Atheism and Suicide
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Sun 10/31/10 01:36 PM
What does kissing a ring have ANYTHING to do with anything? Sins are and will only forgiven if forgiveness is searched for. If one doesn't seek forgiveness, how may they receive it? And it has to be true heartedly seeking forgiveness. It can't be in vein, cause then how could it have been truly desired? You can't party like crazy doing all kinds of crap Friday and Saturday, then go to church like a saint sunday and ask our father for forgiveness. Especially with a premeditated mind like that. Because if it was premeditated the asking for as such would not be true, you wouldn't truly care if you were forgiven or not or you would not have done as such in the first place. First, 'kissing the ring' is a metaphor for seeking that 'forgiveness' from the local Holy Man. You basically go there and confess what a crapweasel you've been and that you're soooo soooo sorry and won't do it again (until next time), and :::poof::: you're clean as the driven snow. As to the premeditation, Jeffrey Dahmer committed premeditated serial murders, yet he was 'saved' before he himself paid in the same currency in prison. And NONE of this discussed an iota of the effect of these sins/crimes on the victims. Are they just chattel in the Christian God's forgiveness scheme? -Kerry O. |
Ensign has been a great Senator, he made a HUGE screw up and should be held accountable for that. One black mark shouldn't hurt a distinguished career. Hmm... trot on over to and read her take on it. Try the article "I Repeat: John Ensign Needs to Go Away". It contains interesting tidbits like this: “While we’re talking about the GOP Crapweasel Club, someone please tell me why John Ensign is still in office — and why no one in the GOP leadership will force his corrupt backside out of office?” How much more public embarrassment does the GOP want to invite on this matter? How much more moral equivalence ammo do Republicans want to provide Dingy Harry Reid and Swamp Lady Nancy Pelosi? Ensign violated the public trust, not just his family’s; he enlisted his parents to pay off his mistress/former campaign staffer and her husband/former intimate family friend/Senate employee to the tune of $96,000, payments the Las Vegas Review Journal editorial board described as “consistent with hush money;” and he has made himself poison in the Senate. BTW, he's a Promise Keeper. Your comment? -Kerry O. |
Are you sure?
You cannot understand God's Word if you don't trust Him. How can I reasonably trust an alleged Creator who gave me a potentially fatal lesion inside my brain before I was born? Actually, the last episode did technically kill me briefly, but I knew what was happening before it got totally past the point of no return and I was in the back of an Advanced Life Support Unit ready to be airlifted to Johns Hopkins if necessary when it happened. And I can hear it now-- God was responsible for the events that brought me back and that I'm not somehow converted by that experience must mean that Satan has it hooks in me somehow. Don't you just love it? The way that people who have NO experience about your particular experiences with Hell on Earth offering their OPINIONS on What Really Happened? -Kerry O., "Touche!" Jesus heals!!! ![]() Luke 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised," Trust. That's pretty easy to say, but you weren't in my shoes and Jesus wasn't there. My relatives tried to pray away the problem and that didn't work. I was left the choice and expense of going to some real scientists and neurosurgeons for some really unpleasant or dying in agony. -Kerry O. |
hes a dick what can a say but sharon is a fuc**** nut job i agree with every thing your saying but i cant vote for her Who care's if shes a nut job. She will be the Junior Senator from Nevada. No extreme bill she authors will get passed and the Senior Senator Ensign will keep her in check. She also wont constantly be violating ethics riles and laws and participating in shady deals like Reid. Of course, it's not like 'Senior Senator' John Ensign was never involved in any 'shady deals' himself-- to wit, to hush up an extramarital affair with someone in his entourage, he offered to use his influence to help the husband obtain jobs/contracts. The watchdog organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Ensign to the '15 Most Corrupt Members of Congress' list. Hardly bodes well for his 'keeping her in check', now does it? While a good argument can be made for the premise that there should be a better way to keep barnacles like Reid from attaching themselves semi-permanently to the Hulls of Government, extremists like the Tea Party and Sharron Angle are hardly the remedy. -Kerry O. |
Atheism and Suicide
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Sun 10/31/10 02:24 AM
