My name is Joey, I am a full time student at North Central. I am in the process of getting my business degree.
I just recently moved to the north from Down River Michigan (south of Detroit.)I have to say, It Is SUPER Cold Here!!! I dont know how people survive.
I've lived alot of places but never so far north. I am in the process of remodeling my house and I can't decide if I should just pack it up and go out back and just build myself an igloo all while I spend the warmer months gathering food for a long COLD winter... or trying this new thing called, adjusting....
Hah, just kidding its really not that bad, like most places here in the great northern Michigan, we have our days
I am a pretty laid back guy, a movie buff for sure. I like being outside weather shopping on a nice day, or being at the beach, in the snow, what may have you... and I also enjoy more lamer things like, going for coffee!!! Basicly, i like to enjoi life simply put.
My night life is pretty fun, i really like going to clubs, preferibly The Works (Detroit) or some kind of techno/ electonica club. And of course going to way too early breakfast ;P
Typicly! My night life consist of a full night of movies and ice cream, and plaing games on the net. Its fun to be simple. :)
Profession: Student