Community > Posts By > JustLonely529

JustLonely529's photo
Fri 09/04/15 06:34 AM
Thats the whole point! People are on here looking for a relationship of one kind or another. How would you like it if you fell in love with this womans photo and you hit it off in conversation and finely you both meet in person and it was a 90 year old woman you fell in love with.

JustLonely529's photo
Fri 09/04/15 06:22 AM
I have in the past tried to quit but lets put it this way... if I were in the middle of a forest with on smokes the bears would move out.

JustLonely529's photo
Fri 09/04/15 06:22 AM
I have in the past tried to quit but lets put it this way... if I were in the middle of a forest with on smokes the bears would move out.

JustLonely529's photo
Fri 09/04/15 06:10 AM
The first rule is why is it a lot of you are posting photos of yester-year on your profile. To me this is the first sign of dis-honesty and I move on. You say you are looking for someone honest and yet you yourself are not. There are those of us honest enough to post our current photos knowing that we have a better chance of a real relationship if we are open about everything from the start. Try it put the real you out there for the world to see. It may bring you the one your looking for.

JustLonely529's photo
Fri 09/04/15 04:08 AM
I have spent a lot of time looking for my best friend and lover and have discovered that are a great many women that dont smoke and few that do. I try not to bother the women that dont smoke so I'm asking how many non-smokeing women out there would date a smoker?

JustLonely529's photo
Thu 09/03/15 06:52 PM
That happens when your cute...I dont have that problem.waving

JustLonely529's photo
Thu 09/03/15 06:32 PM
I read your profile and understood it. I can tell you that I get scammers contacting me quite often. Buy the way the frying pan reminds me of my first wife...she dented hers.

JustLonely529's photo
Thu 09/03/15 01:20 PM
This is true. Beauty isn't everything...if I can't sit down and have an nice conversation with her or go for a slow walk in the park holding hands then why am I with her. We have to enjoy doing most of the same things or it wont work.

JustLonely529's photo
Tue 09/01/15 02:44 PM
Are there any single women (I say single because I don't feel like being shot at) in Shelby that would be interested in having coffee and pleasant conversation?

JustLonely529's photo
Mon 08/31/15 02:16 PM
Your absolutely right. I have meet many people over the years that were handsome or beautiful.. which ever the case might be and inside they were the ugliest person you'd ever want to meet. Many years ago I thought this to a pretty young woman that let looks influence her dating habits and she always ended up getting hurt. One she started looking for the person inside she found a good man and she married him, and to this day he sees her as being more precious than gold.

JustLonely529's photo
Mon 08/31/15 07:05 AM
Is he tall, handsome, she slim with long legs and drop dead gorgeous. Or are you looking for the person inside; the sole of the person. Weather or not they care about something besides themselves, do they have a loving heart, do they enjoy the sounds of nature, will they be there for you when life comes crashing down around you, or show up later when you have cleaned up all the pieces. Do they do things for you or give you things for no reason at all other than the fact that if makes you happy. Take your time and really think about who you are looking for. Your only here for a short time why spend it in sorrow.

JustLonely529's photo
Sun 08/30/15 04:06 PM
Thank you for you supportive words. Guess I will take all the thing I've been told and put them to good use. Thanks again and God Bless.

JustLonely529's photo
Sun 08/30/15 03:44 PM
Thanks for your concern but I have few requirements of a woman except she like the simple things in life. Many women have told me these things I have stated above. I don't make them up. Yes I have short fall we all do but I try and learn from mine so I can become a better person.

JustLonely529's photo
Sun 08/30/15 03:33 PM
That's all I have ever done is be myself. Even in my younger days I was but a lot of the women were gun shy because of bad experiences in their past. Hard to get them to understand that I am not the normal everyday man they are use to.

JustLonely529's photo
Sun 08/30/15 03:13 PM
Stop doing that. 20 more years down the road you might be in my shoes.

JustLonely529's photo
Sun 08/30/15 03:10 PM
Thank you for your input. I do try and stay true to myself and as usual nothing in life is easy.

JustLonely529's photo
Sun 08/30/15 03:00 PM
People are always trying to be someone they are not when dating or trying to date someone. Men are really bad at this and all it does is make it harder for men like myself that are truly looking for a life long partner.

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