No, you just didn't grasp the meaning of my post. All i was getting at is how you say the laws in the bible and or the bible itself is hearsay. Well so are the laws of our lands today made by the government. For you do not know the people that wrote these laws. You do not know if they are truly the law any ways, you have only been informed they are the laws by some other people. So why should you believe them? Why do you believe someone telling you it's illegal to steal something and not believe someone telling you it's a sin to steal? What's the difference? On both accounts it is just knowledge gained by someone else telling you of such. So why give more credibility to "the laws of the land" in comparison to the laws of our lord? Because your 'Lord' is an invisible dictator who cannot be reached to respond to a summons in a Court of Law seeking redress for grievances. In short, Christianity is not a representative democracy where the rights of the minorities are protected against the capricious will of the majority, and due process under those laws is right out the window. The basis of 'the law' is not derived from the 'We the People' but from "You Must Believe As I Dictate in Holy Writ". And the process by which that 'Holy Writ' came about is totally non-transparent and surely NOT democratic. THAT'S what makes it heresay. First and foremost, Unbelief under any circumstances is not permitted under penalty of Everlasting Death. All the other 'laws' except that one can be broken yet go unpunished if one kisses the local representative's ring and asks for forgiveness. Would you REALLY want have a government that functioned like this? -Kerry O. |
"It's really difficult to say at this point what could potentially happen," he told the newspaper, noting that there are exemptions in the law for gender when there is a shared living space. But Joel Oster, an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund, which is representing the woman free of charge, describes the case as "outrageous." "Clearly this woman has a right to pick and choose who she wants to live with," he said. I agree. Clearly, the intent of the law was misapplied in this complaint/lawsuit-- the words 'shared living space' make all the difference. I think the suit should be dismissed on that basis. The pendulum has definitely swung too far in the other direction on this one. It would be pretty difficult for anyone to claim they incurred damages because of an alleged discriminatory action. If anything, I would think the reverse would be true, that an atheist and a devout Christian would be miserable were they to live together. -Kerry O. |
Atheism and Suicide
No, because there is an age of accountability. Yes that particular term isn't in the bible. But it breifs up alot of the teachings. In other words, it's making it up as you go when presented with an intractable situation not covered by the Bible. Just more evidence it was written by men, because a Divine Being would have known about how its own creations procreate. Whereas the ancient men who penned the Bible didn't know a blastocyst from a gamete. -Kerry O. No, if you would have included the rest of my post rather then editing it you would have seen how we were put in the age of accountability. That particular word, that particular term itself is not included in the bible. But the bible teaches as such. Again, if one does not know right from wrong how are they to decide on how to behave? Weather you wish to accept the rules set out before you is another story. But nevertheless if you NEVER heard of Jesus and or the laws there of you could not be held accountable. now right from wrong and can be held accountable for such actions in the future. And that 'age of accountability' goes back to what, in the case of a blastocyst, minus 9 months? You neatly dodged the point- are there proto-human souls in heaven or not? And if so, per Christian dogma that you're expounding upon here, do they get a 'free pass'? And if the DO get a 'free pass', isn't this more a matter of the dogma not wanting to look cruel, so it gets morphed into something prettier? Of making it up to explain what wasn't known at the time the book and religion were written/born? Sure, you can rifle through Holy Writ and concoct some sort of repsonse, but how do you know it's the correct one since it's not spelled out? And most likely the reason it's not spelled out is because the ancient authors of the book were to unsophisticated to know much about the natural world. Ye olde menstrual huts were another such indicator of this, but what could one expect when the Bible was written almost entirely by men? -Kerry O. |
Atheism and Suicide
No, because there is an age of accountability. Yes that particular term isn't in the bible. But it breifs up alot of the teachings. In other words, it's making it up as you go when presented with an intractable situation not covered by the Bible. Just more evidence it was written by men, because a Divine Being would have known about how its own creations procreate. Whereas the ancient men who penned the Bible didn't know a blastocyst from a gamete. -Kerry O. |
Are you sure?
