WellHiThen "Looking for america and a partner for the journey"
67 year old man from Kingman, Arizona      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About WellHiThen
It's ironic; men are supposed to be the visual ones, but most women's profiles read like casting calls for a high school play. If you haven't found your cowboy, prince charming, etc., it may be because he's not looking for a fairy tale. Then again, maybe he's looking for Cinderella... I am quite removed from the beaten path, but very real nonetheless, and expect that you can set aside your preconceived notions long enough to see that I amn't a figment of your imagination, clone of your favorite significant other, or even a man by popular definition. Nor am I looking for the popular definition of a woman. If you don't measure your self-esteem by your bra size or circle of friends, can offer more detail than "are there any good men left?", and haven't a laundry list of prerequisites for your knight in shining aroma, I'd like to hear from you. I'm pretty open in what I'm looking for. Definitely someone who looks like they belong next to me, regardless of what species they belong to. Someone who tries to understand and be understood by me, and who is proud if I do well and supportive if I don't, and who shares equally in the praise and the blame. I identify with a younger crowd, but about lifestyle rather than age. I live frugally and try to some degree to minimize my impact on the planet, and enjoy simplicity and a peaceful environment. I've been feigning retirement for nearly a decade now, but am looking for a companion with apude or interest in running a small or home business, as necessary, as opposed to doing the 9-5 thing. Happenstance brought me back here in August 06, after loading everything into a motorhome and leaving NY, wandering aimlessly and spending a couple of years fixing up an off-grid house in Memphis. I'd like to go back to a more self-sufficient lifestyle I consider myself relatively adaptable, compromising and easy going, but steadfast in my core values. I'm looking for someone who wants to share all that life offers, not just bits and pieces thereof. As a free spirit, young for my age, I play best with dynamic people with uncluttered minds. I'm a pragmatic idealist; one who sees how it is but knows how it could be. To me, it's not about whether the gl is half full or half empty, but realizing it's twice as big as it needs to be. I enjoy kicking back with a movie, reading, tinkering or other relaxed activities, but am emphatically NOT a spectator (or an athletic supporter). I've enjoyed a variety of activities like SCUBA diving and roller skating, but haven't had the opportunity lately. I'm non-compeive, apolitical, opposed to organized religion, and anti fad. I never dated in the popular sense of the word, either running solo or in spontaneous relationships. I'm willing and fairly able to do what it takes to explore the potential between us. Please be reasonable in your expectations and realistic in what you have to offer. I'm not looking for (nor can I offer) perfection, but I am looking for someone with a sense of ms, ideny, and direction at the very least.
Profession: philosopher
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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