Community > Posts By > Twintidbits24
floor still wet
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1 am sure there are many genuine men, Seeking! perhaps All have great expectations..Often, un-realistic..hence a mis-match.. Most especially if you both live in different worlds and you can't spend some time with each other ![]() |
![]() I would but all that I've spoken to have a sick family member who needs money and help. I'd feel so guilty to dragging them away in a time when family should be together. Besides, they've none of them had passports ![]() |
![]() ![]() I would but all that I've spoken to have a sick family member who needs money and help. I'd feel so guilty to dragging them away in a time when family should be together. Besides, they've none of them had passports ![]() |
How to meet Asian girls
Why didn't you find one when you were working there for all those years? ![]() ![]() |
How to meet Asian girls
Edited by
Mon 11/28/16 07:25 AM
Welcome to mingle Mike! Try looking for women who have substantial profiles. Not just the ones with the pretty pics, and try mentioning or asking about a detail that you read in her profile . Apart from that, Soufie's advice is very good, Just be yourself :) Definitely dont leave a one liner like hello, hi, how are you or you are beautiful or sexy . You will be ignored for sure because almost every email women receive here is like that lol Good luck to you Mike! Agree on that as well with sis Peggy...I like to read an essay when someone sends me a message...lolzzzz..... ![]() ![]() |
never accuse
sounds like a handy excuse Right you are on that Note!!!....lolzzzzz...Stupidity is common nowadays.... ![]() |
Right Now I Need/Want..
.. right now a nice tender massage.. Just start by running your fingers through my hair massaging my scalp.. Then work your way down my neck.. Then to my shoulders.. firmly deeply mmmm... And with a steady firm motion like your kneading bread .... work your way down the sides .of my back..mmm.. And then knuckle my spinal column.. On the way back up..ohhhh awwww... Mmmmm...yup... Ohhhhhh....I thought you would want it to go lower and complete the full cycle....lolzzzz |
Interracial dating.
Eh. Talking to us white boys is easy. If we don't respond, smack us upside the head. That'll get our attention. ![]() I guess lady you have a prospect now....Go find Goofball and Smack Him Up!!!... ![]() |
Do you believe in forever?
Is there an end to infinity? ![]() No need to argue on this...just ask BUZZ LIGHTYEAR... ![]() |
Best time for SEX!
Oh Yeah....Best Time is During Meal Times.......
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how to pass the time!!!!
do jumping jack!!! and if you get tired....jump again....lolzzzz
is anybody here real?
Well, people in the forums are real, don't know about you....lolzzzz
Is tjis site for real?
Take time to tell something about yourself in your profile first and maybe you'd start receiving replies....lolzzz
how far are you willing to go to spend time with someone? I had a friend from mingle who lived over an hour away. we would take turns making the drive. I got to know his corner of the world, he got to know more about the area around here. also, you're young and a musician. you meet all kinds of people through music (or hobby or professional interests). good luck on your search. in the meantime, enjoy life. you're young and have time to build your future thanks for the advice that sounds like great advice and all but unfortunately i'm limited on places i can go, i get around using my bicycle which means i'm stuck going between a 20 mile radius as i have no drivers license, driving experience, or even a car and i'm currently unemployed, and given the lack of education that i was deprived of by my teachers back in high school i don't have much employment options either and doubt i would get hired given that most skills i know were self taught and most places want a degree to prove that my skills mean anything although i wouldn't know if they would make an exception considering i've never actually went in for a job application considering the job applications found online state about having a degree. most of my skills were self taught or i learned from observing others and could replicate the task immediately soldering(self taught) as well as plumbing repairs(self taught) electronics repair(self taught), computer repair(self taught) as well as electrical due to knowledge of color coding(self taught) i'm also told by others that i have a vast knowledge in physics and quantum physics but that doesn't mean anything to me since i have very little math skills to go along with it. Sounds to me like it's time for you to get up and get at it. Get your priorities in order. I'm not meaning to be hateful or mean. Just honest. You shouldn't even be thinking about women at this point. You should be thinking about bettering yourself. Getting yourself into a better place. If you have just the basic knowledge of computers, get into a trade school. Yes, Ride your bicycle to the nearest trade school. And better yourself. You have nothing to offer a prospective relationship. If you want a relationship with a woman, first you need to prove yourself a bread winner. Right now you can't do that. I'm sorry, but this sounds like whining to me. Poor ole pitiful me. Women don't want me. What do you expect? You have no job. No means of transportation and no future. I'm not trying to brow beat you. I'm trying to motivate you. You can find a way to get it done. It's all in how badly you want it. I've been where you are and worse. If I had to walk to a job at 4:30 in the morning, shoveling horse pucky. If all it did was make me enough money to buy a used moped that would get me to school and back, even if I had to ride it in the dead of winter, I would do it. If that's what it took to get me out of whatever mess I was in. By the way, Women will admire that. Women tend to admire a man that will go after what he wants. And will not stop till he gets it. Especially bettering yourself. Very well said...I as a woman admire these qualities of a hardworking Man...don't fall into self-pity, you will just get worse...but stand up and try all means possible to better yourself....someone, somehow will notice you and you don't even need say a word...they will do the initiative to approach you, so concentrate and focus first on improving yourself and you will see that blessings will just smart and act ain't dismembered nor maimed, you can do it, you just have to believe in yourself and go to trade school using your bike, documents are important when you seek for a good just have to know your priorities....and yes, you are still at your prime, so be patient and work your way up.... |
dating and financial status
Dear OP: Sometimes "socio-economic" factors do matter in dating. If someone has a job that pays a lot of money then they usually (if not in crazy debt due to $ mismanagement or gambling/drug/alcohol problems) have a lifestyle that matches that income. That lifestyle can cover things from where they live to where & how they vacation to the places they go when they date. A janitor has as much chance as a doctor in finding a date BUT: the janitor is going to live a different lifestyle than the doctor. The doctor can simply afford more than the janitor (at least if the janitor doesn't have a union job w/the city & has been working there 20 years & makes OT every week - then the janitor makes more $$ than the doctor LOL). The lower income guy/girl is simply not going to be able to date someone who makes way more than them b/c they simply can't keep up financially: renter vs. home owner/island vacation vs. day trip to a local beach/dinner out every Saturday at upscale restaurants vs. home cooking or an occasional dinner at the local diner. Compatibility is not just about personality, but also about "does this person do the same things I like to do?". A large income gap means the answer is no simply b/c they can't afford to. Everyone has friends at different levels of economic success & it's not an issue. Dating is a different matter, especially if the intent is to find someone for the long term. Economic balance should be achieved between the couple & that usually means similar paying careers for both parties. The things couples fight about the most is sex & money, so why start off with the potential pitfall of mismatched finances? I'm not endorsing gold-digging by either gender, just a little bit of common sense about the way human nature works. Think about it, if you started dating someone who made way less than you & were considering them for the long term: would you REALLY be ok w/the burden of paying for more than 75% of everything always? At what point would resentment kick in & then contempt & that's the end of everything. Reality based....What is stated here are all true...BUT It will all depend on how far will you be willing to sacrifice for your partner, there are some people who can forego sex because of their great love for their partner (if the situation calls for it) and carry the financial burden too when needful, but these kind of people are scarce nowadays...but if you find one, sure do you're One Lucky Man or Woman.... |
dating and financial status
people will always find something to judge your opinion the clothes you wear etc - its the type of world we live in You should be thankful I guess coz it means they don't deserve you, go look for somebody who deserves you and accepts you for what you are and who you are.... |
Is that like a tramp stamp? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Risk of Online dating
Sad Story...Life is Full of Risks...Got to be more careful though....Online or Not....