@ Isaac: The only thing released to date is the Windows10 Technical Preview. The "real deal" should be released sometime in April. Here's a good link for installing the tech preview: http://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-install-windows-10-technical-preview-as-a-virtual-machine/
As far as new Linux users, I might recommend starting with Linux Mint (or Mint) over the Ubuntu - reason being that Mint comes with many other applications (or programs) installed by default, and many of the codecs & settings are preconfigured. Mint also has several desktop environments (the way the desktop looks & feels) to choose from, and the cinnamon DE is one of them. Mate is another. @ Noa: Yes, I have waited for several months before installing a newly released os (operating system) on my main pc or laptop, but one can easily (and safely) install any of these os's in Virtualbox. There are many "how to" videos on Youtube about setting up a virtualbox on your pc. Oracle's Virtualbox is a good one, and can be obtained at their website: https://www.virtualbox.org/ |
Anyway (Haha!), this thread was an interesting read. I wouldn't advise reading the whole thread in 15 minutes as I did. It'll make your head spin.
![]() Noa's compassionate offer to help guide others in finding solutions is an extremely noble one. Others were quick to offer advice as well, and the differed outlook on software is well noted, confusing as it may appear. May I say that Windows 10 looks very promising. I have run the Windows 10 technical preview inside of a virtual computer (Virtualbox), and it looks/feels pretty nice. From what I understand, Windows 10 should be introduced to the masses sometime in April, and (for a brief time - possibly through the year 2015) the Microsoft giant is going to offer the Windows 10 upgrade free to both Windows 7 & 8 users. There are articles on this if you search for them. The one thing that I never could stand with Windows is having to build a security fortress around the system. This is where Isaac's posts both shined, and were dissed (overlooked). You want control over your operating system (os)? Take an older computer, and start learning Linux. There are literally 1000's of Youtube videos on Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Manjaro Linux, and many others. Most of these os's cost nothing, and viruses written for them can be virtually counted on one hand. My apologies for my lengthy comment, and (again) kudos to Noa! |
Another thread on this topic:
http://mingle2.com/topic/232633 |
I dunno. YouMeforOne's gripe is valid, and there are some great replies to her gripe. I really don't care for long distance correspondence either, and no profile pic is a concern to me. My ex-wife frequents dating sites, and chooses not to put her pic on her profile. She is a pretty lady with an English accent. Most guys probably think that there must be a problem with her looks or something (for her not to include a pic), but after she feels that she has a connection with someone, she will send them a pic. I bring this up because my exey's approach is completely different than YouMeforOne in that she doesn't just put a pic up, basically conveying that she is beautiful, and that's all anyone needs to know. I guess what I'm saying is that there is virtually no substance to the profile - only a pic. Even if I were living in Montreal (with a pic on my profile), I wouldn't respond to her profile. There is just no substance to it. I would think that anyone who did respond to her "pic" would be quite shallow, and why would a shallow person care about the content within the profile anyway? Hence, they don't bother going through the content within. Hmmm.... Nuff said. A picture is worth a thousand words. A video, even better. ![]() You are so right, love, and I hesitate to expand on that. Not much else needs to be said. Mua! |
Does it pay to upgrade
I'm not sure if it's worth it, but the cost is reasonable, and I'm sure that it helps the site owners to maintain the site.
Without revenue coming in from mingle2 members, I would think that this place would have a lot more advertisements than what it has now. Somebody's gotta pay the bills, eh? |
I never lose hope in meeting a great love. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I think online dating sites with all their negatives have far more positives to offer. People who aren't willing to take a chance get what they give. Nothing. Agreed. Meeting a great love (or life companion, etc.) is a wonderful thought. It happens. I guess that I have the soulmate definition incorrect, in that I've always thought of a soulmate as a soul that I had known in a previous life or something. I guess that the true meaning of a soulmate is "a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.". In that context, I would most certainly be a believer! Sorry for my confusion. |
I dunno about the soulmate thing. I once thought that I'd found my soulmate, and then she left 3 months later. After that, I looked at the soulmate cliche differently. I suppose that a soulmate can be meant to be in one's life for but a short period of time, but that does seem nonsensical to me.
Recently I've learned that there's also such a thing as a "twin flame", which is somewhat different than a soulmate. It may be worth looking into the twin flame thing as well. In ending, I can say that I don't feel that I've ever encountered my soulmate, nor my twin flame, and am not sure that I even believe in such things any more. If you are one who does, may the FORCE be with you! |
new and shy
Well, I hesitated in checking out this thread, thinking that "New & Shy" translated to "Young 21 & Inexperienced". Instead, the author of this post looks to be a middle aged woman who has now apparently deactivated her account.
Maybe she had been in a long marriage, and is now just venturing into the online dating scene or something? She is an attractive lady, however I can see much sadness in her eyes - Not a good sign. These sites can be tough for many, and intimidating. |
I sometimes go with just the pics, but I've found more often than not that more attraction to the person is revealed when I don't just go with the first picture, read the profile, and check out the other pics as well.
I also noticed that some don't use recent pics as their main pic, but one that's several years old. Upon checking someone out further, I often have a different outlook on them for better or worse. |
I dunno. YouMeforOne's gripe is valid, and there are some great replies to her gripe. I really don't care for long distance correspondence either, and no profile pic is a concern to me.
My ex-wife frequents dating sites, and chooses not to put her pic on her profile. She is a pretty lady with an English accent. Most guys probably think that there must be a problem with her looks or something (for her not to include a pic), but after she feels that she has a connection with someone, she will send them a pic. I bring this up because my exey's approach is completely different than YouMeforOne in that she doesn't just put a pic up, basically conveying that she is beautiful, and that's all anyone needs to know. I guess what I'm saying is that there is virtually no substance to the profile - only a pic. Even if I were living in Montreal (with a pic on my profile), I wouldn't respond to her profile. There is just no substance to it. I would think that anyone who did respond to her "pic" would be quite shallow, and why would a shallow person care about the content within the profile anyway? Hence, they don't bother going through the content within. Hmmm.... Nuff said. |
Age is just a number
I suppose that age is just a number. I do feel older (and wiser), however. My mind tells me that I'm 20 years younger, but my body knows better. Then again, every time I see a younger person's life ended, it really does bring home the thought that age is just a number. I am here today, and for that I am grateful.
Hello Mingle2 community. My first post on the forum, and of course I am real. I have to wonder about some of the people who have sent me mail, though. I seem to get lots of "out of state" messages, but I guess that some must be real.