You cannot understand God's Word if you don't trust Him. How can I reasonably trust an alleged Creator who gave me a potentially fatal lesion inside my brain before I was born? Actually, the last episode did technically kill me briefly, but I knew what was happening before it got totally past the point of no return and I was in the back of an Advanced Life Support Unit ready to be airlifted to Johns Hopkins if necessary when it happened. And I can hear it now-- God was responsible for the events that brought me back and that I'm not somehow converted by that experience must mean that Satan has it hooks in me somehow. Don't you just love it? The way that people who have NO experience about your particular experiences with Hell on Earth offering their OPINIONS on What Really Happened? -Kerry O., "Touche!" |
Atheism and Suicide
atheists don`t have to fear eternal damnation for ending their life when they see fit,,,,,might be a factor And if you follow Christian dogma that a soul is created at conception, 10% of the future inhabitants of heaven will be unborn embryoes. Because that's how many pregnancies Mother Nature herself spontaneously aborts. -Kerry O. I thought it was closer to 75% of fertilized eggs... I think it's 75% of fertilized eggs, but 10% of of pregnancies where the person/people actually knew they were pregnant at the time. Abortions are fairly common within the first month due to genetic malformations, but many women don't know they are pregnant till they missed a full month or two. I went with the conservative estimate, but either way, it begs the question: How will all those blastocysts stroll around the streets of gold and how with they interact? And since they are not self-aware, how can they have made choices such as to take Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour? Since they have yet to develop a brain with which to think? It's a thorny problem for Chistian dogma, to be sure and as you can see, it pretty much goes ignored everytime it's brought up. -Kerry O. |
I could care less what one Islamic General in Iraq has to say.What this has to do with anything I have no idea. It wasn't one Islamic General, sheesh! It was an _American_ general appointed by George W. Bush to be deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. And here are some quotes from General Boykin: ""I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol." "Satan wants to destroy this nation, he wants to destroy us as a nation, and he wants to destroy us as a Christian army...They will only be defeated if we come against them in the name of Jesus". "George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the US. He was appointed by God." Seems your Christian missionaries given leading roles in rebuilding the country is nothing but a lie.I couldn't find any truth to that statement but did find this... "Officially, the Bush administration has taken no position on the campaign for converts. But foreign policy experts -- and even some moderate Christian groups -- are already warning that efforts by the conservative Christians to capitalize on the fall of Saddam could inject a decidedly religious tone into Bush's stated plan to democratize Iraq. And unless the administration takes a strong stand against that campaign, some say, the missionaries may provoke a deep, damaging backlash there and throughout the Muslim world. " I guess you didn't want to research any further than that when you saw what a smoking gun it was? What former Generals 60 years ago have to do with anything I have no idea. That much is apparent. Again, this IS, after all, a thread discussing history. You still have failed to prove to me and anyone else that any of these Wars past or present had anything to do with Christianity.I would like to hear something like "We went to War because this bible verse says...."Or "If we don't go to War we are disobeying Jesus Christ".Or "We have the right to kill and invade because the Holy bible says it's justified" You say you shouldn't have to do much digging.So start digging. I just report and let the reader decide. You're not the sum total of the readership, Thomas. I don't get paid to do this, but good search engines and a decent memory of historical events make it far from being my vocation. I think people do deserve to hear what the people representing their culture in foreign nations have to say about religion and to let it be known that we American are not all Far Right Fundies. -Kerry O. |
Atheism and Suicide
atheists don`t have to fear eternal damnation for ending their life when they see fit,,,,,might be a factor And if you follow Christian dogma that a soul is created at conception, 10% of the future inhabitants of heaven will be unborn embryoes. Because that's how many pregnancies Mother Nature herself spontaneously aborts. -Kerry O. |
