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The Message of God.
Are we talking about the "King James" version of the Bible. The version that King James translated to english so that he could consolidate more power over his subjects by using the church. The same Bible that made many english subjects flee to America to to get out of his immediate grasp. I hate to bear bad news but Jesus didn't speak english. Are there lessons to be learned about how to live in the bible? Sure! Be careful about taking it to literal. Well, since I wasn't speaking in regards to the actual bible nor its meaning, content, or validity; this is a mute point. However, for clarification, it was the International Version. -.- I believe I covered that when I said "Are there lessons to be learned about how to live in the bible?" Sure! |
The Message of God.
Are we talking about the "King James" version of the Bible. The version that King James translated to english so that he could consolidate more power over his subjects by using the church. The same Bible that made many english subjects flee to America to to get out of his immediate grasp. I hate to bear bad news but Jesus didn't speak english. Are there lessons to be learned about how to live in the bible? Sure! Be careful about taking it to literal. |
I check to see if my sock is a left or a right before I put it on. |
Maybe he shared it with Obama or got it from him since we all know Obama loved his coke......... We don't all know anything of the kind |
do u like my pic
Americans have the solid reputation on the fact that they are the cleanest nation and culture ever in history. The next cleanest were the ancient Romans, but nobody cleans hygienically like the Amys. Take for instance Americanodor. She found this username becoming, because in the Ukraine to say "you smell like an American" is a high compliment. For being a nation of immigrants we rate ourselves quite highly at times. |
You want to know what killing jobs, killing manufacturing in America?...Then read this....The bailout was nothing more than a pizzing hand washing the other..... One of the greatest threats facing our country today doesn't come from outside our borders. It's not the possibility of a terrorist attack. It is not the continually increasing illegal immigration across our southern border. It's not even the likelihood of a disrupted oil supply. The greatest problem we face is the self-imposed cost and regulatory burden placed on the development of manufacturing businesses. America, at least the America I grew up in, was the land of the free and the home of the innovator. We used to celebrate entrepreneurs and reward those willing to take a risk. America, the "can do" America of my early years, allowed it's innovators to operate with relatively little restraint or restriction. If you wanted to start and operate a business, "have at it, we wish you success" was the motto of our great nation. If you had an idea for a "better mouse trap" build your plant, install your equipment, hire your people and good luck. In the '60s we had a positive balance of trade and it was growing faster than anywhere else in the world. Japan, the second most industrialized country, produced goods that were considered inferior to those produced by our great American factories. China, South Korea, Mexico? Not even on the map! Today our balance of trade is negative by a long shot and the quality of our manufactured goods is inferior to that of many other countries. Much of what we consider manufacturing in the U.S. today is really the assembly of components manufactured in other countries. Manufacturing profits go to businesses outside America because we regulate manufacturing facilities into oblivion. Today the environment for starting and operating a manufacturing plant is not good. Gone are the days of "Great, go to it, do the best you can." Replaced by, "NIMBY" -- Not In My Back Yard. The government has imposed itself as our costly overseer, placing environmental, zoning, and wage/benefit restrictions so burdensome in time and cost that businesses are left barely competitive if not impossible to begin. Have a great idea? See a viable opportunity? Want to build a product or establish a manufacturing plant? Go see your local government officials. You will find the "go for it" attitude replaced with, Manufacturing??? Why do you want to consider such a dirty business? Why would you want to put your fellow citizens at risk? What would we do if someone were to get hurt? How could we possibly live with ourselves if, God forbid, some kind of particle escaped into the air or blew into a river? How could you live with yourself if your employees weren't all being treated equally and being supplied with incredibly attractive wages and benefits? I would like to relate my recent experience trying to start a Carbon Fibre manufacturing company in a Northeastern U.S. State. After meeting for three weeks with the economic development offices of the State and City, it was determined that after I located and acquired a facility, at my cost and risk, even if it were properly zoned, it would have to be approved for a special use exception. Thereafter we were told to budget in excess of $300K for pre-approval EPA, environmental, and other studies. The studies would take about 6 months at minimum -- with no guarantee of a successful outcome. Even if we were approved, and in spite of the fact that at opening we would be hiring approximately 25 technically competent people in a high unemployment region, we would have to go to the Union hall and negotiate a trades contract before hiring the first employee. I would be forced to unionize and hire more expensive, "senior union members." I am not allowed to go to Craigslist and hire younger, entry level trainees. My cost of operation becomes higher before even opening my doors and I have no choice in this matter. Unbelievable!!! Even if I am willing to take the time, spend the money, and successfully navigate the bureaucratic hurdles, what additional risks do I face? How about this: OSHA arbitrarily decides I'm not in compliance with one clause in their multi-thousand page regulatory bible. Or, an employee-union member decides he is not being treated fairly or that the benefits package is not equal to that of federal or state employees, and files a grievance How about the EPA deciding, retroactively, that in the event of a power outage there is a chance my factory might leak a "toxic" substance? I will be sued, shut down and possibly prosecuted criminally. Now, consider my experience the last time I visited China. I was escorted by the governor of Tianjin State to one of his new cities and shown the process to open a manufacturing facility. I was led into a room with a series of desks. You start at the first desk where you present your plan. Thereafter you proceed from one to the next obtaining approvals or agree to modifications on the spot until at the last table where you are shown what lots and buildings are available that best suit your needs and the price of each. The total timeline for permits, from beginning to approval, takes about 3 hours. At the end of the line you pay your fee, get your permit, and choose your construction manager if a new building is necessary. The city designates the building team to come the following day and begin construction. Generally you are guaranteed that you will be able to move your equipment in within 5 months. There are no restrictions on importation of equipment, state officials help with marketing and sales inside the country and do not restrict exportation of the manufactured goods or profits. Now, this is China so the government and the state share 30% of your business, but considering the ease of entry, increased in-country sales and helpful attitude, this is a small price to pay, especially considering America's 35% plus corporate tax rates. Also, if the price of the lot or building seems high, and they like your project, they will negotiate the price and terms. This is why our balance of trade is so out of whack. This is why many companies move out of the United States for foreign environs. This is why the United States is losing its position as the greatest manufacturing country in the world. The greatest threat to our American future doesn't come from other nations, it comes from within. We have become our own worst enemy. Oh yes the good old days when rivers actually started on fire, our nation's symbol the eagle was going extinct from DDT. Commercials cautioning blasting caps was on every night. Kids were eating paint chips with lead in them. Cancer was prevelent because of dumping toxic waste. Aquafurs were forever poluted by gas stations that no longer exist. Big city squal and decay. Junk that is still scattered in our national parks from the 50's and 60's. The pushing of helicopters and planes fully loaded with fuels and oils off the edge of aircraft carriers into the oceans after Nam. The killing of reefs, home to billions of food chain animals. Acid rain so bad you didn't dare look up. Smog. We had become our nations worst enemy! |
Obama will win this November. I think the republicans will vote republican, the democrats will vote democrat and the independents will be so tired of hearing that the entire republican platform is to make Obama a one term president they will give him a REAL opportunity to govern.
I really think that most people like balance mixed with compromise, for the good of the ENTIRE nation, not just half. |
WOW........ alot of man slamming going on here. Is it justly deserved?
It really seems to me that you take a chance no matter the age, no matter the sex. All this negativity doesn't put most of the women on this topic in a very good light. Is this how you really feel??? This really got to me I must admit, I like to believe that I am an honorable and noble man after all that I have learned and experienced in life so far, and that I am headed in the direction of perfection. To think that a man can only be trusted when he is to dried up to do anything and should only be with a woman who is old enough to "Handle him", so to speak, or if he is with a younger woman she will surely be exploited, kind of burns my butt. |
First rule of holes:
When you're in one, stop digging.--Molly Ivans |
"Now a promise made is a debt unpaid" "The creamation of Sam
Magee" Robert Service |
Help....Help the paranoids are after me!
