I live in Chinatown Los Angeles. Lived in Venice Calif., then Little Tokyo in West LA near between Barrington& Sawtelle, then West Hollywood on Havenhurst near Sunset, then Cherokee Ave. in Hollywood, 7 now here in Chinatown in downtown LA. I'm originally from Cambridge, Massachusetts Always love female Asian friends including filipina, Chinese, Japanese. I'm a student of Asian culture, Buddhism and Yoga. I like marshall arts movies and making home movie documentaries of my frineds talking about their lives and experiences.
Love to text and share experiences. Love to read and love to write. Love to rent videos and watch movies: especially romantic comedies, comedies, and action adventure but with stars in them.
Was raised on rock and roll but all music.
Drive a 1991 Honda Civic Stationwagon with air conditioning and quadraphonic cette tape deck.
Profession: Writer/Researcher