on Paul's part? -Kerry O. |
Second of all, who cares about a court case, I am stating a simple fact to shut people up about the birth cirtificate, if he wants to shut people up alls he has to do is produce it. No court case is needed for that. Indeed it would not. Let's say, for the sake of argument, he kept producing every document demanded by the Birthers. You know, of course, what would happen next, right? "He's still a Muslim, I don't care how many Christian churches he's attended." It's like being stupid enough to gift an answer to the age-old question "When did you stop beating your wife" to someone intent on running your reputation into the ground for no particular sane reason. The proper answer to that one is, "I'll see you in court." -Kerry O. |
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Sun 10/10/10 03:40 PM
Look I am tired of you calling names. Not one person in this thread has called a name but you, even political motivate names. Keep the personal attacks to yourself. I don't care if the definition of ******* describes you I wont use it on this forum, so don't use "birthers" to describe people here unless you want the insults and name calling to start. Make your point without insulting people. LOL!!!! Well, report me and we'll let the mods decide. I think if you read the rules, though, using "******" to hide insults is waaay past anything I'm guilty of, imagined or othewise, in this thread. 'Birthers' after all, isn't an epithet, a profanity or anything that doesn't appear in the blogosphere ALL THE TIME. Besides, I haven't actually called anyone that, I just have run their positions up the flag pole and stood back and watched who saluted and with how much vigor. That's what really separates the fanatics from the moderates. Oh, and BTW? I've never registered to vote as anything but an Independent and though I find the Republicans pretty culpable for a lot of what transpired over the last 10 years, that doesn't mean I love what the Democrats have with the franchise handed to them in '06. I really feel voting as an Independent oftimes comes down to choosing between the lesser of two evils. And I'm STILL waiting on citations of those court cases-- could it be *gasp* THAT THERE ARE NONE??? And this accusation of ad hominem attacks is just to get rid of the pesky person who keeps pointing out that the Birth Certificate Emperor is Naked? LOL!! -Kerry O. |
At some point in my life it dawned on me that math was simply a human invention...God didn't come down and hand us mathematical concepts and principles...Why were we taught how to count and measure etc.? Because we live in a Capitalistic society...Schools prep us to become workers and pay taxes and become consumers. Our worth and value is measured by what we produce and how much we earn throughout our lifetime.....I think about these type of things a lot. What was I taught and why was it important? Because it allows you to stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before you, to potentially achieve more and participate in the march of humankind towards a better world. When you think about it, language is also a human invention. The Internet is a human invention that allows you to widely disperse your ability to use language to commnicate at great distances. Math, in lots of ways, is the language of science. And like language, it's not a perfect tool. But the conbination of both sure was instrumental in making the Super Monkeys the de facto lords of this world. -Kerry O. |
it wasn't a birth certificate and you know it wasn't...it was a copy of a certificate of live birth... It apparently satisfied everyone except the fanatics who will stop at nothing to thwart the will of the electorate. See, that's one of the ways fanaticism works-- it thinks the Law is there for its exclusive use to acheive only the ends it deems worthy. That it's a last chance 'Gotcha' when no other method works when it's on a By Any Means Necessary mission to save America. The Birthers are no different than the fanactics who were trying to mount an Impeach George W. Bush campaign every other week. Ambrose Bierce said it pretty well in his creation of the toungue-in-cheek Devil's Dictionary: Politics, n., A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. -Kerry O. |
If he threatened a reporter without cause then he should be arrested. Some reporters push their limits, I have working special events actually push people down to try to get closer and getting pictures. It also depends on the level of the threat. If someone thretens to strangle someone else that is a life or limb threat and needs to be dealt with. He's on video saying to the reporter "I'll take you out." Myself, I always thought that like WorldNetDaily preaches, "A free press is essential to a free people". But here we have a Tea Party candidate loosing his cool and trying to intimidate one of our corps of the bulwark that insulates us from having a government that answers only to itself. So, if you're going to be Mingle^2's equivalent to Fox's 'Fair and Balanced' reporting, why, as the biggest initiator of news threads in this forum, did this escape your notice? When Biden's pretty tame-by-comparison gaffe didn't? -Kerry O. |
There is a difference between a Birth Certificate and a Certificate of Live birth. I'm not stirring the pot im just saying he needs to produce a Birth Certificate to shut the people up, unless he has something to hide. I would think a Harvard Law Professor such as Obama would know about this alleged 'difference'. And, apparently, the courts unanimously agree with him. Not you. Or the Birthers, who keep running this issue of the flagpole for the courts to 'flag it down'. Keeping this issue alive is just more Tea Party FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt), and just as apparently, it's not heard much outside the right wing echo chambers that provide it a regenerative feedback loop. It's just not credible. -Kerry O. |
So your gonna start with the personal attacks now eh? I am not a birther and never claimed to be. I said the way to shut people up would be to provide the actual document and make people eat crow, when you dont do that it make it look like your hiding something. What personal attack?? You can either site a court case in favor of your agenda, or you can't. Although you're now claiming not to be a Birther, you sure stir the pot like one. Obama provided a birth certificate that satisfied even extremeist people such as Ann Coulter. So, maybe it's time for you to show _your_ cards-- if you have them. Post a case that shows that his Hawaii birth certificate wasn't the legal document that clears up this controversy or admit you have NO legal leg to stand upon by demanding these documents. -Kerry O. |
DAYTON, Minn. -- Vice President Joe Biden has told Democrats at a Minnesota fundraiser that he'll "strangle" members of the GOP who complain about the federal budget. According to a pool report from Tuesday's event in Dayton, Biden was telling the crowd that Democrats know how to balance the budget. He said, "If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to strangle them." He quickly added: "To the press, that's a figure of speech." Biden joined former Vice President Walter Mondale at the fundraiser for 350 people paying at least $150. Earlier in the day, Biden spoke at a rally at Macalester College in St. Paul and focused on the Obama administration's efforts to turn the economy around. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/10/06/biden-says-hell-strangle-republicans/ THere is a nice picture showing how evil the man is at the link. That is a Felony threat and I want him brought up on charges. I am a Republican activist and I fear for my safety with that remark. Any other person who says they will strangle another would be in jail facing Felony charges, he should be held to the same standards. Our society is so upside down. It can be seen by whats on peoples minds because those who rule us steer us in the direction of thought and whats right and whats wrong. Stuff like what Biden said is so trivial.. Who cares he even said its a joke. But we worry about being offended all the time.. he is making me uncomfortable arrest him. Kids spy on your parents thier EVIL.. You will save them. What we see on Tv. I could not believe it.last night i was scanning the channels and just got Direct tv always had cable. What do I find a Sex Toy Shopping channel. WOW Only in America..Eddie u r so right. Morals r a evil thing because u may influence someone with non sence. But deny me my perverseness and dang it we will riot and go to the Supreme court. Put something up that says Treat other the way u want to be treated. Well maybe thats not a good example we may go Anal or something. We are a society turned upside down who worries about things that should be Who Cares but our ones at the Top put out well he only stole a few million we should be easy on that person and give them a 2nd chance/.. ( aww we still have some of your money to get) So Biden really threatened someone didn't he? Big News.. Internet worthy talk shows. cable Talk shows. We are idiots.. sue me!!!! Wake up America take our country back!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I don't take ANY threat of bodily harm as a joke. I have actually had to choke someone out before and it is a scary thing to experience, you have to time it just right or you can do severe brain damage or even kill the person. I find nothing funny about this so called "Joke" Carl Paladino. GOP/Tea party candidate's veiled threats to a reporter. Lpdon's silence about same when called on it. Do the math. -Kerry O. |
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Sat 10/09/10 01:44 PM
And if an indictment for murder was even remotely similar to being elected President of the United States by a landslide, that statement might mean something. -Kerry O. In the context it was used in it did go perfectly. Sorry it went over your head. 'Fraid not, mon cherie. It was an obvious attempt to 'poison the well', a common debating tactic amongst the loud and less adept at making a case based on merits. But that's Birthers for you-- anyone who doesn't see things their way is an idiot. Which is why Birther-in-Chief Orly Taitz was cited for contempt of court. You know, if you really feel this strongly about it and aren't just blowing smoke, why don't you exercise your Constitutional right to seek redress in the courts? Take him to court. Or write your Republican Congressperson and DEMAND they impeach Obama when they win a majority in the House this fall. I mean really, you already have half the posters in the Current Events forum on Mingle^2 convinced, right? :) What could go wrong? -Kerry O. LOL ![]() Nice try, but you still missed the point. I have grown weary of arguing people who are incapable of offering a legitimate argument. Personal attacks and opinions are useless on me. I am above that type of petty arguing. Obviously