Community > Posts By > driftingLuke

driftingLuke's photo
Thu 07/02/15 02:38 PM

Be yourself; live your life to the full.

Easy for a woman to say. More difficult for a man than "Just be yourself!"

driftingLuke's photo
Thu 07/02/15 02:31 PM
^^^ Nail on the head. He just jumped the gun. Should have waited until you reached into your purse to say, "Please, can I get this?" The timing makes it feel awkward but the intention is the same.

driftingLuke's photo
Thu 07/02/15 02:03 PM
Weekdays either a Passat B5 or K2500HD Silverado, weekends either a '94 K2500 Blazer or a '68 Bronco. My favorite to drive is the B5. Those Germans just know how to build a car.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 07:14 PM
Does no one read history?!? Fact: The majority of minimum wage workers are minorities. Right or wrong, that's just the way it is. Now look at the unemployment rate of minorities since the federal minimum wage was enacted in 1938. It has skyrocketed. In one year, between 1938 and 1939, the unemployment rate of minorities (predominantly black) went from under 5% to 45%, while the unemployment rate for caucasians did the exact opposite. Why? Because until the federal minimum wage act was enacted minorities had the ability to undercut the wages caucasians were willing to work for and got the jobs. Once employers were forced to pay a set wage that ability went away and unemployment rates between whites and blacks swapped ends. Racist? Hell yes it is, but it was was it was and it is what it is. Raising the minimum wage to $15/hour is going to make the unemployment rate of minorities go even higher. Today's job market is tough, and a starting pay of $15/hour can get an employer a college grad vs. a convicted felon out on work release. Still racist? Of course it is, but is a stereotype really a stereotype if it's true? Been to McDonald's lately? I know the picture I have painted here is painful and offensive to some, but it is the truth and the truth is sometimes ugly. Don't blame the painter, blame the scenery.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 04:20 PM
First wife yes, second wife no. First wife it wasn't her fault, or anyone's for that matter, we were both young and that relationship was a victim of circumstance. Second wife was all her doing so hell no.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 04:14 PM
As a kid I was always either "Ko-Ko" to most of the extended family or "Mess" to my Paw-Paw.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 04:12 PM
OK, so you made my point even more pertinent. Thanks!

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 03:28 PM
Edited by driftingLuke on Tue 06/30/15 03:38 PM
Last time fishing Cabo was 18 months ago, but I fish other parts of Mexico frequently and always carry pre-paid Visas. They work just like cash and if they get snagged you're only out the amount on the card and can likely file a claim to get it back. I usually carry a few with $200 to $500 on each. If you happen to go to a bar, go ahead and stand in line and give the BARTENDER your card for the tab, not the waitress. Just tell the girl you have a tab at the bar when you order fresh drinks. Tip her a small amount every drink vs. waiting until you're ready to tab out. You'll get much better service and will end up spending about the same anyway.

edited to add: Bartenders are employees, waitresses are generally free-lance. If you give the girl your card, she might be out the back door with it and you'll never know you were robbed until the tab's due a few hours/days later.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 03:20 PM
If whatever you did is something you yourself could forgive, just tell them, "I said I'm sorry, that's all I can do. If you can't accept it, I can accept that. Have a nice live." and move on.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 03:15 PM
Women aside, I love the smell of fresh cut hay, and a barn. I REALLY miss the smell of leaded gasoline. New tires have an oddly appealing aroma, as do feed stores. I guess my favorite smell would be a saddle shop. That chemically leathery aroma slapping you in the face as you enter the door is powerful.

As for women, I used to love lying with my head on my wife's lap, just watching TV and breathing until she either made me stop or dragged me to the bedroom, depending on the situation.

