Community > Posts By > rachelnicole22
sure, I personally don't see myself getting married again (at least with the current laws in place in the U.S) For me it is not because im scarred, scared, emotionally unavailable, or afraid of commitment. it's because I no longer respect marriage in and of itself It's just that marriage used to be honored by society as a whole, but we've allowed marriages to become "at-will" contracts with the government, not with each other, but the government. Even the people in marriages don't respect them anymore (look at all the celebrities cheating on their spouse) but worse than that other people don't have respect for those who are married (Ashley Madison anyone) some other countries actually allow you to go after the individual your significant other cheated on you with for damages....imagine that..making someone think that if "they" are married maybe I should stay away. For a single guy in the U.S it makes no difference to him whether or not the person he is talking to is married. In my opinion it should matter, because it should be able to affect him. I think the culture here of marry and divorce at will is sickening on every level and damaging to society as a whole. I don't think it should be a completely unbreakable contract, but I do believe it should only be invalidated for very few exceptions. I also don't believe it should be a vehicle for personal gain(gold-diggers) I think if the laws changed and either party broke the agreement, then they leave and go separate ways, and with children involved BOTH parents have to pay child support until they are 18, both have to contribute a certain percentage of their respective income into a child account, that both have limited access to, and can use for the children only. but unfortunately marriage isn't respected on this level in this country so personally I choose not to partake in a process that has been so corrupted over time that it is now unrecognizable as what it once represented |