Community > Posts By > AZKait

AZKait's photo
Fri 04/23/10 11:42 PM
We come into this world very fortunate,
with a healthy, unscathed body and mind.
Healthy tissues, no scars, physical or emotional.
Practically pristine.

As soon as we start living, it begins...
The dying.
Collecting experiences, good and bad.
Scars atop the others, gathering.
Shaping, crusting over, building walls,
Protecting the Fortress, stabilizing weaknesses,
All in the name of carrying on.

The mind can stay alive even in the face of
immeasurable, sustained, pain.
But shutdown of certain aspects of the mind
must occur, and remain so, indefinitely.
When, where, and how the mind decides to reboot itself,
is a mystery and unpredictable at best.
Yet, we carry on, with comatose brain aspects...
"Functional" we be, and so undiagnosed, we are.

(I tried to write prose tonight, just wasn't in the cards, lol...felt more preachy than poetic...thanks for letting me vent, anyway :)


AZKait's photo
Mon 03/29/10 08:11 PM
Just a write, nothing poetic...just downright blunt.

Struggles with being alone, loneliness, loss? A feeling something is missing from your life and you can’t put your finger on it. Which brings on frustration the more you think about it, trying to determine what that missing thing is. I had been convinced, it was a person or soulmate missing in my life. My ex-spouse was not that person after all. Acceptance was a great relief to that understanding. Then the great void came seeping in, gradually, insidiously. My focus turned to seeking out that one person who would fill that gap in my heart and soul…then to seeking out any positive/amazing people to just be in my life and exist as a friend…then to just…nothing at all. I am not a creature that thrives off having numerous, superficial friends. My loyalties are deep. I cannot spread myself too thin since I give all of myself to those important relationships. Nothing about me is superficial. I cannot stand superficial people myself. I can make acquaintances, but I am by no means able to keep up the buzzing bee from flower to flower lifestyle. It’s too exhausting. Perhaps it is not a person per se missing from my life. Perhaps it is some element within, something which may be broken. Disappointment. How can I understand all these feelings I am experiencing, but not know where the heck they are coming from? I really know nothing, after all feelings are purged, in the end. I am still quite lost, and alone.

AZKait's photo
Thu 02/04/10 02:26 AM
Such a difficult topic. I feel what you're writing though, it's coming through.

AZKait's photo
Thu 02/04/10 02:14 AM
It's a smiley-fest going on!
Adorable idea.
I like that!

AZKait's photo
Thu 02/04/10 02:11 AM
Always interesting to read, my friend flowerforyou
Interesting you draw out what is never talked about.
Thank you for that point of view.


AZKait's photo
Sun 01/31/10 01:03 AM
You peacefully slumber...a tiny bubble between your
rose-shaped soft.
Your fleshy cheeks, round as a patty-cakes...
a baker's man could not perfect.
Lullaby's cradle you and protect your dreams tonight..
letting love wash over you and prayers uplift you.
Blessed precious baby, perfect now...
but henceforth, life will come at you...
and you will collect scars, that is life.
How you brave them, learn from them,
and allow them to beautify your soul...
that too, is life.
Emerge with a shining armour, my child.
An abundance of understanding and joy...
And grace...and the heavens will smile all over you...
As will I.

Is this parental joy a drug? I cry...
releasing a single tear that bursts
that beautiful tiny bubble upon your lips...
and peacefully sigh.

AZKait's photo
Mon 01/11/10 08:48 PM
A silky smooth blanket of bubbles
lay atop a languid warm bath
The dimmed white light,
and dancing candle shadows
Glimmer the vapors clinging to walls
Collecting teardrops
Growing heavy
Trailing trickle tracks
Traipsing downward
Skipping this way...then that...
Fashioning pools,
Puddling the floor.

Slip below, n'er a sound
And listen to the watery silence surround
Amplifying a single heart's beat
Steady goes the rhythm, it's pound.

Immersed as in the embrace of a mother's womb,
A faint familiarity...a calm.
A memory...I belong.
In this ethereal existence...
And peace.

AZKait's photo
Tue 01/05/10 07:14 PM
Another good one happy

AZKait's photo
Wed 12/30/09 07:40 PM
Knowing not
this lover's plot
A whisper trails
to no ear... avails
A glance unnoticed
briefs it's mark...quite focused
The moment of impasse
statuesque...frail as glass
Don't still
Being a thrill.

Feel my thoughts burning
into you yet?

That's me, undetected
Somewhere, psychically
inviting you
to dance
for me...

AZKait's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:15 PM
This is good...

AZKait's photo
Sun 12/27/09 08:52 PM
Thank you too KC...

It's always interesting to hear any kind of affect or impression people are left with...


AZKait's photo
Sun 12/27/09 08:32 PM
Thank you waving
glad you like! "understand" winking

I think honestly, we're all here writing for a good old-fashioned healin'!

AZKait's photo
Sun 12/27/09 08:25 PM
:heart: -warming! :heart: -smiling!

AZKait's photo
Sun 12/27/09 08:07 PM
In the month of will come, I'm told...
Light-hearted, rugged, smart, kind, and tall...

Move on...carry this, and wait...
For you will come...
And you will
I'm told.

Someone just for heal me.

Precariously teetering...
Is this my pain? Or their pain?
Easy to confuse the two...
Careful not to confuse the two...

Beautiful it may be to feel the aching of others..
and gifted to soften their sorrows.
A cliche'..."I understand"...
flies overhead, unnoticed and unheard.
But the touch...the touch...
sends ripples through the soul...
speaks unspoken kindness...
a mending taking hold.

I await...awhile...
allowing a faint smile...
Imagining someone healing me.

AZKait's photo
Sun 12/13/09 04:16 PM
flowers smitten

AZKait's photo
Sat 12/12/09 10:22 PM
sooooo true!

AZKait's photo
Sat 12/12/09 10:20 PM
nice flowerforyou

AZKait's photo
Sat 12/12/09 10:18 PM
I love your imagination

AZKait's photo
Sat 12/12/09 10:13 PM
...just the right amount of abrasion to this one...I think anyway.

AZKait's photo
Sat 12/12/09 10:06 PM
Thank you flowerforyou

Must be thinking on death at some kind of crazy level unbeknownst to me. It was not what I set out to write. Funny that, how a write can take over your intentions.

And thank you for reading...most appreciated :smile:
