how can people go to sleep at night having so much hatred im their hearts ??????? no wonder people walks with so many probles in their lifes i'm sure all the people and their families whos lives are ruined that his drugs he sold did to them would disagree with you... and why doesn't his family pay for a doctor? did they spend all of the drug money already? ![]() |
La Raza is now a Domestic Terrorist Orgnization too. |
how can people go to sleep at night having so much hatred im their hearts ??????? no wonder people walks with so many probles in their lifes
i still don't understand how it is you know that they have children justtt to stay here. Lets put it this way. If you say they don't have babies to stay here and he says he does then getting rid of the law is a win win. You think it doesn't have an effect, so if its gone no problem. He thinks they have babies to stay here so if it is gone he won't complain. I personally don't see why we give citizenship to people who were born here and their parents were here illegally. back when the population was a few thousand?,,,, its 300,000,000 now, and like most other countries with similarly large populations, our budget and our system and our resources are not enough to allow EVERYONE in just because they want a better life, so just like in our homes, we have to consider what we can handle and what we WISH to handle, we have to screen and insist on screening those who come through the front door and throwing out those who sneak into the back globally, people should try to make life better WHERE they are, instead of insisting someone else take them in and do it for them I mean, I think switzerland has a wonderful health and education system, perhaps I will visit and have a child so she will have the opportunity to use up resources there finding her a home and providing her a life,,, |
and they thank you for it. (: |
what an AGIST peice of legislation,,,,why cant my sixty year old ex sneak into the states and request government assisted education on his way to becoming LEGAL? If he can get into Mexico and cross the border with others and then if the DREAM ACT passes, all he will have to do is prove long term residency with something valid like elementary school records from the state in which he attended elementary school. - just being stilly. I am sorry for the position you've been placed in. I am just one person, but I am one person among many who are actively persuing avenues of change in our current immigration policies so that family members can be more readily united. Sometimes we have to persue a course of action that is not completely in tune with other values we hold - at that point it becomes a matter of individual priority. While not my only perspective on the matter or when I advocate for immigration reform, I still often site the fact that homosexuals are totally denied immigration privileges that heterosexuals have, for no other reason than they are not allowed to be married and benefit from current immigration law (even though it is less than adequate in its current condition.) So as long as I advocate for immigration reform anyway, I include all the issues - even the homosexual point of view. If they can't marry and reap the benefits that exist under marriage laws, then there's no reason NOT to include homosexuals as new laws are reformed. It would be my pleasure to see a happy reunion for you with your loved one. I'll keep working on it. |
From CNN Congressional Producer Ted Barrett Harry Reid said he will add the DREAM Act to a Defense Policy Bill next week.<< Looking for re-election from the Mexican vote. Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday he will add the DREAM Act, a controversial immigration measure, to a defense policy bill the Senate will take up next week. The decision means the defense bill, which often passes with bipartisan support, will be home to two major, thorny political issues – the other being the repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Reid called the DREAM Act "really important" and said it should be passed because it provides a path to citizenship for young illegal immigrants who go to college or serve in the military. DREAM is an acronym for Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act. "I know we can't do comprehensive immigration reform," Reid said at a news conference. "But those Republicans we had in the last Congress have left us." Many Hispanic voters are angry with Democratic leaders for not doing more to pass an immigration overhaul. The decision by Reid to add the DREAM Act now could help soothe that anger. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Reid's decision "needlessly controversial." The Senate will need 60 votes to take up the bill next week, and Reid said Tuesday he doesn't know if he has enough votes.<<Please, help make sure he doesn't get this passed. Source: Make a pledge to call at least 10 senators and talk with your friends and family about calling. Information and ZIP CODES are in the attached link: Overview of the Dream Act. Remembering, it's about Amnesty for Illegals who could apply for an Education VISA. WHAT - no mention of the abortion issue that is also connected to the National Defense Authorization Act??? Well, I guess it's about how people prioritize their prejudices. BEFORE picking up that phone and supporting this filibuster - it might be a good idea to see what ELSE is in the NDAA, there is a reason it is often passed with little adversity. The bill is about our National Defense. It discusses finances regaring research and development and implementation of technology. It discusses issues which would lead to contracts in the public sector. It's about treatment of the personnel and veterans and about authority and who should have it, regarding finances and legal issues within the military and so much more. The DREAM ACT is a recurrent bill - it has been posted as a new issue in every Congressional Session for years. In all those years the various bills that have fallen under the catch all term DREAM ACT have failed to gain public awarness on any other level besides as an amnesty program. The truth is, if the general public had bothered to review those bills objectively, instead of listening to the prejudical trash such news sources as the OP provide, this country, most likely, would have supported Immigration Reform almost ten years ago. Instead, much of the media has continued to serve up prejudice for dessert without offering a main course of critical analysis of the bill and immigration. Still, it seems apauling that the elite and educated leaders of this nation would filibuster a bill meant to support, enhance, and protect our military and its operations, because of group based prejudice in more minor matters that they refused to face individually to start with. I suppose that's why the article did not mention the bill about abortion on military bases around the world. It's because the issue of abortion is not necessarily an issue that invokes preducial views. As the OP article stands, it serves to invoke the prejudice of people much better without the abortion issue. The DREAM ACT, is not about unearned amnisty, it is about helping those children who have resided in the United Stated for most of their lives to 'earn' a higher degree of education. Since this IS the only culture those kids, and young adults know, this is home to them. Working hard to support their own educational efforts and completing that goal will make them productive and worthy citizens. So the DREAM ACT is about granting enough equality to those young adults, so they can WORK their way through higher education. The act does allow them access to Federal Student loan, grand or scholarship programs. And the path to citizenship is gradual and dependent of how they behave duriong that time period. It is not and EASY course to follow. What the DREAM ACT does is release the student from workign restrictions so they can support themselves as they study. While immigrant students must be accepted into a college program using the exact same procedures of every other student, the DREAM ACT mandates those colleges to offer those students the SAME residency discounts that all other in-state studens receive. A student can prove in state residency with a history in elementary school. These people (often born here)had no say in and often do not even realize they are immigrants until they are much older. This is their home and many want to be good citizens and gain a higher education. By denying these people the ability to get that education, to become a legal citizen, all this country does is create self-fulfilling prophacy situation. All the stereotypical charateristics about immigrants will only be reinforced because those people will remain here, will be low income or live in poverty and pay little in taxes - unless they can persue their own dream of a higher education. That is the DREAM ACT (in a nut shell). |
H, in some of his campaign BS, said the US has been awful hard on the Illegal and he would do all he could to pass amnesty. That, got him the Mexican vote. His "fence" here, where I am, is maybe 5 miles. That's not gonna' stop jack and it can easily be scaled. The Mexicans taking over Az. could be stopped but, H needs their votes. What needs to happen is, make it a Federal crime for law makers to accept bribes from special interests. Set up some stings and imprison the crooks who vote for the Illegal. La Raza needs disbanded and exposed. MECha needs to be investigated and disbanded. Azteca, shut down Brown Barets, MS13, need imprisoned. Actually part of the fence is really good and really has worked. Duncan Hunter posted the reduced numbers during his campaign, parts of it are crap. They need to have a 3 tier fence with different bends on it and spiked at the top with razor wire, that will make it not about to scale. Then put sensors, cameras and that type of equipment all along the border. Then give the Customs and Border Patrol about two dozen Predators and have non stop flights across the complete border. The Predators can be equiped with equipment that can detect tunnels and can detect smugglers and people crossing the border from miles overhead and ca't be detected by people on the ground. Then give the boarder patrol and Coast Guard more equipment and boats and a couple Predators to completely patrol the waters from mexico to the US. They will then be able to detect ALL Narco Subs that come into our waters. They can usually be detected by air. AQ, Hamas, Hezbullah and the Taliban have expressed interest in acquiring a couple of Narco Subs. Also they have contacts in MS13 and other Mexican gangs and cartels to get smuggled into the US. Then they need to put in the budget to hire A LOT more Border Patrol Agents. Then send a ton of Troops and Military equipment, Jets, Tanks, Humvees, Choppers and everything else I can think of. Let them help patrol the boarders and arrest smugglers, cartel members(who are heavily armed with military weapons and equipment) and illegals. remember the viokence that has killed 29,000 people in Mexico this year is starting to spill over the boarder. We need the Military to counter that. Then build spicific Prisons in the Desert for illeglas. It is a felony to enter illegally. Make them hard labor prisons and give them no luxuries and just three meals a day. Then make it to where they can NEVER gain citizenship if they are caught here illegally. If they keep getting caught then each prison sentance doubles. That would deter 90% of them. |
I saw a Muslim guy smash his wife with a stick because his wife wasn't carrying a basket fast enough. |
illegal immigration