not. Most of your answers include posturing and veiled insults. Like this one. Newsflash: The Internet is lousy with snarky posters who say they are soooooo weary--but nobody gives a crap about that sort of posturing. They only care about what you write, not how smart you contend you are or pretend to be. Or your history at getting people to see your point of view on loud rhetoric as opposed to through persuasion based on verifiable facts. And history has shown me that the Birther movement is one big loud Fail. Not a single court has rendered a verdict in the Birthers' favor. -Kerry O. -Kerry O. LOL I am the only one who posted facts. Is your tactic to try insulting me and distract from the truth that you have no valid point other than not liking me? I tried to tell you that the personal attacks won't bother me. It only shows me how desperate and angry you truly are. That may work with other people from here but not me. ![]() Or some just make stuff up, thrive on conspiracy theroys and just filled with hate. Well, all you and your merry band of Rightwingers For Truth have to on this topic, then, is post just ONE court case where Birther have prevailed. Could it be the reason none of you have yet is because the one 'fact' you can't post is the one that would settle the matter in your favor? What are you waiting for? Is it because you CAN'T? And are posting innuendo about other Mingle^2 posters to cover for the indadequacy of your 'debate'? The 'New York Lawyer' credo bears repeating: If the fact are on your side, argue the facts. If the facts are against you, yell and beat your fists on the table. Because really, if you pulled some of the stuntes in an actual court of law that have been tried here, any presiding judge would find you out of order and sanction you. (Which is precisely why Orly Taitz was scanctioned, and if memory serves, about to be fined for contempt of court.) -Kerry O. |
he inherited it ?...last time I looked...he was a Senator for 4 years...so his he was a part of the problem...well...he was elected to fix it and he's made everything worse... He was a Senator for two years then campaigner for the rest of his term. He missed more votes and hearings then ANY other Senator. Quick. Tell us how many days Bush spent on vacation away from Washington D.C. He displaced Reagan as 'The Vacation President'. -Kerry O. |
And if an indictment for murder was even remotely similar to being elected President of the United States by a landslide, that statement might mean something. -Kerry O. In the context it was used in it did go perfectly. Sorry it went over your head. 'Fraid not, mon cherie. It was an obvious attempt to 'poison the well', a common debating tactic amongst the loud and less adept at making a case based on merits. But that's Birthers for you-- anyone who doesn't see things their way is an idiot. Which is why Birther-in-Chief Orly Taitz was cited for contempt of court. You know, if you really feel this strongly about it and aren't just blowing smoke, why don't you exercise your Constitutional right to seek redress in the courts? Take him to court. Or write your Republican Congressperson and DEMAND they impeach Obama when they win a majority in the House this fall. I mean really, you already have half the posters in the Current Events forum on Mingle^2 convinced, right? :) What could go wrong? -Kerry O. LOL ![]() Nice try, but you still missed the point. I have grown weary of arguing people who are incapable of offering a legitimate argument. Personal attacks and opinions are useless on me. I am above that type of petty arguing. Obviously not. Most of your answers include posturing and veiled insults. Like this one. Newsflash: The Internet is lousy with snarky posters who say they are soooooo weary--but nobody gives a crap about that sort of posturing. They only care about what you write, not how smart you contend you are or pretend to be. Or your history at getting people to see your point of view on loud rhetoric as opposed to through persuasion based on verifiable facts. And history has shown me that the Birther movement is one big loud Fail. Not a single court has rendered a verdict in the Birthers' favor. -Kerry O. -Kerry O. |
BTW, Lpdon? When are you and Sharon going to get around to calling for an indictment of Tea Party candidate favorite Carl Paladino for making veiled terroristic threats? You said it yourself, "A Felony is a Felony". Or is that different because he's 'one of yours'? -Kerry O. When did I every say I liked Sharron Angle? Please tell me? NEVER. I have never liked her. Why stop there, why not charge McMahon's apponent with lying about his military record? That is a crime too. Nice dodge. Look, just answer the question-- do you equate what Paladino said with what Biden said or not? And if memory serves, you said more than once on here that you know Sharron Angle personally and I believe you said you were considering working on her campaign. One thing is for sure, you post enough articles about events surrounding Angle's run for the Senate against Harry Reid, so it's at least raises an eyebrow when you say you now dislike her. -Kerry O. |
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Wed 10/06/10 05:41 PM
BTW, Lpdon? When are you and Sharon going to get around to calling for an indictment of Tea Party candidate favorite Carl Paladino for making veiled terroristic threats? You said it yourself, "A Felony is a Felony".
Or is that different because he's 'one of yours'? -Kerry O. |