does my profile look fake?
i am a real person but have been told that i look like i am fake. i know that there are a ton of scammers on this site because it is free but is it me or is it because woman are afraid to meet in person?
is she part of this new society of people that cant have there feelings hurt? you dont need to walk on eggshells for anyone. if she cant woman up and grow up then FK her
Crystal's Oil Paintings
good works of art. i draw and oil paint myself. have been since i was 6 years old. the unicorn and the lady in blue is very nice with good depth and shading that give it a more 3D feel. keep up the good work.
Am I ugly or something?
same thing here. I emailed 200 woman and got 1 reply and she was 400 pounds so your not the only one. I suspect woman on dating sites are jaded and scared. they are looking on dating sites more for curiosity rather than what they claim they are looking for. most woman are either too young to know anything about life. too young with a kid to know anything about life, been married and divorced a couple of times and are really picky, or they just want a sugar daddy to take care of them. the best way to really meet a woman is go out and meet them face to face but most men are scared to approach a woman at a bar but guess what the MAN that has the balls to approach her is MAN that gets her number because she wants a MAN. 99% of woman want a take charge kind of guy, 50% say they do and 49% say they don't but that's false. when I say take charge, I don't mean ve an *******. I mean take charge as in smile at her and say hello because its a jungle and you have to be the top lion or the lioness is going somewhere else. you have to stand out from the crowd. I have been married 3 times, I don't have a problem picking up woman, I have a problem keeping them. its not your profile dude, its because woman need to see body language to get aroused, they need eye contact, they need romance, they need conversation and the most important thing they NEED is emotional connection. how to get them to emotionally connect to you, you simply smile, tell them how lovely they are, comment on how great there hair is, or how nice they painted there nails. woman love shoes, hey comment on how great there shoes look then they start to break down there FIREWALL or lower there force field and let you in then you get them talk all mushy about romance, a chick flick that they like. TELL THEM YOU CRIED when you saw that movie but in a manly way. they will be putty in your hands.
I hope this helps. im 43 and I have a date with a 20 year old. take care |