... And getting back to the language issue...aren't you just a wee bit tired of having to chose between your native tongue and something that is FORCED on you in YOUR country? Hatred and discrimination, please.. sick and tired is more like it. I find your comment incredibly ironic.... ![]() Ironic how? I thought I had been very clear on my views on this issue. if i understand you, you are native american..your ancestors had their own language, until having a foreign language was forced on you by English -speaking foreigners...course I learned history from bleeding-hearted liberals, so maybe they got it wrong... ![]() Why should I? My damned country! Like I said...there's the boarder if you don't like it. north and south... take your pick - lol I think we can get that WAAAYYYY down south hispanic lost boy back home? |
illegal immigration
personally, i thought the indians came notheren mongolia, during the last ice age 10,000 years ago, but some tribes came from mexico and south that aspect, you are correct. but that still doesn't change the fact that there are laws now, and we all have to follow these laws. |
illegal immigration
Name one country that doesn't regulate foreign migration, please. I'm apache Any country that enforces Immigration Law and deports Illegals, the Illegal is gonna' whine racsism, bigotry and hate. Go try to snaek into China or Iran. Then whine and see where it gets ya'. BTW; Profile. Why does your profile say hispanic? so your saying your not native to the united states? |
illegal immigration
Name one country that doesn't regulate foreign migration, please. I'm apache Any country that enforces Immigration Law and deports Illegals, the Illegal is gonna' whine racsism, bigotry and hate. Go try to snaek into China or Iran. Then whine and see where it gets ya'. BTW; Profile. Why does your profile say hispanic? Willin...darlin glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that hispanic claim. |
illegal immigration
... And getting back to the language issue...aren't you just a wee bit tired of having to chose between your native tongue and something that is FORCED on you in YOUR country? Hatred and discrimination, please.. sick and tired is more like it. I find your comment incredibly ironic.... ![]() Ironic how? I thought I had been very clear on my views on this issue. if i understand you, you are native american..your ancestors had their own language, until having a foreign language was forced on you by English -speaking foreigners...course I learned history from bleeding-hearted liberals, so maybe they got it wrong... ![]() |
illegal immigration
Name one country that doesn't regulate foreign migration, please. I'm apache Any country that enforces Immigration Law and deports Illegals, the Illegal is gonna' whine racsism, bigotry and hate. Go try to snaek into China or Iran. Then whine and see where it gets ya'. BTW; Profile. Why does your profile say hispanic? |
illegal immigration
You know hatred has too much control when people will agree to abuse other humans in the name of right and just. It isn't hatred or discrimination when we get our stomach full of watching illegal immigrants getting better treatment and more respect than the people who were born here and raised here. And more to the point, the people who have become American citizens. They should be even more upset with the current status. And quite frankly, if you are a working adult, why are you not tired of it also? And getting back to the language issue...aren't you just a wee bit tired of having to chose between your native tongue and something that is FORCED on you in YOUR country? Hatred and discrimination, please.. sick and tired is more like it. And how did you arrive at this statement? Please tell me that you've worked side by side with them? No? Worked a ranch with them? Branding cattle? No? Than most .... finish the statement...Please...I need more ammo. |
illegal immigration
divisiveness sells,,, but at least there is consistency in implying that only the ORIGINAL version of a language should count as that language so we speak american and mexicans speak mexican and spain speaks spanish and england speaks english yet, any english speaking country I go to they understand me just fine and spanish speakers from all over understand each other, including mexicans and spaniards,,,, but hey, lets divide further,, US vs THEM I'm really sorry, but you make this just way too easy to pass up. Thank you! you finally got the point...mexican is NOT the same as spanish! There is hope for you yet... ![]() And no...not all english speakers are the same...please try again. Brits they speak the Queen's English...we speak American. The Aussies, they speak Australian. And btw, we have already said US vs THEM when we got our bellies full of the waves of illegals. |
illegal immigration
Name one country that doesn't regulate foreign migration, please. |
illegal immigration
They abuse the system more than they help it. Thank you. ![]() I've asked you this before but obviously you've failed once again... I'm am a Native woman... I live on the tribal lands. I earn my living Oklahoma...(Home of the Redman). And talking crap? Excuse me? Did you even BOTHER to read my opening pet rant? NO?! Please do. We are sick of it...and the added insult of the REFUSAL to speak english instead of mexican...YES I said mexican and will not change it. It is MEXICAN...not Spanish. Spanish is a "romance" language, where as mexican is a mix of Native tongues and the slang that was brought over on the spanish galleons. So before you are so ready to slit every Americans hamstrings in favor of some one who SNEAKS. Be sure you are in the correct country for your views. Because here sweetie...we speak AMERICAN...if you don't like it...there's the damn boarder and don't let it hit you where the good lord split cha. If fact I betcha I can get you a free ride down there. |
illegal immigration
They abuse the system more than they help it. Thank you. ![]() |