Are you looking for a hard-working, responsible, family-loving man with a life. Here I am. I have been at my job for 22 years and I own my home. I pay my bills and I have no criminal record.
I am an amateur naturalist. It means that I am interested in the natural world around us and the life that inhabits it. I enjoy reading and I am interested in the earth sciences. I like learning what makes our planet tick. I am a very well-read man.
My goal is to find someone I love enough to marry and spend the rest of my life with. I am a man of simple needs and I have just about everything else I want. I just want to settle down to the business of enjoying life.
I enjoy romance and doing the domestic thing, cuddling in front of a movie and all that, but I am most definitely not a couch potato.
I love road trips to the coast or to southeastern Oregon. Most people who have not been there think the desert is flat, featureless and ugly, but they have not been to the places I have explored, where the scenery is breathtaking and there are painted canyons and blue rivers winding through ponderosa-dotted valleys.
One of my favorite things is exploring ghost towns and other old human relics. If you know where to find them, there are ghost towns and other historic ruins everywhere from the deep-forested coast to the Nevada border.
I am no expert photographer, I use a point and shoot digital camera, but I have taken some amazing photos over the years. My subjects range from awesome close-ups of flowers and insects to face-to-face portraits of rattlesnakes and other small creatures. If you want to have a fun and interesting time, throw your daypack in my truck and let's go.
I do not hang out in bars or watch tv sports. I am not much of a dancer, although I will do it on occasion.
I like most music.There is great music in just about every genre and a lot of your enjoyment depends on the frame of mind you get yourself in when listening. I can listen to La Traviata or Carmen with the same amount of enjoyment I get out of Pink Floyd or Aerosmith. I can listen to Alice Cooper or George Jones with equal pleasure.
I also enjoy making music. I can play several instruments to a degree, although I would not be able to keep up with a band. I love to sing.
Another one of my hobbies is gardening. I have a great garden growing right now and I am already harvesting good things from it although the season is early.
Now, tell me all about you.
Profession: Mill Worker