BrandonSparkman "Greetings and salutations."
28 year old man from Garner, North Carolina      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About BrandonSparkman
Dear Future Partner, I won't be the first, nor will I be the last person to write something like this. Hell, this may be the most overused kind of letter in the world. Right now, however, that doesn't really matter to me; all that matters right now is me getting my point across. Truth be told, I may just be writing this to make myself feel better. On the other hand, maybe something good will come out of it. I'm writing this letter to you because I feel like you should have a fair warning about what you'd be getting into when being with someone like me. I'd also like to share with you what I feel is necessary information. I've never been the most determined person, especially when it came to things that I didn't want or things that wouldn't benefit me in any way. When I was growing up, I didn't show interest in things that I probably should have. As of now, if I was stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire, even if I had spare and the tools required to switch the two, I'd be in quite a pickle. Is that sad? I certainly think so. I was introduced to the computer at a young age, and it really did take over my mind. I don't think it was wrong of my parents to introduce me to computers, not in the slightest. I think that it is, in fact, my own fault that I've let it impact my life so much. Instead of getting out there and playing sports, or getting out there and learning something from my dad about cars or other things that he excelled with, I was inside letting my eyeballs melt from staring at a computer, or television. You may ask: "Hey! What exactly is the point of you telling me this?" Well, let's say you ask why a big, burly guy like me wasn't playing sports in school or why I can't do some repairs on your vehicle when it starts having issues. You now know why. I've always been lazy, too. If, at any time, my parents asked me to do some chores, I would just sigh and try to peel myself away from whatever I was doing. I showed them plenty of attitude on the way out, making sure they knew it was annoying me to get away from what I was doing to do simple things around the house that a kid should do. Looking back on it, I really was a kid with a crappy attitude. I was spoiled, I can admit that. I still am, really. I'd like to think that I've improved a tad bit since I've grown up. Unfortunately, the laziness has continued to haunt me through my teen years as well. Instead of getting a permit and trying to get out there and learn how to drive, I didn't even acknowledge that as an option while I was going to school. I never bothered looking into getting a job either, until recently. So, because of my laziness, here I am as an eighteen-year old, incapable of driving by himself. I'm pretty ashamed of myself, honestly. Everyday I think of the things I could be doing if I just tried. In school, all through High School specifically, I would do the bare minimum in my classes, not doing homework because I didn't feel like it. Because of that, my GPA suffered. Taking a look at all that I've written so far, I don't sound quite like a catch, do I? I certainly wouldn't blame you if you thought that. The truth is that I feel like I grew up entirely too fast. Yesterday, I was ten years old, playing with friends, living at home, and letting my parents take me places. I woke up today as an adult, a "man", nearing the start of real life and College. Now that I've told you most of what you'd see wrong with me, allow me to try and show you the short list of things you may find right, or at least redeeming within me. If I fall for you, really and truly, I'm loyal. That's pretty simple, huh? If you return my feelings, I'd go out of my way to make you happy. I'm not afraid to admit it, either; if I do indeed fall for you, consider your wish my command. I'm not saying that I'd just let you walk all over me, but I'd do quite a bit to ensure that you're as comfortable as you want to be. Moving on, I'd like to consider myself someone that can make people laugh. I have a good sense of humor, and I tend to take life not-so-seriously. I can be serious, yes, but I like to have an open mind and an open heart about things. I can laugh at myself for being stupid, for sure. If we're together, don't be surprised if everyone and their mother knows. I am going to be showing you off, just know that. I won't be afraid to show my affection in public, either. I will grab you, twirl you around, then kiss you right there standing on the sidewalk. I want people to know we're together. Why is that? Well, I'm not really sure. Maybe I just want to show everyone the reason I smile. I thought I had one more good thing about myself, but it sort of slipped my mind. Oh! Wait, I remember now. I can cook! That counts for something, right? Oh, and I can do dishes too! Needless to say, you won't be doing all the work around the house. For you, I'd do just about anything, I guarantee it. Oh yeah, before I forget, I've got a job at Sheetz, and I have my learner's permit. I do believe that is all that I'll be writing as of now. I could have put a few more things wrong with me in there, like how I'm a major geek and grow a neck-beard in about twenty-four hours, but I'll let some things come as a surprise. If you read through all of this, I appreciate it! It means a lot. There's a chance that this letter ends up not being to anyone, but we won't think about that. Hopefully this gave you a good overview of, well, me! I don't expect a letter back, so don't worry about that. I just have one more thing to say; if you like me, or are interested in me for whatever reason, tell me! I really cannot take a hint, trust me. That being said, I'll be on my way now. Have a wonderful day, and don't forget that life is ticking by faster and faster. Wouldn't it be better to listen to those ticks with someone? Maybe someone like me. Sincerely, Brandon Sparkman.
Profession: Sheetz Cashier
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
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White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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