Community > Posts By > PearlNetworkAdmin
what does my intelligence have anything to do with my amount of post? I can read and make my own decisions right.
I believe that magic and love are both illusions one someone else makes you believe something that is not real the other you make yourself believe in something that is not real. How sad ........................ for you ![]() actually I feel sad for those who are still blinded by themselves but thank you for the concern ![]() |
great more
No he doesn't Yes he does No you can't Yes I can No he didn't Yes he did ranting does this ever get old. |
I also have to ask in response why are some women liars and cheats. though this is going to spark and on going he said she said debate I had to point out that one sex is not to blame for the entire problem.
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Edited by
Mon 03/16/09 11:17 AM
I believe that magic and love are both illusions one someone else makes you believe something that is not real the other you make yourself believe in something that is not real.
inbreeding could be a really
Edited by
Mon 03/16/09 11:11 AM
Well I guess when you get right down to the history of it if you believe in evolutionism and that species evolved from different single celled organisms that asexually reproduced then yeah you have a very strong opinion on why inbreeding is wrong, If your a creationism believer and go by the book of Genesis then your going to have a hard time convincing me that inbreeding is bad, I guess one of the points you could have would be is that Adam and Eve were Gods ultimate perfect man and woman and as we keep inbreeding we become more imperfect. I am the least religious person I know.... ![]() Wasn't Eve "allegedly" part of Adam's rib 'cus he got peeved at Lilith and cast her out? ![]() NOPE!... ![]() 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.** **Still going on... ![]() see even the mention of Lilith get at some people I can only Imagine what would happen if we start the debate of are we all inbreeders because we come from the same two humans or not because we are the product of millions of years of natural selections |
inbreeding could be a really
no god got peeved at Lilith and cast her out though the bible didn't make eve out to be much better she is the one who was convinced by the snake to eat the apple, this to me puts a label of imperfection on women especially Eve as being Adam's imperfection. Of course it is all written by a guy's in an era where women weren't anything more than property you had sex with. And then Lilith became a succubus! Whoo hooo!!!! No more like her own sex deity a succubus is a demon so it kind of works for Lucifer but Lilith is something that God and Lucifer would rather not deal with, I guess its the one part of the books of the bible that were written by women that actually snuck in their. |
I believe the reason is presidents have the highest polling right after inaugeration, and this is detecting a change since that time. In addition Obama arrived to the presidency at a time when the economy is horrible, therefore ppl are less likely to like govt and blame it on its most recognisable member, the president. you're right, people keep forgetting that the president is just a face. No it's not!! Yes it is!! here we go again. |
The Shortelktonman has a point all you guys there seems to be on these forums is a bunch of polarized "No you can't: Yes I can: No you Can't: Yes I can" with a bunch of silly quick witted quotes from the bible or an excerpt from a scientific piece. He is the only one acting like a child on purpose. How would you know that? I always act like a child on purpose. Na na na na na... ![]() ![]() ![]() good so we know your post on this particular thread are not what you really believe right? |
inbreeding could be a really
Edited by
Mon 03/16/09 09:40 AM
Well I guess when you get right down to the history of it if you believe in evolutionism and that species evolved from different single celled organisms that asexually reproduced then yeah you have a very strong opinion on why inbreeding is wrong, If your a creationism believer and go by the book of Genesis then your going to have a hard time convincing me that inbreeding is bad, I guess one of the points you could have would be is that Adam and Eve were Gods ultimate perfect man and woman and as we keep inbreeding we become more imperfect. I am the least religious person I know.... ![]() Wasn't Eve "allegedly" part of Adam's rib 'cus he got peeved at Lilith and cast her out? ![]() no god got peeved at Lilith and cast her out though the bible didn't make eve out to be much better she is the one who was convinced by the snake to eat the apple, this to me puts a label of imperfection on women especially Eve as being Adam's imperfection. Of course it is all written by a guy's in an era where women weren't anything more than property you had sex with. |
inbreeding could be a really
Yeah and the prices are redonkulous.... Bull Mastiffs are like two grand and they live seven to ten years. Uh huh..... if I go to the pound it's ten bucks or fifty at the Human Society for an animal who is loving and needs a home. Not bred to its cousins proudly. Same applies to humans. If you do it... it's just not right. Well I guess when you get right down to the history of it if you believe in evolutionism and that species evolved from different single celled organisms that asexually reproduced then yeah you have a very strong opinion on why inbreeding is wrong, If your a creationism believer and go by the book of Genesis then your going to have a hard time convincing me that inbreeding is bad, I guess one of the points you could have would be is that Adam and Eve were Gods ultimate perfect man and woman and as we keep inbreeding we become more imperfect. |
Can anyone tell me how Owens with a record of being good on field but having tremendous off field issues gets signed with in a few days, where guys like Holt and Harrison have to wait weeks?
the last house on the left
I enjoyed the original better just because of the times it came out the themes of the movie were a little more Hush Hush back then so it made it more startling.
inbreeding could be a really
we might not want to delve too deep in to this I have read the Evolutionism vs Creationism threads and they don't go very well
If it is online or somewhere else, really we are meeting the same people. The options just broaden with the Internet. I agree people are the same online as they are in bars/clubs, work, the beach, ect..., |
How much faith do you have?
Could you skip a meal? do not need faith to do this. That a hungry child might eat. don't know what this has to do with faith Would you risk your life? matter of loyalty not faith That a child might be educated. same as the hungry child question not sure what it has to do with faith Could you stand in peace?. don't need faith to do this Though it meant your death. I am going to die doesn't matter if I have faith or not That mankind might live? what mankind does is only you can only effect like .0001% of at max unless you try to be a world dictator And all the earths children might thrive! redundentcy from the mankind question and one thing I am wondering is faith in what God Allah Enlightenment? |
inbreeding could be a really
Edited by
Mon 03/16/09 08:32 AM
up front and personal issue for some of you/us on this site. in the past 100 years, how many of you and your family members have done the deed to make it possible to inbreed? dont be shy, let out the family secrets I doubt it will be taken as an "up front and personal issue" on this site, but for the most part across history the one specific class that has done the most imbreeding is the wealthy and families in politcal power particularly the medieval royalty. |
Edited by
Mon 03/16/09 08:26 AM
This place is the same as the religion forum and again that a bunch or "Yes it is!!" "No It's Not!!!" "Yes It is" childish stuff, and on the dating forums we complain about why men and/or women are mean, cold hearted, stuck up, ect..., all they have is read the religious or political forums to find out why.
From what I have read on this post sounds to me like you guys like starting your relationships way to fast, and then complain about it when things start moving at a pace you can't catch up too.