Community > Posts By > niteclerk

niteclerk's photo
Thu 07/23/09 05:02 PM
i used to get emails with phone numbers and the message "call me" so i blocked the senders then i tweaked my profile now i dont get any emails. ah well....c'est la vie

niteclerk's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:23 PM
grumble trying to get a nap before work tonight. dang voices in my head wont shut up and let me sleep.

niteclerk's photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:32 AM
i dont like dirty hands. if i hold a guys hand and its sweaty or greasy feeling or the odor transfers over to mine. blech! thats disgusting. wash them! use germ x.

niteclerk's photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:25 AM
I like their pubic hair to match their eyebrows.

niteclerk's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:18 PM
:smile: me too. i like that character. the actor that portrays lafayette does a good job.

niteclerk's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:11 PM
they did pick the perfect actress to play sookie. anna paquin was my pick for the part when i started reading the series 5 years ago. i knew that someone would turn it into a t.v. show. i'm just a purist. the books are entertaining as they are. no need to alter the storyline.

niteclerk's photo
Wed 07/22/09 07:59 PM
i've only seen a few episodes. so far i dont like the show. i'm a major charlaine harris fan and to me the shows writers are taking to many liberties with the storyline. i'll stick with the books.

niteclerk's photo
Wed 07/22/09 06:44 PM
it's the thought that counts but honestly i'd like a book instead.

niteclerk's photo
Mon 07/20/09 08:42 PM
is it possible to fall in love with a brand name? maybe not.. lets say i have a great fondness for sargento. tonight we had cheese burgers with sargentos pepper jack cheese. i ate 2. i cant breathe.

niteclerk's photo
Mon 07/20/09 05:07 PM
read all the posts. someone said chocolate silk. made me want some. so i will have some. cheers! drinker

niteclerk's photo
Sat 07/18/09 10:26 AM
i think it depends on what you're looking for. if you want someone to talk to and build a friendship based on stimulating conversations, the net could work. there are different levels of intimacy. i'd be happy with finding a person who liked the quirks, sarcasm, and dark corners in my head.

niteclerk's photo
Sat 07/18/09 07:54 AM
thinking about you

niteclerk's photo
Sat 07/18/09 07:51 AM
annie difranko

niteclerk's photo
Sat 07/18/09 07:48 AM
dancing in the streets

niteclerk's photo
Sat 07/18/09 07:46 AM
nine inch nails- perfect drug

niteclerk's photo
Sat 07/18/09 07:42 AM
singer, la

niteclerk's photo
Sat 07/18/09 07:34 AM

niteclerk's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:08 AM
i watch pbs. cooking and craft shows especially. i love it when theres an opera on. i dont have cable. always seemed like a waste. i do try to catch House. i read more than i watch tv. no commercials that way.

niteclerk's photo
Wed 07/15/09 09:35 AM
ricky nelson

niteclerk's photo
Wed 07/15/09 09:32 AM
abbeville, la

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