PJ_Paradox "Wanted: thief of my attention, who has made off with my affection - also stolen: kisses, hours (of inspiring conversation), sleep (make of that what you will), and a heart. reward: long term relationship"
44 year old man from Seattle, Washington      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About PJ_Paradox
I’m a quirky imaginative guy on Capitol Hill who is looking for an intelligent, creative, and romantic woman who is not afraid to dream, and finds phrases like “The sky’s the limit” to be oddly confining. I don't care for meaningless dating, so I am looking for someone who is likewise searching for a long term relationship. With friends and loved ones, my list of interests includes hiking in the summer, skiing in the winter, gaming, talking philosophy and metaphysics, discussing novels we've read, giving and receiving writing feedback, and traveling! It's only in the past year that I've truly developed a pion for excursions, but in that time I’ve managed to visit London, Arizona, and Canada. Unfortunately now I’ve got a fever and the only cure is more cow-- erm I mean to see EVERYTHING! Exploring Greece, returning to China or London, seeing Australia, and exploring Scotland and Ireland are all on my list of things to do. Hopefully before too long I’ll have found a fabulous woman who burns just as much to explore thought and geography as I do! On my own, I enjoy reading, creative writing, journaling, learning, walking in the summer, audio books, meditating, reiki, and listening to music. I'm e to sudden inspiration to redecorate, research long dead cultures and religions that very few people seem to care about, and creative projects involving technology and stimulation of the mind. Romantically speaking, I feel it's very important to always communicate is something is a bother within a relationship, however I often need time to let my thoughts settle before feeling comfortable discussing. I am a romantic, and delight in planning small or sometimes intricate surprises for my partner that are usually presented at the most unexpected times that I can manage. It's a joy to know I've made my partner smile, but admittedly I can get somewhat bent out of shape if my "Surprise" is met with lack of appreciation or stoicism. I enjoy giving gifts, but am not so big on holidays as I tend to indiscriminately ‘ride the wave’ of whatever feeling inspires me to give at the time regardless of occasion. I am pionate, intense, and honest to a fault.... PLEASE don't ask me a direct question to something you don't want the answer to. I feel really unclean if I tell a lie and avoid it like the plague. “Does this top make me look fat?” “… I really like that blue one! I love how it brings out the color of your hair and eyes!” “…that wasn’t the question. Does this top make me look fat? You can answer I won’t get mad.” By this time I am looking and feeling trapped with the expression of a deer staring down a minivan barreling its direction on an open road. “…Plump might be a better word… but that’s not to say I think you’re fat! Far from it! ... it is just the cut and the way it clings right here and here…. I really do like it when you wear the blue one, besides I think you’re pretty even if it does cling here and --” I’m interrupted by a sigh that might just as well have been a volcanic eruption followed by a voice that is positively –dripping- with sarcasm. “You really know how to make a person feel special.” “… Sorry! …but… You asked! …and it’s just that one top!” I can’t help it. For better or worse I am a truth-phile so be prepared for a little "The pen is RR--- BLUE! The pen is r-BLUE! ... the pen is blue." from time to time (Can you guess the movie reference?) Sex and intimacy are sacred for me, but that shouldn't be confused with prudishness. It would be nice to find a woman with similar values of "I don't just do this with anyone, they have to be special, but when we do come together, we have an obligation to ourselves and each other to have a really -really- good time!" It would be good to find someone who challenges me to expand my mind and realize new heights of my potential, while growing together to explore the depths of our relationship as a couple. I want to be with someone I can admire, who will cherish me the way I do her, and treat me the way she would like to be treated herself. I believe in equality in relationships. No one person should have to do ALL the work, and I genuinely feel that the best relationships are going to be those between people whom inspire one another. All I ask is that you treat me the way you want to be treated, be tolerant of my short comings such as when I get -really- quiet when I'm tired or have a lot on my mind, and don't try to convince me that I'm gay - yeah I set off all kinds of Gaydar. I would like to eventually find someone to settle down with. Thinking about contacting? Why don’t you tell me what you are interested in? What are your favorite movies, or what is your favorite novel? What do you think is a romantic time for an ideal first date? I don’t like games, and appreciate honesty. Just be honest and share a bit about yourself.
Profession: Marketing / IT
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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