Community > Posts By > Tigardman

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Thu 05/28/09 09:40 PM
They found out the man worked for the Detroit Lions.....appears he was trying to make a new football team!


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Thu 05/28/09 09:31 PM
Good Pics.

Personally your profile looks good. A lot better than most of the 1 paragraph profiles you see.

Like people are saying, even popping on the forums now and then to say hello to newcomers is a good way of getting into the groove of things. Even if the people you meet from the forums arent in your back yard, it will give you some prep for when you do find someone.


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Wed 05/27/09 07:21 PM
Welcome back Susie

Good pics on your profile. Looks fine to me.


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Wed 05/27/09 03:12 PM
She must have her head in the clouds?



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Wed 05/27/09 04:58 AM

i have just recently got into Law And Order. I love the original,SVU and CI (best of all). Vincent D'Onofrios character is one of the most complex characters I have ever seen on a television drama. Nice to see their is still inteligent television on as opposed to American Idol. be seeing you

Love Law & Order, CI is my favorite because of Vincent's character. SVU is great as well. Jerry Orbachs character "Lenny Brisco" on L&O makes me crack up with all of his sarcasm and one liners. Great series.


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Thu 05/21/09 09:13 PM
IIRC the paper I read rated it a 2 out of 4 stars. Although I like Bale (Batman Begins/American Psycho/Reign of Fire were awesome), It will probably be good not great.

Wolverine was good not great

Star Trek was great.

Lets hope this one is great.


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Thu 05/21/09 04:57 AM
Pic looks good Deb, time to snuggle up to the camera and take some more. More is always better, you're on the right road.


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Wed 05/20/09 07:48 PM
He served his time that a Federal Judge deemed appropriate. I have been a dog owner for all of my life. I dont condone anything that he has done. Do I think that he served enough time for his crime....probably not. But basically it cost him over $100 million dollars, as he has to sell most all of his assets to cover bills/debts/etc that he has accrued while he was in prison.

I am still taken back a little that people are actually surprised that the NFL is willing to talk to him. If and when he gets back into the league, I doubt that whoever takes him will see any significant decline in revenue (after all the NFL is a money making enterprise).

Like Dubz said...Money talks.


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Wed 05/20/09 07:33 PM
Sold 2 of my friends dirt bikes on there in a week on Craigslist. It went very smooth and fast. I got about 10 emails and then 2 separate guys came to the house with trailers and the deal was complete. Easy, painless and quick. Couldnt of been happier, my friend was shocked when I handed him the $6,000. I couldnt of been happier because I told him he was buying dinner that night!


no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:49 PM
With all the beaches, mountains, rivers available to us Oregonians. Does anyone have any special plans for this Memorial day. From the forecast it should be good weather. Camping Trips? Beach Excursions?

For one, all of my family have been addicted to the Dunes in Coos Bay/Winchester Bay for the last 25 years. Just got my new ride painted these last few months and for us....its time to roll out the new addition to our club.

Last time I drove it was last year, and it was a disgusting purple color. 3 months of work to strip/sandblast/paint and then put back on all the parts....its time to party!

Time to share your Memorial Day obsessions!


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Tue 05/19/09 04:16 AM
You didn't mention that with those 310 interceptions he has 464 tds, 65,127 yards and a lifetime 85.4 passer rating. Also didn't mention that in a game last year with the jets he threw SIX tds in one game. True, last year with the jets he didnt look great at the end of the season. Playing injured has something to do with that.

I digress, this isnt a article on who is the best quarterback now, Its if Favre and the Vikings have the right chemistry to go all the way. Only time will tell. I for one will be one of those fans who eagerly watches to see the outcome. I'm sure even those people who arent Favre/Viking fans will be watching that outcome as well.


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Mon 05/18/09 04:42 AM
Now all Chicago needs is a team around Cutler!Orton did a fine job last year, They need recievers now, and a line to protect Cutler.


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Mon 05/18/09 04:40 AM
With the Jets, Favre had to throw 30-40 times a game for them to get the record they had. For the Vikes, all we need him to do is throw 20ish times during the game for them to win. Also our line is superior to the Jets and would give Favre more than enough time to get a good look at who is open, who is not. With no options being open he could dump to AP or to our new draft pick Percy Harvin. While Harvin isnt established and proven....AP is.

Come playoff time....we shall see Monier.


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Thu 05/14/09 07:19 PM

I love going into a room full of women, and yelling...."Free Purses"....Cat fights are sexydevil

Almost as hot as yelling to a room full of men: Free P*ssy!

You're right, Its never free.


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Wed 05/13/09 09:44 PM
Just saw it on DVD.....I'm with Andy, glad I didnt waste my money on it.


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Wed 05/13/09 09:33 PM
"I worked a week one day..........."


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Sun 05/10/09 07:12 AM
Could be 1 of a million things. Last time I had that error my hard drive had failed, that no amount of work could fix.

The blue screen of death can kiss my @$$!

Good Luck,

no photo
Sat 05/09/09 06:46 PM
Welcome to Mingle Stephen.

Enjoy the sights.


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Sat 05/09/09 06:44 PM

on me or a woman?

on someone else!

I have found it makes no difference as long as she works it..

Theres a joke in there somewhere............


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Thu 05/07/09 10:46 PM
A must see movie, going tomorrow after work.

Live Long and Prosper!

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