Re-Elect Obama
I'm sure all the conservatives will be on me so fast about this I can almost feel the talk-spit already. Yes I am a moderate Democrat!(I consider myself a Paul Wellstone Dem.) Yes I have a job. Yes I can think for myself. Yes I am white, and Yes I am American born. I also believe that government is here, and obligated to do those things that we as individual Americans cannot, or will/would not do for ourselves and each other, and no more. At this time I don't believe there is a GOP candidate out there that is presidential material. Insults and sarcasm will not change my mind so if you think you have a valid arguement, for or against, go for it! WHO DO YOU THINK IS BETTER??? To be honest I am a life long Republican but I am not the happiest person with these list of candidates. Dont get me wrong I like most of them and do think they are Presidential material but im not enthused about them. Honestly I have never voted for a Democrat for President and I hope I never will or will be put in the position where I have to but I guarantee I would vote for Obama over Ron Paul and probably over Mitt Romney. Other then that I will vote Republican in this election. I do like Obama on a personal level but on a political level he is a nightmare and has been pretty reckless and dangerous and is the perfect example why a member of Congress or the Senate should not be President. Also he is an example of why someone without any military experience should not become President. I am getting the impression that you are trying to say that maybe we should have an outsider, or someone that isn't steeped in PAC money or backing. I have to ask..... if you want someone that doesn't have alot of "Washington experience" then where do we find a president that could hit the ground running and won't make some of those growning pain mistakes?? Some would say that congress should serve and then go home and keep no ties with Washington. It sounds good on the face of it but what about experience then? It seems to take a couple of years just to figure out how it all works, |
I know I haven't got the answer for obvious reasons, but I see that no one is willing to take this on seriously. Perhaps you shouldn't have expected an honest answer because who ever does give you one is putting themselves out there to be the butt of alot of jokes.
Let me say that I am aware that Star Trek is not real, and that there are alot of holes and unanswered questions and ambiguities in the whole scenario.
The entire topic of currency is avoided with the exception of a few small doses of simply being done away with because they out grew (evolved) them. That at best there continues to be a barter system. (Mining Dylithium crystals in exchange for something?) My first question is: How do you feel about implied or not implied socialistic, or communistic state of the Federation. my second question is: Do you believe we live in a plutocracy? plu·toc·ra·cy /pluˈtɒkrəsi/ Show Spelled[ploo-tok-ruh-see] Show IPA noun, plural -cies. 1. the rule or power of wealth or of the wealthy. 2. a government or state in which the wealthy class rules. 3. a class or group ruling, or exercising power or influence, by virtue of its wealth. |
Re-Elect Obama
the nature of negotiation give up some to get some or stand the ground and get nothing,,, Nice quote! Everyone should be reminded of this |
Not so seriously, but often true none the less.
When you get married you stop getting head! I knew I should have been eating cinnamon instead of broccoli!.....lololol |
Re-Elect Obama
Bachmann Palin 2012 Let the cuties run the place for awhile What a sexist thing to say, I would imagine your a racist as well! |
Re-Elect Obama
I'm sure all the conservatives will be on me so fast about this I can almost feel the talk-spit already. Yes I am a moderate Democrat!(I consider myself a Paul Wellstone Dem.) Yes I have a job. Yes I can think for myself. Yes I am white, and Yes I am American born. I also believe that government is here, and obligated to do those things that we as individual Americans cannot, or will/would not do for ourselves and each other, and no more. At this time I don't believe there is a GOP candidate out there that is presidential material. Insults and sarcasm will not change my mind so if you think you have a valid arguement, for or against, go for it! WHO DO YOU THINK IS BETTER??? RON PAUL!!!! Barry has taken a lot of flack about his mother being a prostitute. What people thought he said was Magna Cum Laude, what he was really saying was, Mama cum loud. Wonder if Barry will want Ayers for VP? He's a real bomb at parties. Well Barry's moma is working! |
Re-Elect Obama
So far the conversation has been diverse and fairly genuine with out too much rhetoric. I reading and considering all posts. thanx!
Re-Elect Obama
Can't take the Kenyan remark.... I know, its really hard to believe his own Grandmother who was present at his birth in Kenya. There's a huge sign in his home town, it says President Obama born here. The Kenyans know the truth.... Sorry....... I didn't think you really believed the born in Kenya theory, now that I know, then I will respect your right to disagree |