BTW, i do take insult to the paper pope comments. If it continues you will be referred to as the paper satan. You can call me a paper satan till the cows come home. The bottom line there is that it's a meaningless label of your own invention. Satan is YOUR DEMON, not mine. I don't believe your Satan anymore than I believe in your Christ. They are both imaginary make-believe Christian puppets used to beat people over the head with. Paper Satan, eh? Given his alleged enviroment, wouldn't that be like Frosty the SatanMan? Besides, much as I'd like to (being the first one to mention it in these forums), I can't take credit for it-- it was coined by one Bishop Spong, and Episcopalian if I recall correctly. -Kerry O. "Rock, Paper, Scissors anyone?" |
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Wed 10/27/10 06:53 PM
We are talking about Atheist and the murder they commit because Atheist dictators and their followers are a direct threat to our way of life more than any other form of belief.We don't need to go back 3,000 years.We can go back just in the last 50 and see the millions of people killed.In the future it will either be Islamic or Atheist countries that are going to be a threat to our future.It will not be Christian. I'm pretty sure Douglas MacArthur was NOT an atheist, and if you check, you can verify that he wanted to go after the Communists in the Korean War era. Truman had to finally yoke him in for insubordination, or he probably would have made good on his threats. Who knows if that one would have gone nuclear. Too, many of us grew up hearing about how nuts the Russians were and how THEY were a 'direct threat to our way of life.' Then, just as now, Bible Thumpers like Joe McCarthy were exploiting the 'Red Threat' to obtain power and choke off dissent. And one still gets an undertow of that slander that Unbelievers are quislings in league with Communists and All Things Foul by some elements of the Christian majority that holds the reins of power in this country. Recently, they even went so far as to try to disqualify atheist candidates, in a more that is a BRAZEN contravention of the Constitution of the United States. To be sure, the militant Christians don't parade the Cross around the Halls of Governance. But they sure wrap it in the flag when they want to cut the minority who are Unbelievers from the rest of the herd. Like their court cases, they usually don't last very long on these forums, but those sentiments that the U.S. is a Christian Nation are expressed so often here. And that if atheists don't like it, they can expatriate. Sounds pretty Un-American to me. I don't remember the United states going to war for anything related to Christianity.The United states Government is not run according to the bible.It is not run by laws from the bible.It does not have courts run by the church.It does not have a Christian police or military using the bible to enforce laws.Priests and Bishops do not tell our Government what to do. Can I quote you that? If you can prove that this war was started because of Christianity.That this on going War is being fought for Christianity,and that our government is using the bible to justify the War go ahead.When you present your case to the court your evidence will be ZERO! Oh, I don't have to do much digging to come up with that comment from a top general in Iraq saying that 'his God was bigger than Saddam's God'. Nor to find reports where Christian missionaries were given leading roles in rebuilding the country by the Bush Administration in much the same manner that the Carpetbaggers exploited the Antebellum South in the 19th century. -Kerry O. |
Atheism and Suicide
People are either going to be naturally drawn to spirituality or they aren't. Attempting to draw people toward spirituality using negative statistics would be a very poor means of inspiration anyway. Clearly this was brought up by a Christian as an 'offensive tactic' against what is perceived to be an attack against religion or spirituality in general. It's just another face of proselytism. "If you can't convert them, pronounce 'em crazy." I had this happen so much in my family. Funny thing is, the ones that have the most emotional problems are the ones who espouse this theory most vigorously. I'm quite sure a relgious conversion has indeed cured many a drunk. On the other hand, getting away from Fundamentalist family members who drilled fire and brimstone into my young mind with unrelenting precision did wonders for MY mental hygiene. The most peaceful thing about the whole ordeal is that after puzzling it over for a lot of years, I realized that had no clue what they were doing. Since there was no malice involved, it makes it a lot easier to just detach and assume a Live and Let Live posture. But I'm not convinced that Fundamentalists don't see malice in Unbelievers. And that's why I think they act they way they do towards them sometimes. -Kerry O. |
