Community > Posts By > MadDog1974
Take that! |
Sinful Food
I can not find it but I remember reading a study by I believe it was the university of Michigan who did a study on the melting point of animal fat in the Human body. What they found was the melting point to flush beef fat from your body was 101 degrees. They said that beef fat would start flushing out of your viens after 20 minutes of arobic exersize or hard work. pork fat your internal temp would have to be at 105 degrees and this would only happen if you were almost deathly sick. This study did not make it on your nightly news. IMO the pork industry is very powerful. The tobacco industry is very powerful, but that doesn't stop negative news about them being reported. The auto industry is very powerful. We hear a lot about them that isn't positive. The banking industry is probably the most powerful, but we almost never hear anything good about them. The pork industry did not suppress a story. And one study doesn't make the story true. I remember a time when coffee was bad. Then it was decaf is ok, but regular is bad. Now decaf is bad and regular is ok. All kinds of studies are done that are later proven wrong. |
Obama should be judged on what he does. What he says is almost meaningless. I completely disagree that what he says is almost meaningless. What he says is totally meaningless. |
Your English doesn't need to be perfect, but this is an English language site. Most of what you've posted doesn't look anything like English. Your last comment, however, shows that you are making an effort. Just like if I were on a site that uses your language, I would make every effort to use that language so that you could understand.
guys vs girls - part 126
You may find improving your language skills to be helpful.
guys vs girls - part 126
Isn't that grounds for divorce?
I don't bash men, I am critical of their behavior, as one should be, in practice they cause much harm in the world. It is upsetting that this is all swept under the carpet and anyone who points it out is called names. I think more women AND men should take this matter seriously like I do. I am not the problem. Those in denial are. Again, blaming MEN for all the problems in the world. You are quick to point out sexism by men, yet you practice sexism. This is more denial. Do you need a history book to read about sexism against women by men? Men invented sexism. I only point it out, I'm not sexist. You realize you're the only one who believes you're not a misandrist, right? I don't agree with everything, but I've actually seen her come up with some very good points. What I find peculiar: Your comments on women in this thread are very biased, negative and not respectful, yet no one picks up on that?? It (still) seems normal and generally accepted to knock women, yet if someone does the same towards men, the chit hits the fan. Two wrongs don't make a right, you know. And I do NOT agree with either attitude, but if one is wrong, the other is as well. That's equality for you As long as no one gets that it's just as wrong to knock women as it is to knock men, and vice versa, this discussion will continue. As long as one starts lashing when another is bashing, we won't get anywhere. So pointing out that women who ask the original question of this thread, which is nowhere near all women, generally have a predisposed notion of a "REAL" man, yet reject anyone who doesn't fit EVERYTHING on the checklist is sexist? |
I've seen ridiculous requests for Legos, a new motor for a guy who races motorcycles, and a woman who wanted plastic surgery so she could attract a husband. The Lego guy wanted an expensive set that his wife wouldn't let him spend money on.
Love don't cost a thing.
OP, what do you like most about living in the capital of Alabama?
I don't bash men, I am critical of their behavior, as one should be, in practice they cause much harm in the world. It is upsetting that this is all swept under the carpet and anyone who points it out is called names. I think more women AND men should take this matter seriously like I do. I am not the problem. Those in denial are. Again, blaming MEN for all the problems in the world. You are quick to point out sexism by men, yet you practice sexism. This is more denial. Do you need a history book to read about sexism against women by men? Men invented sexism. I only point it out, I'm not sexist. You realize you're the only one who believes you're not a misandrist, right? |
I don't bash men, I am critical of their behavior, as one should be, in practice they cause much harm in the world. It is upsetting that this is all swept under the carpet and anyone who points it out is called names. I think more women AND men should take this matter seriously like I do. I am not the problem. Those in denial are. Again, blaming MEN for all the problems in the world. You are quick to point out sexism by men, yet you practice sexism. |
+++ Tattoo You +++
Exactly like that! ^^^^^^^^
Tattoos are a personal choice. People have them or not for their own reasons. As for women with tattoos, whether or not she is tattooed is not important. That said, some are classy and some are tacky. |
Pick one... - part 2
Edited by
Mon 03/30/15 02:16 AM
Another unnecessary "U!"
Why is the United States the only country that understands the pointlessness of unnecessary "U's?" Scammer. They are easier to mess with. Words beginning with X or ending with J? |
And it's on the rocks! I'm staying!
+++ Tattoo You +++
Personally, I have 6 of them, all of which mean something. I do plan on getting more, but not to the point that I run out of places to put them. Mine are all in places that are easily concealed, and my future tattoos will also be easily concealed. They are not as stigmatized as they once were, but personally, I think it looks tacky if they can't be easily concealed with a pair of pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. I also recommend being very selective about who you allow to tattoo lettering on you. You don't want something in ink on your skin that is terribly misspelled.
1978 called. They want the disco ball back!
Ok, not really. I just want it for when I redo my basement. I'll still be leaving this party if there is no Jameson. |
Say Something Vague - part 9
Dogs eat kitties.
Pick one... - part 2
And home theater Use the unnecessary "U" or not? (As in color/colour or behavior/behaviour) |