Women's perfumes? Poison, Opium, and Beautiful top my list.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 02:56 PM
I've been fishing there a few times. Best thing to bring is a few pre-loaded gift-type Visa cards that aren't linked to any account, and US dollars for tips. Pre-pay for everything you can on this end, rooms, boats, etc.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 02:42 PM
Depends on what one's looking for, I guess. San Antonio is OK, it's also more than twice the drive time.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 02:35 PM
Yes, we've had concealed carry licenses available for quite some time. Just recently passed an open carry law that will allow a CHL holder to carry openly if they so choose. There are very few laws, however, regarding long guns. You can walk down the street carrying a rifle or shotgun as long as you don't "brandish it in a threatening manner."

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/30/15 02:26 PM
The best thing to do in Waco is drive to Austin.

driftingLuke's photo
Tue 06/23/15 06:36 AM
Leaving having never met/skype dating/pedophilia aside...what he may have meant was that he loves the woman being a mom has made you. Had you not been a mother, you most certainly wouldn't be the same person you are today.

driftingLuke's photo
Mon 06/22/15 04:05 PM
I really have no choice, which is kinda' nice. My job changes day to day, never a dull moment. A former wife threatened to "clean out" my truck once. I told her, "Don't you dare! I know where everything is, you don't need to worry about it."

driftingLuke's photo
Mon 06/22/15 03:08 PM
Burger King's "The King" got (and still is) creepy and developed a sort of cult following. Maybe KFC is going for that?

driftingLuke's photo
Mon 06/22/15 02:45 PM
Edited by driftingLuke on Mon 06/22/15 03:00 PM

So legally, it is population-based.

yep, SCOTUS has ruled. About 25 years ago.

edited to add: while the definition of pornography has been determined, there are still FCC regulations regarding the airing of nudity and such which still must be adhered to. You have to specifically elect to view it. They can't just pipe it into your house unregulated.

edited again to add: So, technically, you could pull the numbers and if porn purchases are the norm in your town rather than the exception you could petition your provider to just pipe it in to every house for free, because it's not porn here! It's normal! They will NEVER do that, due in part to FCC regulations (which they could likely defeat in court) but mainly because they'd rather you pay for "being bad" when, in fact, your neighbors are likely far worse than you ever thought about being.

Your favorite Texas snowflake.

driftingLuke's photo
Mon 06/22/15 02:30 PM
Edited by driftingLuke on Mon 06/22/15 02:44 PM
Interestingly enough, pornography has been defined by SCOTUS as "not normal within the community at large." So what may be porn in Duluth might not be porn in New York.

Long story: It stemmed from a social organization in Salt Lake City trying to shut down a video rental owners "behind the curtain" section. He simply contacted the local cable provider and asked for numbers (not names) of customers who had purchased material generally accepted as pornography (PPV, Rated X or above). Turns out the per-capita porn purchase for Salt Lake City was something like 1 and 1/2 times the average for the US as a whole at the time. So, the videos he was renting out were perfectly normal for that community and thus not pornography. He won and was able to keep his "behind the curtain" section.

You asked for my thoughts, here they are. Ask her, "Just what is pornography, really?" and lay that tidbit on her. Oh, and good luck with that.

edited to add: Women will view porn as simple entertainment to keep you occupied in their absence until they're in a committed relationship, then they'll lay down some Biblical verse on you about the thought being as bad as the deed.

Just thoughts from a Texas snowflake.

driftingLuke's photo
Mon 06/22/15 02:12 PM
Edited by driftingLuke on Mon 06/22/15 02:16 PM
I remember Ben Affleck in "Voyages of The Mimi." He's been acting for a few days, I think he can pull it off. I mean, I think Michael Keaton did a good job in the part, and he was "Mr. Mom" in '83 and Batman in '89. As for "pretty boy" Batmen, well, the actors do have to have the looks I guess, as half the role is a millionaire playboy. Of course we all know in reality if you have the millions you don't need the looks, so a "less than pretty" actor might do just as well in the part.

I'd like to see Batman get a nasty facial wound in a fight with a super-villain, and explain it away by Bruce Wayne testing a new electric razor his company had designed. Stock plummets, he has to lay off Alfred, sell off everything to support his alter-ego, perform "Batman" on a budget, and go on Obamacare.