Topic: Why cant people be honest? | |
People are always trying to be someone they are not when dating or trying to date someone. Men are really bad at this and all it does is make it harder for men like myself that are truly looking for a life long partner.
People are always trying to be someone they are not when dating or trying to date someone. Men are really bad at this and all it does is make it harder for men like myself that are truly looking for a life long partner. I am sorry that you have run into this, and yet I have to also say in the same breathe. I take exception to this statement of "always".. I have met many people on this site and others through the years that were exactly who they said they were. The best thing I can say is keep being true to who you are, and alway strive to be better each day. Welcome to the site. Best wishes in your search |
Thank you for your input. I do try and stay true to myself and as usual nothing in life is easy.
People are always trying to be someone they are not when dating or trying to date someone. Men are really bad at this and all it does is make it harder for men like myself that are truly looking for a life long partner. I'm sorry I ruined it for you. It's just that....well.....women are so darn phuckable......I mean loveable. ![]() |
Stop doing that. 20 more years down the road you might be in my shoes.
I see that it happens a lot to me that men are telling me the things that they think I want to hear. That is not everyman I meet, but it does happen often enough that I can see it coming. When a guy is too agreeable with everything I say, they are maybe not being honest. Just be yourself.
That's all I have ever done is be myself. Even in my younger days I was but a lot of the women were gun shy because of bad experiences in their past. Hard to get them to understand that I am not the normal everyday man they are use to.
Edited by
Sun 08/30/15 03:38 PM
I find that men who blame other men for their own failings are misplacing where the blame should lie.
If you can't find a women, it's not because other men ruined it for you. It's because you are ruining it for yourself. Either because you are not being true to yourself, or the evaluation of yourself, or your expectations are not reasonable. I had a friend who always complained he couldn't find the 'right' girl. He had many propositions from some really great women, but he was so damn specific it was like he was searching for a unicorn. He wanted an asian country girl who was into hairbands and video games, good luck I said. Sad part is he missed out in what could have been some really good relationships. in summary if you can't find a woman, you're to blame, not any other guy, you. |
Thanks for your concern but I have few requirements of a woman except she like the simple things in life. Many women have told me these things I have stated above. I don't make them up. Yes I have short fall we all do but I try and learn from mine so I can become a better person.
People are always trying to be someone they are not when dating or trying to date someone. Men are really bad at this and all it does is make it harder for men like myself that are truly looking for a life long partner. Don't take it too hard on yourself......this is the real world, we get to meet different kinds of people, some are bad and some are good. As long as you are honest and sincere in your dealings toward others, it is not your problem when some people are behaving badly, it is their own problem within themselves, that's who and what they are. Meaning, they are not the right person for you, in time you will get to meet the right one in an unexpected way. Just go on searching and enjoy each moment. And if the right girl comes along, be patient to deal with all the hindrances because sometimes some people have bad experiences and you have to struggle to make them believe that you are true. As they say, before you get the prize , you have to work hard to get it. Don't feel bad when some things don't happen the way you want it. Don't lose hope, keep on believing and be positive . Just be what you are.I am sure there are lots of wonen too who are truly looking for an honest and sincere lifetime partner. Goodluck and God bless! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thank you for you supportive words. Guess I will take all the thing I've been told and put them to good use. Thanks again and God Bless.
Thank you for you supportive words. Guess I will take all the thing I've been told and put them to good use. Thanks again and God Bless. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Let Your journey begin and take each step with a hope of light in your heart. ![]() ![]() |
To be honest, I think it is all about how you are and the people you meet. I crave honesty and I'm also very open minded myself.
People are always trying to be someone they are not when dating or trying to date someone. Men are really bad at this and all it does is make it harder for men like myself that are truly looking for a life long partner. I think this works both ways. people try too hard to impress, instead of being themself. the best dates I've had were where neither of us was really trying to impress. many people have an ideal of what they want and don't notice the everyday person who is a good match for their personality. I also think many people are confused about what they want. I once dated someone who made it clear he wasn't looking for a relationship. so we ended up as friends. he's still searching and meets people. but hasn't found that special someone. he actually told me why can't I find someone like you? |
when you think about it we are trained to portray ourselves as 'more'
so, when we are about town, we want to dress for the life we 'want' and not the life we have we want to dress for the job we want and not the job we have when we interview, we want to say the 'right' things instead of the true things how many mcdonalds employees really just 'wanted' to work at mcdonalds as opposed to just needing a job til something better comes along? we are trained to market ourselves towards what we want, even if it embellishes or doesn't share the whole truth |
Honesty women don't want honesty..
if they did they would never ask does my *** look fat in these jeans ![]() ![]() |
Honesty women don't want honesty.. if they did they would never ask does my *** look fat in these jeans ![]() ![]() " darling it's a bit hard for me to tell from way over here..come closer and let me feel ya with my hands" geez ![]() ![]() |
Honesty women don't want honesty.. if they did they would never ask does my *** look fat in these jeans ![]() ![]() Only stupid women ask this question ... We know if our azz is poured into jeans or not... Unless like Trish as pointed out we are looking for something all together different |
I hope goofball doesn't find your unicorn first.
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People post old/misleading pics and make out they are something they are not generally because they either have low self esteem or they are deceitful . The online world allows them to portray a fantasy version of themselves ..but at some point .. The illusion will be shattered . . . It does make it difficult for those seeking a genuine honest partner .. And one reason the success rate with online dating is so low . There are success stories....people who overcome the odds and find what they are looking for . How you conduct yourself online and what you tolerate from potential connections .. is up to you . Best of luck ![]() Well said Blondey... People that don't have success rate online are the ones that "don't keep it real"... Want to be successful stay real to who and what you are period |