well lets start off im from belleville new jersey moved to surprise arizona about 2 weeks ago.my hobbies are simple bowling,darts,shuffle board,swimming,tv,movies,nascar go dale jr..music i like all kinds from country,70s,80s,90s,altv,on on on and on lol.Every since childhood there have been many hopes and goals for the future. Along with these two were aspirations. There was always hope for something. I could not imagine that one day I would have to tie those hopes into my future. I thought my hopes were just silly childhood dreams that would eventually fade away as the years would change. For hours I would just sit and ponder over different things. Adults would say things like “What do you hope to become when adult hood is reached?” My reply would always be “I want to be a millionaire.” Thinking it would just happen when I reached the “golden” age of eighteen.However,the older I became, the more I thought about hopes. The dictionary states that hope is a wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment. Knowing the true meaning of hope gave me an even stronger desire.
Profession: manager