I'm listening to The Firm ~ "Satisfaction Guaranteed" If only everything came with that guarantee! ![]() ![]() I really loved The Firm went they came out as a superband. I always thought that Bad Company's Paul Rodgers was under-rated as a singer. |
A coworker suggested that I listen to this band, so I've been listening to some of their stuff. I think that it would be great if someone were listening to it while on a righteous high. The name of the band is "Godspeed You! Black Emperor". Just finished listening to this song/video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_ze-pbdkVk |
Well, Whomever is out there... How do we trust ANYTHING the Media claims to be what's happening, now? **************************************** The Sheihk Isn't Amused *************************************** Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. ![]() |
One thing that I kinda wondered about. There is a battle going on (northern Syria & possibly parts of Iraq) for the creation of a new country (ie: Rojava). This area (Rojava) is being threatened by ISIS group(s), and many westerners (US, British, Australian) are covertly heading over to this area to help defend it from ISIS takeover. Many of these people are ex-military, although there are some who are going over there for humanitarian reasons. They even have a group called "Lions of Rojava", and they fight alongside of (or with) RPG/RPJ.
The foretold, forming country, Rojava, is to be considered one that gives safe haven to all people of varied religious backgrounds, etc., somewhat of a Western ideology. From what I've heard recently, the border between Northern Syria (proposed Rojava territory), and Turkey is now watchful for any of these pro-Rojava mercenaries, and will attempt to turn them back, not allowing them to enter the area. The funny thing about this is that the US government does not condone Americans who wish to join the fight for Rojava, and seem to be against any ex-military from going over there. Why would this be? Possibly because the US is secretly funding ISIS? I hope that I'm not too far off topic here. |
what u looking for here?
I'm looking for a cinnamon girl...One that has a strange fetish for Coldplay.
You know the problem with making excuses like that? Now the onus of the burden of proof is on you to prove your claim. Word of the day: Onus used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility. "the onus is on you to show that you have suffered loss" synonyms: burden, responsibility, liability, obligation, duty, weight, load, charge, mantle, encumbrance |
Is that a real beard that ISIS leader has, or is he just giving a Skunk a blow job? ha ha Now this is a laughing matter! |
![]() It's on YouTube,got to be true then! This is real stuff, and no laughing matter. Operation Northwoods is a real thing. New World Order is a real thing. Bush senior, himself, has stated that we were entering into a "new world order", and I quote this. Not everything on Youtube is fiction. Here is a link to the Wiki (and not everything on Wikipedia is fiction) on Operation Northwoods. You make the call. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods |
I believe this ISIS thing to be part of all the false flag operations that have taken place since 9/11, including the Sandy Hook Elementary School scenario. I believe that it all comes down to one thing, and that would be NWO. This stuff has been going on for decades, however. Has anyone heard of Operation Northwoods? Do a search on it. The Operation Northwoods document has to do with inventing false flags during the Cuban missile crisis.
There are many videos on Operation Northwoods that you can watch on youtube as well. |
I fully agree with this DC....When I started searching I made known I was searching the world, so locals didn't really matter to me...but interestingly enough I had zero interest from my fellow countrywomen....why is this so??? yet overseas girls where more than ready to chat...
On this particular site, I thought that most "overseas girls" were scammers & such. Maybe there are some genuine people amongst them, but it is hard to tell, at least for me. There are some countries that have some desperate people in them, and - though the people may be real - they will do anything to make a better life for themselves, even if it means chatting up some American men. You know, we are all rich here in America, and live in big mansions (so some think). The truth of the matter is that some of us are living paycheck to paycheck with maybe a few thousand $$$ in our checking accounts if even that. To actually scrape up the money to make a few visits to their country, then bring them here isn't an option, and (once they get here, and find that the man isn't loaded, nor has that 3-story mansion) they could be smacked with the reality that some of us Americans aren't as well off as they think. I personally have known people who've had this scenario play out - more than one. Then there are the culture differences.... |
This was great. Not my everyday music that I listen to, but it was great. |
the last thing you threw
Edited by
Mon 03/16/15 07:24 AM
A month ago, I threw a stick at a huge icicle hanging off a gutter about 20 feet high. I missed the icicle, and hit the window next to it. Arrgh!!
![]() |
Reasons to appreciate men
Yes, there are some great traits that men have, generally speaking. The aforementioned is testimony to the kind & considerate things that a man can and will do. Sure, there can be some liabilities as well, but on the whole, most men will give the shirt off their back when opportunity arises.
Very good, memorable stories within this thread. I may also add that I've always admired a trait that many women have within them, and that would be the amount of long term pain & suffering that they seem to endure with very little complaint if any. Sure, there are men who develop this trait as well, although I seem to have noticed this outward demonstration of stoicism amongst females often. May I end in saying that many a man will forget or ignore certain honorable deeds with time (ie: opening car doors, etc.), but all that is needed in this matter is someone to remind them. We've all heard the common phrase or thought that a man needs to be trained. The same might hold true in that a man would do well to remember these wonderful traits as relationships grow in time. A nice, vocal nudge at times may be all that is required to gain remembrance, forgetful as we are. |
Alone again...naturally.
Pretty much by choice, although I don't like to be alone always. I just haven't found that chemistry with anyone lately, and I wouldn't care to be in a relationship with someone that I either had no chemistry with, or lost the chemistry somehow. There are probably lots of people out there who are in relationships that they'd rather not be in. I've been in that situation before, and it's not a very good way to live. Although alone, I don't let it put my life "on hold". I will do things that I normally won't do solo, such as going to a theater, or taking a trip somewhere. I did get a combo fishing & small game license the other day, and plan on doing some fishing this year. Maybe I'll meet someone while doing these things, and maybe not, but I certainly stand a better chance doing something than doing nothing, and will be having some fun while doing it. Hanging out on these forums occupies some of my time as well, and occupies some of my time. Living life on life's terms can be a good thing. It's all about what I do with it. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. A new dawn. |
At this very moment, I'm watching (and listening to) a little bit of a lady, Vandana Shiva, speaking on "The Future of Food" on the FSTV channel.
I do not believe in aliens
Moe like to drink his spirits.
![]() Those Phoenix lights that happened a few years back were really something. I don't think that those were UFO's of the military variety, but I suppose it could've been, or a cooperative between military & alien technology. In any case, it was really something, and many people witnessed it. |
Quokka Selfies
These Quokka selfies are great! Never knew what a Quokka was until today.
![]() |
I do not believe in aliens
When I refer to ufo, I'm referring to ufo of alien type usually.
http://www.mufon.com/ |
Edited by
Fri 03/13/15 05:12 AM
Multiple Truths - Melechesh This Melechesh band is frickin hot! I've known about them for some time now, and almost bought their new album, but never did. Gojira is another band that I liked. I believe that they're from France. I bought their album, and I'll post a link to a video that I made of their "Flying Whales" song here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BpDvTgV_-A |
I do not believe in aliens
Neither Area 51 nor Roswell are hoaxes. They're real places with very high security. Whether the alien rumors are false is a different matter, but there are enough stories surrounding the extra terrestrial (so-called) encounters to at least make me wonder about it.
I, personally, have never seen a UFO, nor anything remotely alien. I've never seen a ghost nor anything paranormal, so for myself, all is speculative, but I don't discount the possibility of such things. |