mcchris19 "Let love lead"
57 year old man from Cockrell Hill, Texas      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About mcchris19
Still trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. The Army has kept me occupied for about 15 years now so I guess I'll finish it out, retire and build a log cabin somewhere near the best park and pipe snowboard resort I can find, raise a family and teach my son how to play ball and how to be a confident, independent and successfull man though he is just five years of age for now but i belive his going to be a better man than i am ,i know some questions would be going through your mind like "a man of your age how come you got such aa young boy as your first issue" yeah somewhat you're right but let me just put it this way his is the product of faith and love though i lost his mother the day he was born i should have listened to her and i hope i dont make such a mistake in my next relationship and my next world to come. People i look up to like My Mum a My cousin, SGT John E. Allen was killed by a roadside IED outside of Camp Victory in Afghanistan. He was a good man and loving husband to his wife Aspen. On January 19th, 2013 I volunteered for orders. I've received them and I WILL fight for my country and the people of Afghanistan. It's something that I am PROUD to do! For everyone that never had a chance to do something good for their country; they can live vicariously through me. Mission Complete Johnny(27MAR2011)
Profession: Millitary
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
No answer
White / Caucasian
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Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
Christian - Other
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