Should we should be worried about people thrown to the lions in coliseums and torture chambers used by the British people.How about we worry about slaves building the pyramids for the Egyptians? Why you worry about things that have happened at least 2,000 to 6,000 years ago and you act like Christians and Jews still carry out these threats on a daily basis is nothing but brain dead stupid.These events are ancient history and do not reflect in any way the attitude of Christians and Jews living in this world today. Gee, maybe because that's exactly what this thread is all about? You know-- HISTORY?? The root of 'historical'? I ask again-- how many people have to be killed before it's wrong? Especially when it's done on the marching orders of 'loving God'? Hey Kerry lets just bury our heads in the sand like a bunch of ostriches and totally ignore Islamic countries that are threating to destroy us "in one great ball of fire".Let's totally ignore the fact that in the last hundred years it has been Atheist countries who have started Wars and conflicts not the Christians.Let's write to our President and tell him we need to focus more on what the Christians did hundreds and thousands of years ago because Atheist and Muslims can't possibly be a danger to the World. Some of us have more important things to worry about then people fighting before the pyramids were even built.We worry about current events with real people who are a real threat not dead people that turned to dust thousands of years ago. So, just do it and get it over with. Vaporize a few million souls with nukes and tell your God they deserved a first strike. Maybe it will hasten Armageddon and the fulfillment of Revelations. Wouldn't that be nice? Maybe he didn't believe in a God, but Stalin also sought to do away with the people who he thought were a threat to him with extreme prejudice. BTW, isn't it funny how the WMDs were never found in Iraq, and THAT one was surely not started by an 'atheist nation.' Nor was Viet Nam. If you really knew the history of warfare, you'd be on the lookout for the people who are more like the Mongols, who pretty much decimated Islamic nations back in the middle ages. The Baath party regulars were amateurs compared to them. -Kerry O. |
Atheism and Suicide
Existential angst? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wow, they ripped off Wikipedia's look, but one can bet that Conservapedia will NOT allow any objective editing of their articles. So I guess it can't be said they stole the format lock, stock and barrel. That's the mark of a propagandist, NOT an objective community of seekers of truths. Usually people that commit suicide are hurting in some form or another, and really badly. I think it's pretty low to use that for propaganda purposes. Unless they've been in that kind of pain, there's no real reason to believe that what these people say has any value whatsoever. You know what they say-- doctors make the worst patients. -Kerry O. |
The Real Murderers: Atheism or Christianity? Is it legitimate to condemn religion for historical atrocities? Isn't it interesting how that site has things for sale? And it all disses Unbelievers? Makes one wonder about their motives, not to mention their objectivism. It looks to me like it takes the Pontius Pilate approach to religion and war-- " I find no evil and I wash my hands of it." I guess my question is how many times can you look the other way in the face of the Old Testament genocides and things like the Spanish Inquisition since the New Testament's been out. How many deaths do there have to be before it's wrong? There are a LOT of Far Right Christians in the U.S. who are all for nuking Iran. -Kerry O. |
The Love Of Ignorance
Philosophy means the love of knowledge. The closest I came to finding something on the love of ignorance is the phrase, "Ignorance is bliss". I think the word you're looking for is 'television'. Harlan Ellison called it "The Glass Teat" and the fact that one version of it is a free service paid for by brainwashers who know some will rent their minds to its talking heads to do all their thinking for them says it all. -Kerry O. |
The Top Ten Atheist Myths.
There are no inconsistencies. We've had threads of such and we show how they are consistent, and you people just say well that's your interpretation or yeah if you twist things around to make them fit. Which we're not twisting anything around any way. Just there are no inconsistencies. No better proof that inconsistencies exist in Christianity than by the fact that there are so many sects of it saying different things about different aspects of it. It's a veritable Tower of Babel in its own right. Just getting on the Internet and posting "There are no inconsistencies" over and over and over again is not proof, it's preaching to the Choir. On the Internet, Anyone can say Anything and to paraphrase Edward R. Murrow, just because your voice on the Internet can be heard around the world doesn't make it any more informed or correct than if it only reached to the end of the bar. -Kerry O. |